Monday, August 30, 2010

Shoulder Pains, a Sick Little Baby, PLUS

Yesterday before bed I suddenly had trouble using my left shoulder without immense pain.  I thought it was kind of weird because I don't remember hurting it at all, it just really, really hurts whenever I try to move it a certain way, or if I lift it a certain way, or just try to hold something with my left hand that has a little weight to it.  It's so weird and annoying because I have to be really careful or it hurts like crazy.  It almost feels like it wants to fall out like my right shoulder sometimes acts like it wants to...  Hopefully it heals soon because whatever is wrong with it is really going to hinder my activity for awhile till it feels better!  :O(

.....So last night Maggie got ill.  She was up from about 11 to 2 in the morning, she just couldn't get comfortable.  I ended up feeding her a bottle about 1.  She almost drank the whole thing, then decided she wanted to drink a bit of water too, but shortly after taking a couple sips she starts to cough and choke a bit then threw up all over herself, her blanket, me and the chair we were sitting in.  She continued to spew a couple more times till her stomach was completely empty and they she seemed to be all better, she was happy and talking.  I took her to the bathroom and stripped her out of her soaked clothes and washed her down, put a new diaper on her and got her into a new outfit and put her back in her bed.  I had to take her blanket and outfit to the tub to rinse them out since they were caked in puke.  (I really dislike the smell of puke, makes me feel like I want to puke too!  EWWW!!!)  I got the two rinsed out and discovered that Maggie's blanket is super absorbent and gets really, really heavy when completely wet.  That's just good info to know in case she has it around a water source, because unfortunately it could aid in her drowning if she falls in cause it's so darn heavy, it would be hard to get it off if she was tangled in it!   After wringing the blanket and pj out I ran them downstairs and threw 'em in the washer, I also stripped out of my clothes since they were soaked with puke, which I'd been wearing the whole time, yuck!  I got the small puke load started, wrapped up in a towel, and ran upstairs to wash myself off a bit and get into new pjs.  Maggie seemed to be better after her puking episode.  She still didn't get to sleep right away and I let her drink a little water so her tummy wasn't completely empty, that helped settle her stomach and she decided to finally go to sleep.

Maggie slept in a bit this morning.  She has been rather clingy and cranky today, though it alternates with happiness, curiosity, and the need to run around the house.  Plus her poor little nose is running like a faucet.  I gave her some allergy meds this morning because she's been itching her eyes and nose like crazy, I'm hoping the meds dry up her nose so she isn't sliming everything anymore.  I have to wipe her nose every 5 to 10 minutes and boy does she not like that!  She doesn't act sick really other than being a bit clingy, so I think she'll be better in a day or so.  She might take longer naps than usual.  Hopefully she doesn't slime all her blankets and crib, not sure when I'll be able to get to the laundry since the AAA people haven't shown up yet...

....Maggie is now at that height that she ends up bumping her head on tables if she isn't careful.  She isn't really aware that the tables are there until it's too late.  I'm not sure how long it's going to take her to figure out that she has to watch where she's going so she doesn't keep getting injured.  Fortunately it hasn't been anything serious yet!!!

*Jacob came in at about 5 this morning to give me loves before he went to work.   I had planned to get up at 5:30 to workout, but since I didn't get to sleep till after 9pm, then was up from 11 till 2 in the morning with Maggie I was so tired I turned my alarm off and slept till almost 7.  I'll have to workout later today after AAA comes to clean out the the rest of our drain pipes.  I'm waiting to start a load of dishes in the dishwasher too.  A lady called this morning and said they should be arriving around 9, but now it's almost 10.  I don't have any plans to go anywhere today, but I do really need to get a few chores done and those require the use of the drains, which they are supposed to be cleaning out!  I hate waiting around for things that were supposed to be done earlier, puts a crimp in my whole days activities!!!

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