Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday Night Bible Study

This evening I went to our Wednesday Night Bible Study by myself.  Jacob stayed home with the kids since Maggie is still sporting a snotty nose and I didn't want her slimming everyone and have anyone catch her cold (though Church is where she got it from, 2nd one this month), he offered to stay home since I stayed home with the girls on Sunday. 

Bible Study went pretty good.  We talked about the Holy Spirit and all He does for us.  Pastor made a huge list of everything on the board.  Basically He, the Holy Spirit, is always with us doing everything for us and as long as we rely/trust in Him/God we never have to worry about anything because essentially He does everything for us.  Sounds easy hugh?  Except for the whole flesh/selfish thing that gets in the way ALL the time!!!  I'm working on it though. 

I also found out that next semester is when we are actually going to talk about 'how to tune our hearts to be able to hear what the Lord has to say'.  I almost started crying because I think that that issue was part of the reason that I joined the class in the first place and to find out that I'm not going to learn 'HOW' till next year...I was a bit heart broken!  We did go over a few items about listening to and hearing from God, but we didn't go in depth.  I did learn a little bit though nothing in great detail, but Pastor said that we need to filter our bodies of the flesh and worldly things so that we don't have all the distractions and then we should be able to hear what He has to say.  He said that it usually takes him half and hr to attune himself to be able to hear God, but then it's clear as a bell.  (All this what the pastor says has been a 'Jenny paraphrase', just fyi.)  Also if God has to yell at us or do something drastic or huge to get our attentions, WE AREN'T LISTENING!!!  Or being quiet enough to hear Him!

Anyway, I'm hoping that at our meeting with the Pastor next Monday that we can discuss this a bit more because unanswered questions and the feeling like I have no clear direction in my daily life is really driving me crazy!  I want to be able to ask God a question and get an answer.  At least to important, potential time critical questions!  I DO realize that it's possible that God's idea of important or time critical isn't the same as mine, but I guess that's the part that, if true, is really weighing on me because I don't see the harm in knowing the answer to the question and actually not knowing the answer is causing me great stress.  I'm not a patient person, but I've been praying and asking for quite awhile now and I still don't have peace, which is what I'm searching for, so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do?!  I do have a plan though and that will have to tide me over till I either get a word from God or something else happens to answer that question in a different way!  We'll/I'll have to wait and see...

I am glad that I started this Bible Study though.  I think it's going to help me get my attitude in the right place to be able to cultivate the type of relationship with God that I long for!  :O)

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