Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The last few July (6-8)

Well, it’s the 6th already.  Yesterday we didn’t do anything too interesting.  None of us got up till after 8 because we stayed up late Saturday night watching fireworks.  (Didn’t get home till a little after 10.)  Jacob made pancakes for the kids and I had potatoes and ham.  Jacob installed the new ceiling fan, but discovered that one of the glass covers for the lights was broken.  We installed 2 of the 4 light covers and then used 2 covers from the light fixture that we didn’t use from the ceiling fan in our room.  It looked alright, but I wanted to see what they had at the Hardware Store and since we needed to go anyway to order the new washer and dryer we went and looked at Lowe’s.  I ended up getting a smaller cup with beaded glass tinted a very light amber/gold color.  It looks better with the gold details on the ceiling fan than the white frosted cups did.  Jacob also purchased a duct cleaning system and decided to clean out the dryer vents to make sure that wasn’t the reason behind our dryer not working (then he could go back and cancel our washer/dryer order), but turns out the vents weren’t hardly dirty at all, so we are getting a new washer and dryer Friday evening!  Yay!  :O)  This new set will really cut down on my washing/drying time and also save lots of energy due to the sensing technology that it has when you load the washer.  It can tell how heavy the load is and only provides enough water for their weight.  It’s pretty cool!  It’s a top load washer and front load dryer like we already have only maximum capacity.  It will make doing bedding and 6 persons worth of laundry so much easier!!!  I’m really excited!  :O)

I did a bit of work myself yesterday.  I just mowed the lawn outback and hooked up the new fanning sprinkler head to the hose for the kids to play in.  I also started working on the dragon part of the mural downstairs.  I mostly got the outer body part of the dragon done, but had to stop because I didn’t have the picture with me to tell what all I should paint.  This is just the first coat for the dragon body.  It’s a really large dragon.  She’s about as tall as me and 4 times as wide at least!  She’ll be super cute when I’m done with her.  I’ll take pictures and post them on my blog!

Today I’m doing a lot of cleaning.  Already washed two loads of laundry, put a load of dishes away, and made a large pot of sweet tea.  Stripped my bed and re-made it.  David’s been bathed and the kids are dressed and have eaten breakfast.  I cleaned all 3 of the bathrooms and washed down a portion of the kitchen counters and the garbage compactor.  Took out the trash too (though the main garage will need to be taken out this evening for trash collection tomorrow morning).  We will be leaving here in about 10 minutes to go and meet Jacob for lunch.  We’ll be arriving a bit early and ordering his food so he’ll be able to eat when he arrives.  We’re going to BJ’s, it’s  a really yummy restaurant here!

Tuesday July 7th, 2009

          ~Well, we met Jacob for lunch yesterday and the timing of everything arriving couldn’t have been better because he just sat down as they brought out his food.  He wanted a mini pizza and the lunch version comes with a salad so he ate that too!  He was stuffed afterwards.  Anna ordered chicken strips with wedge fries and the boys had a mini burger with wedge fries too, though between them all they only ate one meals worth (it was their snack later when they got home and realized they were still hungry).  I got the half sandwich with salad and fries.  I probably won’t get another sandwich combo because the sandwiches just aren’t as good as the burgers and open face meatloaf sandwich, that one is my favorite!  Used my last $5 off coupon so that brought the price down, which is always nice!  We might get out one more time Thursday w/ another printed off coupon if I can find it.  I think I printed off quite a few, but am not sure where they all went?!  Maybe Cindy will go with us this time, I’ll have to ask when she comes over for dinner and a movie tonight!

After lunch we basically just lounged at home till it was time to go to the movie I was going to see with Cindy.  We arrived at a little after 4 and waited in the lobby until Jacob arrived to take the kids back home.  Jacob is working a regular shift this week so he gets off at 4 every evening through Thursday.  Anyway, Cindy and I watched “Land of the Lost” at the Cinema Grill.  The food was good, but the movie was awful!  I wouldn’t recommend even renting it; it’s just a waste of time.  If you’ve seen the previews you’ve seen all the funny parts!  We talked out at my car for a bit before heading home.  Jacob had called about his possible Jury Duty today and he was excused so he went into work today like usual.  Though he got another Jury summons in the mail yesterday for August 5th I believe.  It’s a one day trial thing, so I’m not sure what’s going to be up with that?!  I guess we’ll have to wait and see?!

I put the kids to bed at 8 because I wanted everyone to be up early in the morning to go and rent the new movies for today.  I was actually able to reserve my top choice on-line.  I rented 3 movies, though we’ll only be able to watch 2 tonight probably.  Jacob has to go to bed about 8 every evening when he’s working days, so we’re gonna start the first movie as soon as he arrives home this evening.  I have Cindy coming about 4 so that she’ll be here when Jacob arrives.  I haven’t decided what I’m going to make for dinner yet, but I need to get some meat thawing or we’re just gonna have to eat cereal or something?!

Have been working more on getting the house clean today.  The family room where we spend most of our time is clean as is the kitchen pretty much.  There are only a few items that still need to be put away, but I need to make another pot of sweet tea so they’ll go away when I make that!  The front room has been straightened a bit and I dusted and wiped some wood protector on the nicer wood furniture in there.  I still need to do a bit more dusting, but at least I got the major items done already.  The kids helped a lot with running stuff to different parts of the house, that’s how I got the kitchen pretty much cleaned up!  There always seems to be items with no place around here and it’s very frustrating just having them lay around out in the open just cluttering up surfaces.  I also went through my coupon drawer and cut up the coupons I wanted to keep and threw away all the outdated ones, so that’s not such a mess!

I still need to go up and clean my room a bit.  Put away clothes and two baskets worth of laundry; one of which is all linens that I need to organize into our extra clothes closet behind our bathroom.  Anna will have to help me fold the sheets so they all fit!  The other basket is full of mostly the kids clothes and I think I decided that it will be easier to take it in their room and get it all put away!  I have one more load of laundry to do downstairs some time this week.  I kind of wanted to get it done before the new washer and dryer arrived so that it’s not so cluttered down there when they install it!

It’s currently 1:28 and John didn’t stay down for his nap so I’m going to go and finish the vacuuming upstairs and get my room cleaned, plus everything else I wanted to get done.  Was thinking about washing the windows on the sliding glass door to the backyard and front door so there aren’t hand prints all over them?!  We’ll see if I get to that today, it’s not a bit deal…

I might just need to send this letter off before the weekend since I’ve already written so much.  Not really a whole lot interesting going on, just routine stuff.  Though today I am 31 weeks pregnant, only about 9wish weeks to go.  I’m hoping that little lady decides to come earlier than later since I’m already over my total weight gain at the end with John and I’m pretty much expected to gain about a pound a week near the end.  Let’s hope that doesn’t happen cause baby girl will be over 9 lbs if that happens.  I’m hoping for more around a light 7.  :O)  We’ll see and I’ll keep ya’ll posted!

Wednesday July 8th, 2009

            ~Well, I got everything done yesterday that I wanted to get done, cleaning wise.  My friend Cindy showed up 20 minutes earlier than I expected, which was okay since I was just hanging up with Sara and getting ready to start on dinner.  Made chicken curry for dinner, Cindy had never had any before and said it was good.  Jacob got home at 4:15, which is a lot earlier than usual.  Dinner was almost ready so we went and ahead and started the movie.  We were able to watch the two movies that I had planned to watch.  Tonight we will watch the last one I rented and I’ll have to take them back to the Redbox. 

This morning I didn’t get up till about 7:30.  I stayed up till after 10 with the kids and watched a couple shows that I had recorded.  John watched “America’s Got Talent” with me.  He took a late nap so I didn’t think he would go to bed at 8:30 when his dad did so we all stayed up.  When we do that the kids sleep in till almost 8am or later.  It’s nice to be able to get a few things done in the morning, if I get up before them that is…

I’m not sure what we are going to do today other than the movie this evening with Jacob.  No plans really.  I got all my cleaning done yesterday so I don’t really need to do anything in that department.  I’m rather tired today.  I think we’ll all just take it easy cause tomorrow we are going to probably go and watch “Kung Fu Panda” at one of the Cinemas in town for free.  We’ll see though, I really wanted to make it to this sale at Kid to Kid, which starts tomorrow at 10, but the movie is at 10 on the other side of town.  I was hoping to stock up on summer stuff for baby girl for next year and possibly some stuff for Anna maybe.  They carry kids clothing sizes from 0-14 I think, so Anna’s in about size 9-10 right now.  Though their clothes tend to be on the pricier side than Unique Thrift where I usually shop.  However, they just had a 50% off sale for the 4th and I’m waiting a week or two for them to get restocked before I go back there.  I think Anna is going to need jeans for school this Fall.  I’ll have to do an inventory of the kids clothes and figure out what they will need for School and this winter.  We didn’t have much winter stuff last year, but they didn’t really go out much to play so it wasn’t that big of a deal if they were wearing jackets.  I think Anna needs a new winter coat though.  The one I bought her last year was really getting on my nerves with the whole poofy hood thing (only paid $10 for it at Walmart) so it wasn’t a big loss to donate it to the Thrift Store this summer after our garage sale.  Will update this more this evening after stuff happens...

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