Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Invitations, Evening Workout #2, and a Sick Baby

Several of my friends have been asking me over and over if I'm going to have a Birthday Party for Maggie's 1st Birthday, which is coming up here in one week tomorrow.  Until yesterday I was like, "I don't know, I haven't decided yet."  Well, I finally decided and committed to a date and time.  I even got the invitations handed out to a couple friends this morning and the rest are in the mail.  We're going to hold a very informal party for her on the 9th, her actual Birthdate, from 4-5pm.  We'll just have a little get together with some close friends, serve cake, and watch Maggie have fun ripping paper off a couple presents!  That's something that she really enjoys doing, ripping paper that is...  I already have a couple things that I'm planning to give her:  a little cell phone, some play keys w/ buttons, and a baby doll.  The last item I want to give her I've been trying to find for weeks, I don't want to spend more than $5 to $10 dollars for it.  I'm trying to find a little foam chair for her to sit in since all the chairs in our house are too high for her to crawl into just yet.  I've seen her try to lounge in her highchair seat sometimes.  It's the type that you strap onto a regular chair and you can also buckle the child into so they can't get out.  We usually just use it sitting on the floor, but it's really hard plastic and not very comfortable for lounging, but she's so cute when she tries to lounge in it!  I just want to find her her own little chair so she can hang out comfortably with the rest of the family when we lounge in front of the TV.  :O)

I also sent/gave out  the invitations for the Ladies Tea that I'll be hosting once a month till December.  Our next Tea will be on September 21st @ 12pm.  I'll be providing the tea and soup at every get together.  The other ladies will alternate bringing sandwiches, fruits/veggies, and desserts.  We decided that since the last two times some of us have gotten together for tea, we've overloaded on sweets so much that we got sick, that doing the same thing the next time around was a bad idea.  So we've switched to a lunch rather than just a sweets things.  I'm still looking forward to the 'tea' part, just this time around there won't be enough sweets to OD on that I'll feel like my head is going to explode!   We'll probably continue doing Teas into next year too, but I'll figure that out later this year and send out new invitations for those dates when the time gets closer.

Last night I didn't get to my workout till way after 8:30.  Usually everyone is in bed by 8, but last night that didn't happen.  I put on "G.I Jane" and walked on the treadmill varying the incline throughout the whole workout.  (I like to watch that show because I find I get really motivated to workout and get in shape because the guys are being such jerks to her; makes me want to to kick some a**!)  I got off at about 32 minutes and was about to sit down to start working on my leg exercises, however Maggie was crying like crazy so I went upstairs to check on her.  Jacob was up with her, holding her over the garbage can, apparently she'd just thrown up again (3rd night in a row).  It was now after 9pm.  I took Maggie from Jacob and held her.  We put her into a new outfit.  Jacob went back to bed and I took Maggie downstairs to just cuddle her for a bit and watched some more of my show.  Maggie didn't really want to sit very still though, she kept trying to grab the controller or my phone, so I finally just took her back up to bed and laid her down.  I had already turned the movie off so I just went to bed myself.  Had another good nights rest!  I think these evening workout are really going to work out!!!  We'll see what happens tonight?!  Hopefully after several long naps today Maggie will sleep off more of her illness and she'll feel good enough to actually go to sleep without throwing up again!!!

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