Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Bit Emotional When it Comes to Weight Loss Discussions

**DISCLAIMER**  Sorry all, this is just a vent to make me feel better!  So please don't read on unless you wish to read my little vent fit...  Sometimes you just got to get it out cause keeping it all bottled up inside could cause an emotional explosion!!!
...I'm always trying to teach the kids that they need to think before they open their mouths and say something that they will later regret!  I think everyone needs to be more careful with their words and conversations because you may not realize that  you're talking about something that can be an emotionally sensitive subject for the person(s) you're talking to!  

I mentioned the above because, I was talking with a friend the other day and she started talking about one of her friends who has lost 30 lbs since joining Weight Watcher's and saying that she looks really good!  She kept going on and on about it and my friend was even talking about joining Weight Watcher's herself since her friend was doing so well.  (I've been trying to get her to join since I mentioned it earlier this year and she even said she was going to join once she wasn't pregnant anymore.)  It made me feel kind of bad since I'd already been talking about this with her, but she hadn't done it and now that her other friend was doing so well she wanted to join too.  Plus I felt bad because she was praising her other friend for a 30lbs weight loss, when I've been doing WW also and have lost almost 40 lbs.  (I'm just shy of the 40 lb mark, may even reach it by Saturday if I keep up the good work this week.  AND This weight loss has me over 5lbs under pre-pregnancy weight!)  The whole conversation just made me feel like I don't look as good as her other friend or that my friend just hasn't noticed the change in me, I don't know maybe it isn't that noticeable?!  

Anyway, I've been thinking about it a lot since (which isn't the best thing in the world to do) and the whole conversation just makes me feel bad, you know those kinds of conversations that you have with someone where you feel like to you need to defend yourself or compete with what their saying because you've done even better than who they're talking about???  I've even almost cried a couple times this morning!  I know that feeling bad is my fault and my friend didn't mean anything by praising her other friends progress, I guess she didn't realize how sensitive a subject weight loss is for me, but it has rather hurt my feelings because I've been trying really hard to lose weight...  

With my weight loss I am feeling pretty good.  My body isn't where I want it to be just yet, but I am working on it and I think I'm seeing pretty good results in the time frame I have been working on it!

...Even as I type this and read back through I'm realizing that I'm a bit jealous that my friend was praising her other friend and didn't say a darn thing about me when I've achieved more doing WW than her other friend has, well at least I've lost more weight!  I guess I just have really low self-esteem right now and am extremely prone to emotional breakdowns when weight loss discussions are involved, so this conversation didn't help!

SO, if you did decide to read this, I know you may not always know what's going on in someone's life, BUT IF YOU CAN think a bit before you say something or strike up a conversation anyway.  You might just save at least one persons emotional state for the time being!

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