Sunday, August 29, 2010


My eyes hurt today.  I'm not sure if it's because I can't seem to control my emotions lately and have been crying a lot or that my contacts are saying their ready to be changed out, either way it's no fun!

I've been having this drawn out e-mail conversation with this guy who seemed to be interested in this perfume I am offering on Craigslist.  It was a rather furstrating conversation because he kept asking me questions that were either already clearly stated in my advertisement or that I had already answered in my e-mails to him.  I had to repeat myself over and over again and correct his apparent mis-understanding on the price, which was also clearly stated in my advertisement!  Anyway, this morning, after probably a dozen e-mails between us, I was writing the guy back with my address to come and buy the perfume (he e-mailed me back last night around 10:30 and said he come by after church this afternoon), I received an e-mail while I was typing my e-mail out.  After I sent my message out I checked the new e-mail, it was from the guy.  He said he'd found the perfume elsewhere for $25 new and though he was getting it all for 1/2 price he didn't want to drive down from Thornton since he didn't even know what it smells like.  SMH  Boy was I frustrated and disappointed!!!  I really hate getting the run around from people like that!!!
Afterwards I went upstairs and recapped the whole thing to Jacob and cried a little.  (There is more to the whole situation than just the frustrating person I had dealt with, that's why I was so emotional about it, but I don't want to go into it now...)

We all got up late this morning and since we were running short on time, to leave fore Church, we put our rears in high gear.  We were out the door by 8:40 and made it to Church with 5 minutes to spare.  The kids were all in new classes, which I forgot about, but since I was only dropping Maggie off I didn't find that out till I went to pick the kids up from their classes.  The Sermon was on God being our Shepherd.  We also found out about some of the Fall Bible Studies that were being offered.  I heard two in particular that I wanted to look into, MOPS and a Pathways Class on Expanding your relationship with God.  So after Service I went and picked up the information for the classes.  MOPS is on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month and apparently costs about $100 to attend, which isn't something that I hadn't planned on and I definitely don't have the money right now to join.  It doesn't start until the 15th of September, but I've been thinking about joining for years, so I might actually do it this year (when we have some money).  The other class sounded interesting in the Download (our Church's information session), but Jacob thought as I read through the brochure that the class on Connecting sounded more like what we should try out since we are pretty new to this Church and don't know hardly anyone yet.  That start's on the 8th of September, which is also a Wednesday, so Wednesdays might be a very busy, busy day for us through the rest of the year?!?!

After Church we went to WOW! to check out their tent sale.  It wasn't very interesting, unfortunately!  Since there was hardly anything in the tent worth looking at we went inside and looked around.  Their stuff is just too expensive and since we aren't really in the market for any furniture anyway, we probably won't be going back there any time soon!

On our way back home Jacob and I got into a discussion about money.  That always leaves us rather frustrated and wondering why we can't seem to get back on better track financially when God gave us the peace to buy this home.  Unfortunately things keep breaking and as it stands right now it's going to take us over 5 years at our current rate, or possibly 2.5 if we really crack down and try to get the bills paid off.  However, that would mean Jacob would need to take a big chunk of the money I get every month for the family to live on and we would have little to no extra money to live on for the next 2.5 years.  We really don't want to be in debt anymore, but we really aren't getting a break from financial trials!  This year alone, the water heater, furnace, and sewer line broke and needed to be replaced.  That's over $20,000 in expenses that we just don't have the income to pay off very quickly!  Plus our not even 2 yr old dishwasher got recalled and replacing it costs more than the rebate they are giving us by at least $500 dollars.  It's just so frustrating!!!  And though we are making payments on these credit cards, things keep breaking or getting damaged and require larger sums of money than we have at any one time to fix them without going even deeper in debt.  We aren't sure what to do...  It just feels like we did what God gave us peace about to do and now we are suffering more and more every year financially!  SMH  Yet again this is where the wonder comes in and where the sermon today touched on, God does provide for us!  We have a roof over our heads, reliable vehicles to drives, clothes to wear, and food to eat, however there is little room for anything else and I don't necessarily mean the frivolous stuff, though that is rather frustrating as well.  Jacob and I like to be generous people.  We like to help others financially and with gifts to bless their lives, however in our current financial situation we are unable to do so!  There is no extra income to help or bless others because all the extra money we get goes towards paying off these darn credit cards from broken appliances and house repairs!  So until we can get a card or two paid off we are really going to have to take it easy.  Life is going to have to revolve around the house and not getting out for the extracurricular stuff all that much!  I/we really hate being in this position and we apologize for not going to help anyone out all that much financially or with gifts, but it just isn't within our means right now.  We're finding it harder and harder each month just to pay the bills!  So please bare with us as we work to correct this, it may take us a couple years, but we are trying and hopefully when things are better we'll be able to bless all of you all the more!!!

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