Monday, August 23, 2010

We had a very early start to our morning. I couldn't sleep very well last night because of some health issues and Jacob got up with his alarm at 4:30 and decided to call the Rescue Rooter place cause our pipes have backed up again. Well, my alarm was set for 5:30, but I decided that I'd change it to 6 since I was still pretty tired at about 5:15 this morning. However, I couldn't really sleep so I got up at 5:45. Up and dressed in workout clothes, I found Jacob downstairs dressed in civvies and getting ready to start digging a big 'ol hole out front, the part of the bill that costs the most for the sewer repair. Anyway, I headed downstairs to start my workout, did my 12 min. ab vid, then decided that I'd go out and help Jacob with the big hole. So for about 3o min, maybe a little more we alternated using a pick axe to loosen up the dirt and then shovel it out. I was sweating like crazy. Well, 7am rolled around and I needed to go help the kids get ready for school. Anna needed help picking out a different shirt and so did David. I found him a new "How to Train Your Dragon" shirt and Anna opted for a white tank under her new brown and copper sparkly shrug (very nice, check out the pictures below).

Since the kids have a whole extra hour in the morning before they need to head to school I decided that at 8am I'd read a devotional and maybe a Bible story, then we'd sing some songs and then pray together. The stories went well, but the songs didn't go over all that great, I was having a good 'ol time and so was Maggie! :O) Jacob joined us for the last two songs then prayed for everyone, then the kids gathered the rest of their school stuff and John, Maggie, and I walked Anna and David to school. Anna's line was easy to find at the back of the school, but where I thought David was supposed to line up, there wasn't anybody there, so we continued around the school to the front and apparently that's where they are suppose to line up. So after getting him to his line, putting some itch creme on a mosquito bite, and giving the creme to his teacher to use throughout the day, if need be, then we headed back around the back to try and catch some of my friends. I was able to say "Hi!" to, Carley and her husband, then a lady I met while walking with Athena once, named Danielle, Athena, her sister-in-law, and Lina. We all had a nice visit before heading off into our separate directions.

Back home the Rescue Rooter people were here. They snaked out the pipe, which they were originally trying to charge us $300 to do, but Jacob had called another place and they quoted us $100, so they offered to do it for the $100. They checked the pipes out and gave us an estimate on getting some of the work done, over $3400 I believe. So Jacob's waiting on AAA to come in and give us their estimate before we give anyone the go ahead. AND unfortunately after their estimate for the work they told us that the place Jacob and I had been digging wasn't where they were going to do the work, even though on their previous visit that's exactly where they told us the work would be done, so Jacob and John have been filling the hole back in and Jacob isn't too happy about the 3 1/2 hrs he spent working on it this morning when he didn't need to do it!!! Humph!!!

Just after we got back home today and I sat down to start this Maggie had a little accident, she pulled the wooden bar stool over on her face and has a pretty good bruise next to her nose. She was freaking out pretty good and I just held her while she cried. I had completely spaced that I needed to put her down for a nap too and her eyes were really fighting staying open so I took her upstairs to her bed and she fell right to sleep. I'll check her face again when she gets up, but she's been fighting a cold lately and been so tired, she's been taking longer than usual naps.

Well, John and I are heading out to grab some lunch. I'll post more soon and let yall know how school went for the kids...

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