Saturday, July 04, 2009

July Already?!

Wednesday July 1st, 2009  ~Well, can you believe it’s July already? My Mom called this morning and I talked to her for awhile, then we went to a few stores that I needed or wanted to go to and because Jacob had the day off and we ended up going out and doing some price comparisons on washers and dryers.  We really need a new set and a new wall oven too.  We never seem to get a break with things around here; something always seems to keep breaking!

We also went to a late lunch at Olive Garden.  The kids have been asking to go for ages and we finally agreed.  They always eat so well there!  We did a late lunch because we took them over to my friend Jill’s house at a quarter to 5 and dropped them off so Jacob and I could go and watch “Transformers 2”.  It was a good show and it didn’t seem to last the 2 1/2 hrs that it did, which is good!!!  We didn’t get back to pick up the kids till after 8.  We had to get home quickly though afterwards because Jacob has to work the next day.  He’s on two days of 12 hr shifts and had to get up in the morning at 4:30 to be to work at 6am.

~Thursday July 2nd, 2009

This morning I didn’t get up till about 7:15 though I woke a little after 6am.  I just lay in bed and slept off and on for a bit.  My back is still really hurting me from the other night on the couch.  I’m not sure what I did to it, but it doesn’t seem to be getting better!  I’m gonna try and do some back stretches today and hopefully that will help to get my back all loosened up!

It’s now after 8:07 am and I need to get breakfast for everyone.  The kids are up, I’m not sure what time they got up, but they are in the boys room watching the rest of a movie they started last night.  I didn’t put them to bed till after 10 last night.  We will be leaving at 9 to go and do a little shopping, mostly just checking things out again, though I’m going to get registered at Babies R Us for baby stuff and to get a $5 off coupon for some items that I wanted to try and get stocked up on (onsies)!  They have this really cute set that I really liked, 5 onsies in a set and they are all in darker pinks and browns and flowers, very cute!  :O)

My friend Cindy is going to meet us at the Southlands Mall at Babies R Us at 9:30 when they open.  We’re also going to check out the other baby store over there that’s going out of business.  I wanted to check and see if their sales were any better, it’s been a couple weeks since we’ve been there, they may be all sold our already?!  I guess we’ll have to wait and see till what’s going on there till we get there today.  I’ll be bringing the kids with me since Jacob is working today.  After our little run around there we are going to go and pick something up for lunch and meet Jacob at the Base and eat together.  These lunches really break up the day and make it not seem to long in-between our times together!!!  He only gets 1 1/2 hrs with us in the evenings before he has to go to bed again.

I was thinking of having the kids bring their swimsuits and going to a Water Park over next to the Base. We’ve heard it’s really fun, but haven’t ever been.  We’ll see how the weather is this afternoon though; I have to be back home by 3:15 to baby-sit Jill’s kids so she and her husband can go and watch a different show today. 

This morning I took the kids to the Southlands Mall and we did a little shopping, though they weren’t very cooperative.  Cindy met us at Babies R Us and I got registered and zapped a bunch of stuff that I wouldn’t mind having.  We also made it to that baby store going out of business; they were 50% off or more of the entire store though they didn’t have much left.  I did get a full/queen comforter set w/ ladybugs on it marked down from over $200.  It’s really cute!  We also went to Walmart and I picked up a couple other things I forgot to get when I was there yesterday.  I found a ceiling fan for $29.96 there that goes really well with our household décor!  The shelf it was sitting on said $59.88, but there was a sticker on the box and a little section up on the corner that said $29.96 so they gave it to me for the cheaper price!  Yay!  I’m hoping Jacob can install it tonight, we’ll have to wait and see?!  I don’t know if he’ll want to do that when he gets home from work this evening…

After the Mall we met Jacob for lunch, he’s still doing those 12 hr shifts.  Then the kids and I came home.  I actually got a call from the Architectural Control Committee director shortly before we left the base.  They didn’t approve the house colors we picked for our house.  Well actually they approved the trim and accent colors, but not the main house color, they said it was too dark.  I actually think it would look very lovely back among all our trees and bushes.  We picked a foresty green color for the main house and a cream for the trim and the same dark orange color for the door that it already is!  It’s very frustrating; they want us to go several shades lighter than what we’ve picked out.  I’m not sure how we are going to resolve this?!   We can’t go to the paint store because they close at 5 during the week and Jacob doesn’t get off till 6.  I didn’t ask what time they are open on the weekends, but I probably should, Jacob’s next day off after this weekend is the 10th of July and we already have a lot going on that day!

It’s currently 5:12 pm.  I’m babysitting my friends’ kids so that she can go and watch a movie with her husband.  They arrived a bit later than expected and Jill let me know the movie starts at 3:50 at the Southlands Mall.  However, when I looked it up the next show started at 4:10 and the show is 2 hrs and 23 minutes.  That means they probably won’t be back till around 7 because the theater is so far away.  For some reason they only thought the show was only playing at one theater and actually it’s playing at all the theaters.  It opened yesterday nation wide!  I did check movie times earlier this week and the theaters only had new movie times listed at certain time, but they changed for the days after the movie came out…  It’s rather frustrating!  I was going to volunteer to go and watch the movie that Jill wanted to go and see with her, but her husband said he’d go so she wouldn’t have to go by herself before I did, too bad I didn’t pipe up about it!  It didn’t really sound like her husband even wanted to go.  He was actually still working at home when she dropped the kids off and had to go and pick him back up at home then go to the theater.  It takes about 15 to 20 min to get to their place from our house and another 10 to 15 to get to the theater.  I guess it’s a good thing that the movie wasn’t actually until 4:10pm.  SMH

I’m glad that Jacob is off here in about an hour!  This day doesn’t seem to be getting any better!

8:56 p.m.  ~Jacob got home about 6:30 this evening and we had a talk about the day!  Spent quite a bit of time talking to him about the kids and the painting situation.  We went outside and looked at the house then started looking through a bunch of paint colors that I already had from previous trips to the paint store. After Jill picked up her kids about 7, Jacob, the kids and I got in the van and went around the neighborhood and checked out different paint color combinations already in the neighborhood!  We found a few that we really liked (colors, not necessarily combinations) and started plugging them into a program on the computer that we found where you can take colors and actually apply them to a picture of a house, even a picture of your own house to see how the different colors look!  We didn’t have a picture of our house though.  We’ll take a picture tomorrow and start playing with color choices.  Hopefully we can find a couple different combinations that we like and that the ACC will approve of!

Jacob and John are in bed now.  John fell asleep on our trip around the neighborhood and just went and lay down on the floor when we got back home so Jacob took him up to bed when he took himself up to get ready for bed!  Jacob has his last 12 hr shift tomorrow then he’s off for the weekend.

Anna and David are upstairs playing on the computer in Anna’s room.  I’ll probably put them to bed here in about an hour or so.

I’m gonna try and get caught up on a couple of shows and my devotionals and Bible readings for the week. I’ve been pretty busy in the mornings and have gotten a little behind in my readings so I plan to get caught up tonight before I head to bed!  Right now I’m watching “So You Think You Can Dance” and finding out who gets eliminated tonight, then I’ll do my readings!  Good Night!  :O)

Friday July 3rd, 2009

~Well, this morning I actually slept in till a little after 7:30.  I didn’t go to bed till after 10 because I got caught up on my devotions, which was good, I really needed to do that!  Anna and David went to bed the same time I did and Anna didn’t get up this morning till after 8, neither did David or John.  That was nice!  I did my devotions for this morning and watched the rest of a show that I didn’t finish last night.  Then wrote a long letter to Sara on Facebook.  For breakfast I made ham and potatoes for the kids and myself.  I even cut up a cantaloupe, which the kids ate right up.  They love melons! 

This morning I’ve started another load of laundry and am trying out the new dryer balls that I bought at ROSS.  Hopefully this will help with drying time, as we haven’t been able to get a new washer and dryer yet.  We may be getting one though here in the next couple days.  Lowe’s is having a really great sale on washers and dryers right now with extra discounts if you buy a specific brand and 0 payments and interest for a year if we use their credit card and free delivery and haul away!  We just need to check out Home Depot’s sales and then we can make a decision.  We’ll probably figure that out this weekend while Jacob is off on Saturday and Sunday.

Anna’s working on getting her laundry put away this morning and her room cleaned up.  It took her about a month to finally get her room completely clean and there is only a bit of a mess in there this morning, won’t take her long.  She won’t be doing anything else until it is done though!  David is watching a movie downstairs and John just got some nuts from me as a snack.  He’s also playing with a green balloon that I just blew up for him.

We didn't meet Jacob for lunch since we had a late breakfast, though we should have because he got stuck at work till 10 (he was suppose to get off at 6).  He got home about 10:20 pm and was able to give the kids loves since I'd just put them to bed.  I had stayed up to wait for him, so I was really tired and we both went to bed when he finally got settled.  Turned out to be a really long day for Jacob, he did a 16 hr shift.

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