Monday, July 13, 2009

More things that kids say...

 ***On Facebook I have a virtual aquarium with several realms and one of those realms I let John pick out the castle style and color (green of course). Anyway, I was tending to John’s realm and he said, “Mom where is my castle?” and I was like, “It’s right there."  Then John said, “But it doesn’t have a door.” (It’s a very tiny door for a castle.)  I pointed to it, “It’s right there.” And he was like, “Oh, but where is the garage door?”

            Anna also said something pretty hilarious the other day.  I was sitting in my chair watching a squirrel eating from one of the bowls outside and Anna was sitting on the couch across from me when I said (out loud), “I just want to pick one of those squirrels up and squeeze it.  They look so cute and soft.”  And Anna chimed in, “You don’t want to do that, it will probably scratch your face off and it might have rabies.”  LOL  It was so funny because this is exactly what we’ve told the kids when they’ve mentioned something about petting the squirrels!  It’s amazing and rather funny at times what they remember you tell them!  :O)

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