Monday, July 20, 2009

More updates...

Thursday July 16th, 2009

                      Well, here’s the update for the last couple days!  Jacob is working nights this whole week (that’s 10pm to 6am).  On Monday and last night he was called in early and didn’t really get his evening nap, but he seems to be doing all right.  Last night he got a couple extra hours of overtime, so that will be nice (over time on nights)! 

            On Monday I took the kids to the Thrift Store and found some pretty cool stuff.  Got Anna a couple pair of pants.  She’s going to need a couple more pair for school.  We should probably go through all her clothes and see what else she needs before school starts.  I haven’t looked through her clothes in about 6 months so I’m sure she’s outgrown a few things.  She’s in a size 8 pant right now…

            In the afternoon when Jacob was up we took the kids and met my friend Cindy at the Cinema Grill and watched “Up”.  It’s such a good movie!  I would have been bawling out loud if I weren’t in a theater.  I cried twice and almost a third time!  Such a touching and funny movie!  The kids really enjoyed it too!  We’ll buy it when it comes out on DVD in the next couple months.

            On Tuesday I had my 32 wk OB visit.  It was a routine visit, everything on track.  We were supposed to have an RPG that day, but Jill’s son had an allergic reaction to something at school so she had to take him to the allergist.  He’s deathly allergic to many things so they get in right away!  Turned out it was just a reaction to the allergy med he’s taking and was a normal though rather unusual reaction, the school just didn’t want to take any chances!

            We did meet yesterday for our game though we didn’t get started till about 3:45.  Everyone left after our first mission was complete.  It was over a bit after 5.  Jacob wanted to get in more than one mission yesterday, but it’s a good thing we didn’t because he wouldn’t have gotten any nap at all.  We’ll have to meet 4 more times to complete everything that he wants to before we stop playing with these characters.

            Yesterday I got the laundry/storage room organized.  We picked up some large storage bins at Walmart and I got all the kids stuff and linens organized.  The room is very colorful with all the different colors of bins in there now and it’s much easier to find what we need.

            Today we have absolutely nothing going on.  No plans, nothing on the calendar to get done or do.  We’ll probably just hang out and relax today.  I’ll have to write more about today tomorrow since I have no idea what we’re going to do.

            Tomorrow Jacob has Muster Duty for a Military information update.  I think he’ll find out about what will happen to our ID’s next year when they expire, if we’ll get new ones or not.  It’s really going to suck if we don’t get new ID’s because we won’t be able to get groceries at the Commissary.  I’ll have to revamp my shopping style and cut down on groceries since they’re so expensive anywhere else.

            Saturday I discovered that there is a garage sale at 8am that is supposed to have lots of little girl stuff, name brand stuff, from ages 0-3T.  I’m hoping they don’t have things too expensive and can stock up on things for Maggie!  We’ll see…  We’re going to the Farmer’s Market afterwards and I’m not sure what else.  Jacob is off Friday through Sunday. 

            No plans Sunday either other than Church and teaching the 2’s/3’s at the 10:45 Service.  I’ll be doing that through the 30th of August.  We’ll have to see if I can make it that far because I think that I might be fighting with water retention the farther along I get!  I’m not going to want to go into public if I’m swollen up like a balloon.  One of my friends from Great Falls had that happen to her the last couple weeks of her pregnancy and there’s no way I’d want to go out in public blown up like that.  I’m just too big to start out with.  Fortunately for her she was a little cutie and it didn’t look too bad on her!

            This next week we have nothing going on at all.  I’m probably gonna go crazy from boredom.  The house is usually pretty clean so that won’t take much time at all.  I’m hoping to go to a movie with Cindy, but that will depend on her husbands’ schedule.  We might get another game in on Friday, but that will depend on Cindy’s husbands schedule too!

            There is a big sale at Kid to Kid on Friday the 24th.  You can stuff any $1 in your bag for $5.  I’m hoping they have a lot more $1 items cause last time I went they didn’t have hardly anything that I was interested in and nothing in sizes for Anna, David, or John.  Saturday the 25th the Aurora Public Library resale shop will be having a 50% off the whole store sale (excluding clearance items).  I’ll probably go and check it out, but I’m not looking for anything in particular!  Apparently Doug is looking for Robert Jordan and Tom Clancey books.  This was Mom’s suggestion for me to get him for Christmas.

              I’m still hoping to be able to make it to Idaho/Washington for Christmas during the break the kids have.  I’d like to stay up there for at least a week, depends on how much time Jacob ends up taking off when Maggie’s born.

            Well we pretty much hung out at home today.  Watched some TV and the kids played downstairs.  Jacob got up around 1 and I started organizing the craft room downstairs.  I stopped when Jacob got up.  Made spaghetti and salad for dinner.

            Jacob suggested that we go for a walk this evening.  The weather was rather cool so we started walking through the greenbelt.  Stopped at the School and the Pool playground for break.  At the Pool playground Jacob and I played a bit with the Frisbee he brought, haven’t done that in awhile.  When we got home David fell on the floor and declared, “I thought I was a gonner!”  It was pretty funny because we probably went less than half the distance of our normal walks with two play stops along the way so it was just a very leisurely walk.  :O)

            Anyway, I’ll wrap this up for today.  Hope you have a great weekend!

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