Sunday, August 22, 2010

Gonna Start Posting More Updates Here...

.....Well, I thought I'd try something a bit different... I'm going to start posting more updates on here instead of the few short ones that I post on Facebook regularly. Why you ask? Well, I'm rather frustrated with the lack of responses to my posts on FB (I comment on my families/friends posts quite regularly and write on their walls too) and since I'd rather write longer and more detailed updates anyway, I think this will work better! So if you want to know what I've been up to, you're going to have to start reading my blog!!!

So here's whats been going on for the summer and more specifically for the last few days...

...My brother arrived on the 15th of May and from then until the kids got out of school and for the whole summer we stayed pretty busy. Shopping trips, garage saleing, got a membership to the Downtown Aquarium w/ the garage sale money from my first garage sale this year and used 3 of our 4 free passes we got w/ the membership to go, taking Josh with us. We won't be getting another membership any time in the near future since the membership fee went way up and it costs $25 extra bucks for over 4 members, since we have 5 people in our family, it was $170 total, YIKES!!! (The Zoo and Denver Nature and Science Museum are just over $100 for 2 adults and unlimited immediate family members, plus if you wait for the renewal letters they send that usually include discounts, their memberships go down to around $90 for their biggest package.) We've also gone bowling, miniature golfing, and to many, many movies. Josh took the kids to pool several times, Anna and David were the ones that ended up going the most since John didn't care to be in the kiddie pool for more than 10/15 min. He also babysat the kids for us several times so that Jacob and I could go out a couple dates, YAY!

Joshua and I also worked on our Weight Watchers program through out the summer. We didn't lose as much weight as we wanted to originally, but I did get back down to pre-pragnancy weight before Maggie (12 lbs in 3 months) and Josh achieved a 25+ lb weight loss while he was here for a little over 3 months. We're going to keep to the program and have set a new goal for the next 6 months. I've started counting points again and am going to workout at least 5 days a week in the mornings before the kids head to school.

My girlfriends, Cindy, Carley and I got to go out a couple time to the movies and even on a day trip to Boulder to check out the Celestial Seasonings Tea Factory and Dushanbe Tea House. It was fun, but we were all running on too much sugar and not enough protein. That combo gave me a killer headache, which made the whole day suck, plus I got a parking ticket because I accidentally covered up the paid permit w/ my sunshade and didn't notice before we left to go shopping. (I appealed the ticket and finally, 2 1/2 wks later, got the response that said they were waiving the fee due to the evidence that I provided, yay!)

This last Tuesday (17th) was our last day with my brother. We got Chinese Food for lunch/dinner, watched Wipeout, then went and played tennis that evening.

Wednesday morning I woke early to say goodbye to my brother before he left. I was going to go back to bed after, but Maggie woke up and after feeding her a bottle and putting her back down I ended up working out instead. Wednesday was a down day for us since we were waiting for payday Thursday and money is always tight the Sunday-Wednesday before payday, if not earlier???

Thursday was busy, busy what with it being payday and all and us needing groceries and to do the kids school shopping. We went to Kohls to make a payment on my CC, Target to get some diapers, wipies, and a few other items. We also went to 2 different Walmarts to look for school supplies and the Commissary to get groceries. The kids were sick and tired of shopping afterwards and we still didn't get all their school supplies. I made sloppy joes for dinner cause it was quick and I was tired too!

Friday after Jacob got home from work we had spaghetti for dinner and then went to a couple different stores to try and get the last supplies for the kids for school, which starts tomorrow. After stopping at a 3rd Walmart and a stop at Staples we still didn't have everything, but I decided that we'd get the last thing on David's list later in the year. We also went to Lowe's and Home Depot to check prices on some home improvement items that we've been needing. Finally ended up deciding to get what we wanted at Home Depot and that we'll probably end up getting our water filter for the fridge at Lowe's cause it's $5 cheaper than at Sears. Anyway...

Saturday we decided to lunch at Olive Garden, we enjoyed Never Ending Pasta Bowls and All-You-Can-Eat Soup, Salad, and Breadsticks. After lunch we went to check out the Lego Games Tour that was being exhibited at the Denver Pavilions. The whole thing wasn't as interesting as we hoped, but they did have a bunch of plexi-glass display cases of all the Lego games that they have now. It was a great opportunity to see all the pieces ea. set has so we know which ones we eventually might want to get. Those games were: Ramses Pyramid, Race 3000, and Creationary. All the other Lego Game sets we could pretty much build from parts we already own, we just need the Lego Dice. We stopped by a Bakery as we left and picked up a couple treats... a raspberry bar, M&M cookies, and fudge brownie. Back at the van we headed to the Denver Aquarium. We didn't bring in a stroller for Maggie, we ended up handing her back and forth between Jacob, Anna, and myself and letting her walk around. It was slower going than usual, but she had fun getting up close to the exhibits.

Today we went to morning service at Church. After we headed to Walmart to pick up some items that I realized we needed over the last couple days that weren't on my grocery list. I was also able to get the last of the kids school supplies and pick up a whole box of composition notebooks for 25¢ ea. On the way home I had Jacob cut across traffic to make it over to Old Navy. I picked up two pair of flip-flops for $5 and with my receipt we were able to go and get Buy One Get One Free ice creams as Cold Stone, so we had desert before lunch. Back home we hurried to make burgers and get the house cleaned up a bit before the LeBleu's arrived for a RPG at 1pm. We played with them till almost 5. This evening we've been hanging out and just finished "Lake Placid 3", not such a good show, but it did have the sheriff from Eureka in it, that was a plus; I like that guy! :O)

Now it's almost time to do our nightly reading before the kids head to bed. Tomorrow is Anna and David's first day of school. They're school hours are different now, 9-3:30 instead of 8-2:30, not sure I'm going to like it ?!?! Our test week has the morning feeling like they last forever before the kids would need to head off to school; I guess we'll see how it really is starting tomorrow?!?! Anna will be starting 5th grade and David will be in 1st, so two kids in all day school. I'll write later about what I plan to do with John and Maggie while the older two are at school all day...

...But for now I'm going to sign off. Hope you enjoy my longer, more detailed post, just want to keep you updated on what we are up to!!! Talk to you all soon!!!!! :O)

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