Thursday, July 09, 2009

And now for something totally different...

~I was brushing Anna’s hair yesterday afternoon because she wanted me to put a ponytail in her hair, as I was brushing it out I told her she had a lot of rats in her hair and when I was finished, John, who had been sitting next to me the whole time watching, came closer to her hair and ran his hand through her pony tail and said, “I don’t see a mouse in there!”  

He’s has some of the greatest comments sometimes and almost the best timing of the kids of coming up with hysterical comments, though I don’t know if he realizes that what he’s doing.

            Also yesterday evening, Jacob, John, and I were sitting around the dining room table.  John was playing with one of his Lego people and the Lego castle Jacob glued together and started doing the breathing like Darth Vader does in ‘Star Wars’, you know the raspy throaty breathing, usually before he says, “Luke, I am you’re father!”.  Anyway, he was doing a really great job, breathing and making his character do a dialogue when all of a sudden he started choking on his own saliva because he just had too much in his mouth.  

He was okay, recovered very quickly, but it was just so funny because that’s a very similar situation to what happened in the movie “Space Balls” when their version of a Darth Vader character couldn’t breath in his mask, sounded just like what happened with John!  LOL  :O)

            So that’s something a bit different to read about for once.  I’ll try and put more stuff like this in from the kids.  Stuff like this happens all the time I just forget to write it down.  Actually there was one other instance yesterday with John, but I can’t remember exactly what he said, but it was just perfect timing to something Jacob said and again, so very funny!  Maybe he’ll be our family comedian?!  :O)

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