Thursday, September 02, 2010

Stop Complaining

       I just wanted to start out by saying that I struggle with complaining as much as the next person.  However, this topic has been on my mind a lot and I've started to feel really guilty for my negative attitude and I want to try and change because I know that complaining isn't conducive to a healthy family atmosphere or when I'm around my friends either.  I would also like to apologize to my family and friends for all the complaining I do and let you know that I'm going to try and be more positive and think more carefully before I speak, please keep in mind that I am only human and things may slip, but I am going to try harder to have 'a thankful heart' not a 'negative complaining' attitude!  ...Below is an article taken from Joyce Meyers website, I'll include the link at the bottom so you can check out more information if you are interested.  God bless you all!  Love, ~Jenny

In Everything Give Thanks

A Thankful Heart

by Joyce Meyer

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of year, and as Christians we can celebrate it all year long. 

Psalm 100:4 tells us to enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise… (NASB). The Message says it this way: Enter with the password: “Thank you!” Make yourselves at home, talking praise…. In other words, thanksgiving and praise are the keys to entering into God’s presence and being at home there. 

Now for most of us, being thankful doesn’t come naturally. Our normal, fleshly tendency is to let our circumstances determine our level of thankfulness. The problem with that is, depending on what our circumstances are at the moment, we may or may not feel like being thankful for them.

But for the believer, being thankful is meant to be a way of life regardless of what we may be experiencing at the moment. It is an attitude of our hearts that we maintain by the grace of God. I believe it’s vital for us to choose to have a grateful attitude because just as thankfulness opens the door to God’s presence, thanklessness opens the door to the destroyer in our lives. 

God’s Battle Plan

When we have an ungrateful attitude of murmuring and complaining, it’s like sending the devil an invitation to come into our house. I once had a dog named Buddy. When he was outside and I wanted him to come in, I would whistle for him and he would come running. Well, complaining is like “whistling” for the devil. When he hears our ungrateful words, he comes running through the door of our soul. He is quick and happy to give us more misery to complain about. 

How do we defeat him? I believe one of the quickest ways is through praise and thanksgiving. In Psalm 149:6 David gives us a picture of our battle position against the enemy. He declares, Let the high praises of God be in their throats and a two-edged sword in their hands. A thankful attitude protects us from a negative mindset and sets us free from Satan’s captivity. As we thank God for who He is—His character, ability and might—we will see His power for victory released on our behalf. 

Practice Daily

You and I need to make it our daily aim to have a grateful heart and resist complaining. I don’t mean that we need to stick our head in the sand and avoid dealing with things that are negative or difficult. But we do need to make it our goal to be as positive as possible every day. When we maintain a positive attitude, it’s much easier to fill our thoughts and words with appreciation.

As you look forward to celebrating another Thanksgiving holiday, why not let it be the beginning of a new season of gratitude in your life. Begin going to bed thanking God and waking up thanking God. Ask the Lord to help you develop an attitude of gratitude one day at a time. As you generously express your appreciation to God and others, you will not only dwell in the presence of the Lord, but also walk in victory over the enemy. Now that’s something to be thankful for!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay for positive attitudes! (Thanksgiving is also my favorite holiday.)