Saturday, July 04, 2009

July 4th '09

Happy Independence Day!

This morning Jacob and I slept in till after 8 am.  (After Jacob's long day yesterday (a 16 hr shift) he was just completely beat when he got home at 10:20 last night!)  When we finally got up, so were the kids.  Anna had the boys all dressed up.  David was wearing his Easter suit with a black jacket and she was wearing this new dress I picked at the Church garage sale a couple weeks ago (red and sparkly), John was just wearing a dress shirt and jeans...they all looked very interesting in their varying decrees of dress-uppedness!  :O)

This morning we planned to head to the Farmer's Market at the Southlands Mall and let the kids play in the fountains.  When we all got loaded up in the van the Community Parade was going down the street so we had to wait.  We all went down to the end of our culdesac and watched what was left of the parade.  What was left didn't even last 5 minutes.  The kids retrieved some candy that had been thrown all around the ground along the parade route.  We all headed back home after and re-loaded the kids into van.  As Jacob was pulling out we realized that the van was on empty so we had to go over and fuel up and also stopped at an ATM to get some cash out for the Farmer's Market.

When we finally arrived at the Farmer's Market Jacob let Anna, David and I out at the curb at the beginning of the sale and he went and parked the van on the other side with John.  The kids and I walked around checking out the different booths heading in the direction I thought Jacob and John would be coming from.  When we finally met up we went straight over to the Honey booth and bought 2 ea. of 8 different flavors of honey sticks to try:  orange, raspberry, cherry, strawberry, cinnamon, clover, lemon, and grape.  Jacob got a coffee cake muffin, Anna picked out a loaf of bread, and I got 2 lbs of steak burger which Jacob BBQ'd up for lunch when we got home.  The boys just shared the honey sticks with all of us, which were really good!  When we were done walking around the Market we let the kids play in the ground fountain.  Anna got soaked, David would run through, but didn't get very wet, and John wouldn't go in at all (at least we found out his swimsuit fits)!  They had lots of fun, but we pulled them just after Noon when Anna's lips were starting to turn blue.  

It's been pretty cool and overcast most of the day, right now it's raining like crazy!  Not sure what kind of effect this is going to have on the fireworks show tonight?!  It is messing with our satellite system and I had to turn it off because it lost signal.  The kids weren't too happy cause they were in the middle of watching a show.  I just sent them downstairs to watch something there since I can't get the TV to work up here.

After our steak burger lunch I asked Jacob if he would try and get the new ceiling fan installed. I used the money my sister gave me for my Birthday to buy it.  It's something that I've been thinking about for awhile and I found a great deal on this particular one for $29.96.  (The shelf it was sitting on said $59.88 and it rang up that too, but a place on the box had $29.96 marked on it and another sticker that said the same thing, but I just found another sticker that says $49.88.  They need to get their pricing straight, but because they didn't I got the much better deal, $30 off!)  Anyway, as he was working on it he discovered that he needed some washers and even amidst our multitude of different odds and ends of nuts/bolts/etc. he couldn't find anything that would work.  We had to go the hardware store and pick some up.

We got back about 3:30 and unfortunately Jacob had to get ready to leave for work at 4.  He was told last night just before he got off he had to be ready for more work by 5 this evening. Neither he nor I are very happy about that!  He's at work now with no idea of when he'll be able to come home?!  Hopefully he'll be off in time to watch fireworks with us over by Bicentennial Park if they end up having them that is (still raining like crazy here!).  THIS WAS SUPPOSE TO BE HIS DAY OFF!!!

Jacob got home a little after 8 and we left to go and find a parking spot for the fireworks show at a quarter to 9.  It was already very crowded everywhere, but we ended up finding a parking spot on the other side of the Mall.  The perfect place for a quick get away after the fireworks show so we wouldn't end up spending two hours on the road home like years before.  The show started promptly at 9:30 pm and lasted for 25 minutes.  All the kids were awake and really enjoyed it!  It took us 11 minutes to get home due to our excellent parking strategy!  We were one of the first ones out of the lot when the show ended.  We all went to bed when we got home, we were all very tired!

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