Thursday, November 04, 2010

E-mail Update Aug-Oct 14th

Since it's been so long since I've posted an update (I usually post all my updates on Facebook, so check it regularly) I thought I'd copy two of my last e-mails on here and then add extras here and there of particular special events.  I need to get on more regularly and post things!!!  Some of this may be a repeat, sorry, but it would just take too much time to go back and rewrite this whole thing...  (My next post will be of the most recent letter.)

Just checked to see when I wrote last and phew, it's been awhile.  Where to start?!?!  Well, I guess I'll do a quick update from the end of August through September, then do a bit more detail in October.  Anna and David started school on the 23rd of August.  Anna started 5th grade and David 1st.  Anna started an accelerated Math program (she's very good at math like her Dad), choir 3 mornings a week, and joined the Year Book Club, which she does 1 or 2 Wednesdays a month after school.  She and David are both doing well in school and progressing proficiently!  They both seem to enjoy school, though David doesn't talk about school much, he's more interested in playing when he gets home, but he is learning, which is good!  :O)

The 25th of August I hosted a tea w/ a couple of my girlfriends here at my house.  They suggested that we do the Tea at least once a month so we've been doing it on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.  Our next Tea though will be completely catered by my friend Carley's husband (he's the head chef at a catering company and volunteered to do this for us).  We are all excited about that to take place next Tuesday!

In this time frame we've had our sewer line replaced w/ a lifetime warranty system (that cost us a pretty penny and added another credit card to our collection ((all credit card debt that we have is from things breaking and having to be fixed)).  We also had to get a new dishwasher cause ours (which we bought 2 years ago) was recalled, so that added to the credit card debt as well, since they are only giving us back $250 towards the purchase of a new machine and the new machine cost over $700.  SMH (shake my head)

Maggie turned 1 on the 9th of September and had her Well Doctors visit on the 10th.  She got 4 shots, poor girl, but she weighed in at 17 lbs 15 oz (50th %) and was in the 75th percentile for her height (I can't remember the exact measurement), so she's tall and skinny.  She's walking and talking more every day (though she doesn't actually say any words other than several forms of "dada").  She loves to climb and dance and still takes 2 naps a day, which really seems to need.  Maggie has 3 teeth now.  The 3rd has just recently popped through on the top, it's not out all the way just yet, but at least she's not cutting it anymore!

Jacob and I started a Bible Study at our new Church on the 8th of September.  It's a Pathways class called "Expending".  Basically we're be taught "Being" in Christ and not "Doing", ultimately cultivating a better relationship with God and working on our Spiritual Transformation!  I look forward to going every week, not only because I'm learning lots, but because the Pastor teaches the class and he's so on fire for God, it's very inspiring!  :O)

The 18th of September, Jacob, the kids, and I went to the Denver Collesium Gem Show.  That was lots of fun, we were there from 10am till a little after 4.  We also checked out another show near by at the Denver Events Center.  In the back of the center they also had a Children's Sale, which we attended (though it was really disappointing).

This month is going by fast!!!  On the 2nd Anna got a hair cut.  It's now about shoulder length.  She was having trouble keeping it brushed (her hair rats up really easily), so we decided to cut it shorter so it wouldn't be so much of a hassle to take care of.  Jacob and I attempted to cut my hair ourselves, but I've discovered that it's uneven so I need to go in and have my stylist fix it.  To bad it's so hard to cut your own hair!  :O(  Yesterday actually (13th) I cut Maggie's hair.  I was just going to shorten her bangs, which were hanging in her eyes, but I ended up cutting the sides too.  That was a mistake!!!  SMH  I should have just left it alone, she looks too grown up now.  There are pictures on Facebook if you want to check out her and Anna's new do's.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I joined MOPS back in September.  I'd been wanting to join for years, but never did and finally talked myself into it this year.  It's been lots of fun and I even was able to invite a lady from our neighborhood, whom I'd met on occasion.  Not only has she joined MOPS, but she is also attending Grace Chapel as well!  PRAISE GOD!!!  :O)

Yesterday, I had my second treatment for my legs.  For those of you who don't know, I suffer from varicose veins and had surgery at the end of June to get the major ones removed.  Well, it's been 3 months and they only gave me 6 months to get the next treatment(s) done so I thought I better get on the ball.  This time they only did solution injections, so I only have to wear support stockings for 5 days and it isn't as bad as surgery to remove veins.  Though wearing stockings on both legs feels really weird and my legs are pretty achy from all the injections!!!  I have to go back in a month to get them checked back out and possibly have another treatment?!

I haven't mentioned anything about John...  Well, he enjoys going to all the different classes that he gets to attend when we go to Church, Bible Study, or MOPS.  I think he'll really enjoy school next Fall.  He's a big help around the house, my most helpful volunteer (he wants to help out so he can be involved) and he is a BIG help!  He's very smart too, seems to understand life situations/activites better than you'd think a 4 year old would understand.  He likes to read and watch movies.  He likes to play with his siblings though they don't get along as well as they should (David has a tendency to be a pest, which makes playing not as fun for anyone, we're working on it though.  He does know how to play well with everyone, it's just choosing to do so that's the issue.).  John loves to play with Maggie, but he has a tendency to play beyond her capabilities, which we're working on as well.  They both enjoy each others company!!!

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