Monday, July 20, 2009

To today...

Friday July 17th ~     Jacob found out that he had to go to Muster Duty at 9.  He didn't find out till that morning about 6:30 when he called.  None of the paperwork at home had the official time on it.  He was back home by 1.  Apparently it was a horrible 4 hours of standing in line to fill in some information that they could of very well taken via e-mail.  Jacob said it was like a 4 hr long recruiting session.  Very, very boring!
          Saturday we got up early to go to a garage sale that I was hoping would have some great stuff for Maggie this winter, but just like the last sale I went to the items were way too expensive for garage sale items.  Doesn't matter what brand they are!!!  We stopped by a doughnut shop first and picked up some doughnuts for the kids.  I bribed them to get up with the prospect of doughnuts.  After the garage sale we went by the Farmer's Market, but didn't end up getting anything.  Going at 8am isn't the best time like I thought.  They didn't have all the shops set up by 8:30 am and then none of the shops in the outdoor Mall were open.  We probably won't go for a couple weeks and definitely later than we went this time.  Well, actually I think we need to go this next Saturday to use up my coupons, they are only good till the 31st of the month.  There are several things I'd still really like to get!
On our way back towards home we stopped at a couple other garage sales, but we didn't get anything.  It was a very frustrating outing, especially since I printed out several maps of a couple of the garage sales we stopped at, but their description on Craigslist wasn't very accurate!  That's always so frustrating when people misrepresent their ads.
          We stopped by Walmart and picked up some hamburger and hotdog buns (I didn't realize that we didn't have many left when I went grocery shopping the week before).  We decided to go over to Home Depot after and get some paint samples to try out on the house.  I wanted to walk over and I asked Jacob to bring the van over so we wouldn't have to walk back, I brought the boys with me.  Anyway, as we got past the last set of Walmart doors we ran into Amy Livingston whom I haven't seen in years.  Her husband works with Jacob occasionally on Base. She had her kids with her,  Sydney is almost 3 and Ethan is 9 mo.  I knew that she had had a baby boy, but never got any more information that that.  We talked for a bit and before we parted our separate ways mentioned getting together some time here in the near future.  It really has been a long time since we've gotten together with them!
          When we got back home we painted around the back door with several different green colors to make sure that the cream color we picked for trim would work with them and the door color as well.
          Sunday we all went to Church.  Jacob and I attended first service then the kids stayed with me during second service and Jacob attended a class.  I had more kids this Sunday.  I think 7 or 8, not including my kids.  I'm thinking of revamping my teaching curriculum for the younger kids that can't seem to sit through a Veggie Tale movie.  There's just too much time to try and fill up for little kids.  I'm not sure what to do yet, but I need to figure out something for next Sunday...
          After Church we came home and had lunch, then watched a couple movies.  Jacob wanted to watch something else or play a video game, but I requested that we go to a couple shops first.  The first shop will remain a secret in case a certain someone decides to read this, the other was Home Depot.  We picked up a couple more paint colors for the house.  Jacob  got the paint mixed and I took the kids over to Sonic and got us all treats for Happy Hour, drinks half price!  We went back and picked up Jacob then went home and painted some more samples on the wall.  I'm not exactly sure that we've decided on a color yet or that the ACC will approve of the colors we like.  Will let you all know...
          Well, Jacob had to go to bed at 8 last night to get ready for work today.  The kids and I didn't come to bed till around 10.  I still wasn't even tired at that time, but I went to bed anyway.  This morning I woke at almost 8.  For some reason last night I woke at 3 this morning and didn't get back to a restful sleep till a little after 5 this morning.  
          Today I have no plans.  I'm thinking of getting some cleaning done today, but still haven't gotten motivated enough to really do's now 10:37.  The only thing I've really gotten done today was make breakfast and sweep the kitchen floor.  I'm going to try and get a few more things done today, not sure what yet...  I'll update this again soon!

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