Thursday, August 26, 2010

Stuck At Home

AAA Plumbing arrived this morning to replace the sewer/drainage pipes for our house earlier than expected, shortly after 8 am.  I was told they weren't coming till 9, but earlier is always better for me and I was ready for them.  The inspector came in and marked all the different power and water lines.  Then after another scope of the pipe line they found out that the pipes are clay all the way up to the house so instead of putting the accessible drain out out in the yard, they now need to put it in exactly the same place Jacob had dug the 4  foot deep, 6 foot long hole on Monday and filled back in because the first company we talked to said they couldn't put the drain out there for "safety reasons".  It was pretty annoying!  They started digging about 9:30 this morning and are finally starting to put everything back the way it was before, it is now after 5pm, though the grass is going to be a bit flat in places and there will be a lot of loose dirt around for awhile, but hopefully this will take care of our pipes backing up anymore!

They've been blocking the driveway all day so John, Maggie and I have been stuck at home.  It's a good thing I didn't want to go anywhere today, well earlier today anyway.  However, I was hoping that this evening after dinner we could take a trip to Furniture Row to check out this recliner that they have on sale right now, but since they are still blocking the driveway and may be for another hour or two, depending on how long it takes them to fill everything back in and put things back in their places, we probably won't be going today.  We'll see?!

Anyway, John and I played a couple games today.  I opened a Lego Memory Game, but John found it too frustrating and we only did one game.  Then we played 2 games of Connect 4 and he beat me both times, which he was really excited about, he's not a very gracious loser just yet.  Later after a few of his movies and after I'd started one of mine he asked if we could read a book.  I told him to grab the Muppet Babies books that we have on the shelf and I read him the two that he picked of the lot.  He really liked them and wanted me to read them all, but I told him we'd read some more tomorrow, we have about 5 or 6 more of those books we'll read them in the next few days.

I played a bit with Maggie today as well.  She tried to just sit on my lap while I played with this Fisher Price game she has that you put these ball into and they take different courses to the outside depending on which hole you put them in. I had to show her several times how to put the balls in the slots, but she finally figured it out and decided to do it on her own.  She doesn't have a very long attention span just yet though and she soon tired of the game, started rubbing her eyes and ended up going down for a nap.  Her first nap was interrupted by our very annoying doorbell buzzer, but she took a decent afternoon nap.  I think she'll go to bed tonight without any problems, she hardly ever fusses when it's time to go to bed especially if I give her a bottle before she's laid down.

Anna came home all excited from school today!  She was jumping up and down and handed us a letter from the school.  Apparently they took a test in the last few days and due to her scores she's been selected to join an advanced Math program during regular school hours.  We need to attend a meeting next Tuesday morning that will tell us all about the program.  Anyway, she's very excited about it and Jacob seemed rather impressed!  I'm glad that she takes after her father on the Math front because I'm sure not any good at it!  :O)

As for David, well he tried the pizza at school today.  He said that he liked and didn't like it, so not a top favorite.  I'm not sure what he did today though, he doesn't really talk much when he gets home, he likes to go and play immediately upon arriving home.  I guess I should check his backpack to see if he has any homework today.

I wasn't able to accomplish a whole lot today.  Got the dining room cleaned up after our tea yesterday, did a bit of vacuuming and bit of organizing, but since I haven't been able to use any running water today it's really limited what I've been able to do cleaning and constructive wise.  That's okay, it was a nice down day.  Now I'm going to check and see what every one else are up to and hopefully if the driveway is clear we can head out for a short trip to the furniture store...

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