Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Dishwasher - Take 2

I say this is Take 2 because this is our second new dishwasher in 2 weeks.  We had to get a new dishwasher because our old one is on recall after only having it for 2 years, there is supposedly something wrong with the electrical system and it could cause a fire.  So in order to get the rebate we needed to order the new dishwasher, only certain model numbers qualified, and now we can get the piddly $250 rebate on a $700 dishwasher.

The first dishwasher took at least 2 weeks to come in.  Jacob brought it home, had it all set up, was getting ready to push it in and realized that the whole frame was completely bent out of shape.  We called maintenance who came two days later, they confirmed and ordered new parts, which would cost the same as getting a new dishwasher and said if we couldn't order a new dishwasher they'd repair the old one.  I'm not sure if the repairs would come out of our pocket or not or would be covered by our warranty, but we paid for the 5 yr extended warranty cause of our luck with appliances.  Anyway, the parts came in Tuesday evening and the repair guy was scheduled to come Wednesday and so was our new dishwasher.  Since we were able to order the new dishwasher, which only took 1 wk to get here this time, Jacob called and canceled the service call (or so he thought after a lengthy talk with the operator), but maintained the appointment in order for them to pick up the parts.  Well, the guy calls around 2 on Wednesday to confirm his arrival time and I said, now this is just to pick up the parts, this is no longer for a service call.  The guy was surprised and confused and said he'd be here shortly.  He arrived around 2:20 and was like, what's going on?  I was like, my husband called yesterday and informed whomever at the office that we were able to order a dishwasher.  The guy who came the week before said that if we were able to order the new dishwasher that when the parts came in that we should just keep the appointment to pick up the parts, but cancel the service call.  Apparently the lady in the office didn't relay that to the service guy.  He didn't seem very happy.

Anyway, the new dishwasher is in, Jacob installed it yesterday evening and I'm on my second load today.  This load I'm trying the normal wash, but it's not helping any with the noise.  This dishwasher is supposed to be a 400 quiet series, but it ISn't very quite!  If the noise from this thing doesn't go away, which I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be as loud as it is, we'll probably need to call in the maintenance people to check it out!  If there isn't anything that we can do about it I might just have to run the dishes only at night...  I'm not sure why it's being such a difficult machine, it's quite frustrating! 

The first load I did on a sense mode, which went pretty quickly.  Our other dishwasher, even on the short cycle, would take 80+ minutes to wash the dishes.  I didn't time the sense load, but it seemed a lot quicker than that!  We'll see how long this one takes, there isn't a timer on it like our other dishwasher, so I guess I'll just have to wait and see...  Another thing with this dishwasher is that it isn't screwed into the cabinets like the other one and when I loaded the dishwasher it tipped over several times.  I had to keep the drawers half in/out to keep the whole thing from falling over.  We're going to have to fix that!

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