Tuesday, August 24, 2010

School, plus New Pipe System Required...

Anna and David had a good day at school yesterday for their first day. Anna said she was pretty excited about the whole day until the last hour or two when she was pretty bored. David said his favorite part was lunch! He had his first school lunch, a sub sandwich, and he mentioned a couple other things, but they weren't as interesting to him as lunch. :O) Anna had a bit of homework, pretty much just a paper on herself that I think they will all be going over in class today to introduce themselves to each other. David only had a daily notebook to review, it will be coming home every day and must be gone through and sent back next day. Both kids brought home manila envelopes stuffed with lots of paperwork for us parents to fill out about the kids, contact info, insurance stuff, and lots and lots of other forms for various other school related areas that needed to be reviewed, then initialed and/or signed that we'd reviewed them. So that took a bit of time!

Today Anna and David both got off pretty easily, no major problems this morning! Anna wanted to just walk with David to school by themselves, but since I hadn't shown Anna where David needed to be dropped off yesterday, I just found out myself yesterday, I walked them again and this time showed her so they can walk on their own tomorrow. We'll have to wait and see how school goes today?!

As for the pipes, yesterday after much investigation by two different companies, we discovered that our drainage pipes have several root systems running through them and there is even a Y crack in the pipes about 68 feet out that threatens the integrity of the whole line! So, our best option for the long run will be that on Thursday, the second company that came out... AAA Plumbing, is going to install a whole new break through line, the pipes have a 50 yr life expectancy and a 20 year warranty. Unfortunately that option is going to set us back a little over 11 grand! SMH ...We don't seem to be catching much of a break on house stuff cause everything keeps breaking around here! We had to install a new water heater at the beginning of the year, a new furnace a couple months ago, now the new sewer/drainage line. At this rate we're never going to get out of debt or be able to actually fix anything on the house that we want to for other reasons than it's broken!!! SMH ...
Anyway, I guess the bright side of this is that we won't have to worry about the pipes backing up anymore and if anything does go wrong with it, it's under warranty for 20 yrs!

On another note... This morning with John and Maggie has been pretty quite. Maggie went down for her morning nap as soon as we got back from dropping off Anna and David. John came downstairs and helped me get some loads of laundry going, he likes to push the buttons on the machines. Now he's playing Legos downstairs. Once I'm done with my update here, I'm going to try and watch one of my shows then when Maggie gets up we're all going to King Soopers to pick up a few groceries and a few items that I need for the Tea that I'm hosting tomorrow for myself and a couple of my girlfriends! Later this afternoon/early evening I'm taking my friend Carley with me to the Cinema Grill to meet Cindy and we're going to enjoy dinner and watch "The Last Airbender". Not sure what else we'll do just yet, but I'll write about it later...

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