Friday, September 03, 2010

David Quotes, 9-2-10

When were leaving the grocery store yesterday evening David said he wanted to be as old as Anna so that he could sit up front and sit next to Maggie.

"David when you are 10, how old will Anna be?" Jacob asked him.

"20."  he answered.  " Ya Anna, you'll be a teenager when you're 20!" he exclaimed excitedly and Jacob and I laughed!

...A few minutes later...

David was looking out the window of the van as we pulled out onto the road.  There was a large building with a terra cotta tile roof across the street, "For a minute I thought that roof was made out of chicken!" he said sounding a bit shocked and confused.  lol   ...He had had chicken on the brain since we were in the grocery store and saw the fried chicken in the deli.

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