Monday, July 13, 2009

July 8th to the 12th

Wednesday July 8th, 2009

            Well, I decided that I was tired of looking at my lawn looking all long and unkempt outback, so even though I mowed Sunday, I mowed again today only I put the mower on a lower setting so the lawn would be shorter and hopefully I won’t have to mow so often.  Not sure why it grew so much in the last three days, but it really didn’t even look like I mowed on Sunday, very frustrating!

            I also had Anna retrieve the shop vac from the basement and help me clean up all the sunflower shells that were all over the concrete outback, just looked really messy. 

Now John is up in his room with a movie.  I’m hoping that he will just fall asleep.  Yesterday he didn’t stay down and when I sent him to his room as a punishment around 3 or 4 he fell asleep and didn’t want to get up till several hours later.  That completely screws up his night schedule, so I wanted to get him down earlier today!

            Anna and David have been playing Legos almost all day.  They’ve only taken a couple breaks to eat really.  They’re playing in the dining room now!

            Thursday July 9th

            Well, yesterday when Jacob got home I had dinner ready.  I made stroganoff and green beans; Anna actually ate almost two plates full.  I had seconds as well, but I really need to stop doing that, though I did only have an apple and some almonds for lunch?!  We watched the last movie I rented “Street Fighter:  The Legend of Chun-Li”.  It was an okay plot, but the fighting was really cool!  Gave me some really awesome ideas for my character in the Rune Soldier game we’ll be playing tomorrow!

            Today I didn’t get up till after 7:30.  Had a lot of baby dreams last night.  Don’t remember very many details until one of the last dreams when we had baby girl on the floor in a basket and David accidentally stepped on her head.  I woke right up after that!  Not a good dream to have!  That’s exactly why I want to get a pack ‘n play to keep her in when we aren’t holding her so there’s no chance of her getting stepped on or sat on!  Still haven’t found the kind that I’m looking for, but I did post a want ad on Craigslist so I’m hoping someone will see it and write me back about it.  So far I’ve only gotten advice about how to find one, sights to join or check out.

            I think the kids are up in the boys room finishing up a movie that they were watching last night.  I didn’t put them to bed till after 10 last night.  I do need to get them going for the day though because I have decided that we are going to go to that 20% off Sale at Kid to Kid today.  They open at 10, but I plan to be there a bit early for better parking and will hopefully be one of the first ones in the door.  Their summer stuff is suppose to be up to 90% off and I plan to get baby girl stocked up for next summer!  I guess I could calculate out until age 2 or 3, but I really don’t want to store the stuff that long and they’ll have another sale like this next year, so I can do the same thing next year!  I’ll have to check out the stuff for the other kids too, but I think I find better deals for the older 3 at the Thrift Store.  I’ll look anyway though!

            Well, I better go for now, it’s 8:23 and I’m not sure if the kids are actually up.  I did hear Anna come out of her room and she never came downstairs, that’s why assumed that went into the boys room.  I need to get them all ready for the day and breakfasted!  Will write more later today!  :O)

            2:39 p.m.  ~The kids and I went to Kid to Kid this morning and found a few items for baby girl at 6/9 months.  I’m not sure where the 12 mo stuff was, oh well.  I was expecting more to be on sale, but I just didn’t like most of the items they had available today.  I mostly got onesies or items that I can pair with other things I already have.  I got John a Lightening McQueen baseball cap and Anna got an Eric doll w/ accessories.  Didn’t find anything for David.  I got 20% off my whole purchase, but some of the items were suppose to be 50% off first then 20% off and I didn’t get the first discount so I have to go back and get that fixed before we got and meet Jacob for dinner.  I also want to try and find a pair of socks that I bought, but didn’t make it in my bag for some reason.  Very frustrating cause they were super cute and I had found two other pair of socks to get them all at 3 for $1 instead of 40¢ ea.  So hopefully I can find them!  I called the store, but they didn’t see them anywhere.  I’m not sure why they didn’t make in the sack cause I saw them on the table before the lady loaded everything in there.  Maybe she accidentally pushed them on the floor when she scooped everything up.

            I’m gonna get the kids ready to leave here in a few minutes.  Don’t want to wait too long, I’ve just got the feeling that someone else found them and bought them, they were so darn cute!  I’ll let you know when we get back from dinner!

            Saturday July 11th

~The kids and I went back Thursday afternoon after John was up.  Didn’t find the socks even though we combed the whole store.  I did end up getting Anna a really cute pair of dress shoes in pink and three more pair of socks.  I don’t need anymore 0-3 mo socks!!!

            Friday was very busy!  In the morning we got up late, but had to get ready for a trip to the Hospital, where baby will be born, for a tour.  This is a new Hospital that we are going to.  John was born at a different Hospital with midwives and since the problems last year with the miscarriage and trying to get regulated were taking so long I decided that I wanted to go with OB’s this time around.  My PCP recommended the practice I’m seeing now.  The tour was at 11 and lasted an hour.  So very boring!  I already knew all the info, but just basically wanted to find out the layout of this Hospital versus the other one.  I also wanted to know what was available in the rooms; they don’t have fans in the bathroom so I will have to bring my own for white noise so I can sleep!  Other than that the info wasn’t much different than any other hospital that I’ve been to, so there really wasn’t any need to bring the whole family.  Oh well!

            After the tour we went and picked up lunch on our way home.  We needed to be home by 1 for our role-playing game.  We arrived 10 min before 1, but our guests didn’t show up till a quarter after and even later!  Not sure why it’s so hard to keep to a schedule.  It’s the same one we’ve been keeping for a couple weeks now, but it seems to be getting harder and harder for them!  We have another game on Tuesday and hopefully Wednesday then we are probably going to be taking a two week break before starting back up again?!  Cindy’s husband is coming back from his 5 wk training course in the Springs at the end of next week and she’s not sure of his schedule yet (neither is he).  Jacob will be leaving on the 27th for CA till that Friday (31st) so we can’t do anything that week.  The role-playing game lasted till almost 5 and then we had to call it quits because everyone needed to go.

            That evening we were expecting the delivery of our new washer and dryer.  They told us at Lowe’s that they’d be here after 4.  At 5:40 I finally got Jacob to call and find out where they were and when they’d arrive.  He got the answer between 6 and 8.  Fortunately by the time he got off the phone it was about 5:55 and they called shortly after 6 to say they’d be here in a few minutes.  Took ‘em quite awhile to get the washers hauled downstairs and the old one’s upstairs.  They didn’t leave till around 7:40ish, but now we have a brand new washer and dryer that are pretty cool!  Can’t wait to try them out and to not having to dry clothes for 2+ hours.

            Today I was hoping to get to the Farmer’s Market at the Southlands Mall and check things out there, plus a few other shops around there.  The Southlands Mall is an outdoor Mall, each of the shops is individual shop that you access from outside.  Kind of like an Old West Town of shops would look, but modern!  However Jacob didn’t get to bed this morning till 3:40 and he slept till a bit before 10 this morning.  It’s now 11:18 and he’s getting dressed and should be down shortly, but the Farmer’s Market ends at 1pm and I really didn’t want to get the leftovers from there.  Fresher is better!  Oh well maybe another weekend.  They only have the really large markets on Saturday there, which are when most of the vendors show up.

            I went to Hobby Lobby by myself once Jacob was up and also stopped at a Kids Furniture and Baby stuff shop that I had always thought was a Daycare Center.  Everything was way too expensive for me!

            When I got back home we ate lunch and then headed to Southlands and got a few things at Babies R Us, Walmart and Sams Club.  Jacob had to be back by 5:30 for his RPG and we got back a little after 4.  The kids and I didn’t do much in the evening, just watched some movies and they played a bit.

            Sunday July 12th

~Today was pretty typical:  Went to 1st Service, I taught the 2’s/3’s 2nd Service, though I only had two kids (Jacob came and took the boys home so they wouldn’t have to stay).  Then Anna and I went and got groceries at the Commissary.  Watched a couple movies. Jacob took a nap to get ready to start his night shift this evening (he just left about half an hour ago) and I just put the kids down for the night.  Jacob’s working night shifts all week 10pm to 6am.  I am trying out our new washer and dryer.  I’m hoping it finishes by the time I’m done with this and I can put everything in the dryer then it should be ready first thing in the morning!

Well I better go, it’s after 10 and I don’t want the kids to get up before me.  Anna’s suppose to stay in her room and get it cleaned up, but the boys will probably start running wild through the house and Jacob will be home by then sleeping so I need to try and keep them quite.  I’ll write more soon!

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