Thursday, September 02, 2010

Payday means, BUSY DAYS

Thank God it's payday again!!!  For some reason our funds seem to run out quite quickly and a few days after payday our account is so low our extracurricular activities grind down to almost nothing.  We mostly just stick around the house to keep the last few dollars in the account till payday arrives.....  

Now that it's payday again the routine errands need to be planned...  First is usually getting the grocery list together.  This morning as I started to work on my list, I was going through the pantry to figure out exactly what we needed and I ended up setting down my list to reorganize the pantry.  I threw out the old stuff, moved stuff around, and vacuumed the dust bunny floor.  I also drilled a new screw in the wall to hang the mop from since I'm not sure where the nail went that used to be there???  With that cleaned and my pantry list complete I decided that I would fix a couple other things in the kitchen that I've noticed needed replaced, like shelf paper that was getting all ratty on the edges.  So, I removed three different shelf liners and replaced them.  This time I made the sticky paper go over the edge and in one case all the way around to the bottom so that it would stick, particle board edges don't allow sticky paper to stick to it very well.  I also cleaned out the bottom drawer that holds the reusable storage containers, oven mitts and pads; ended up relocated some pretty much unused items and throwing out some ratty mitts.  Then I put the dishes in the dishwasher away and started to reload it.

With all the above accomplished I decided to work on the computer copy of my grocery list.  I keep an Xcell spread sheet of my grocery list so it's easier to add items and delete others that we no longer need.  It's pretty handy!  I also went through my stack of coupons, threw out the old ones, decided which ones I'll need for my pending grocery trips and even organized them according to location in the store (that's something that I don't usually do, but think it might be a good addition to my routine for the future just so I don't have to search through them all while I'm actually shopping to locate a particular coupon).  Now my list is all printed out ready to take with the kids and I to the different stores we need to do our errands at.

John and I have already eaten lunch.  Maggie just woke and is eating half a hot dog.  I'll be feeding her some cereal when she's done, then we'll take off.  Now I just need to figure out whether I want to try and get everything done today or break it up over several days.  Hmmm?!?!  We'll see... 

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