Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Maggie's Nursery

My toys!
The chair from my room...Rose, Magnolia, Lilac pictures!

The crib w/ canopy!  Jacob suggested I tea stain it and it turned out very nicely!  :O)
My cute squirrel basket for baby stuff!

The lamp that I re-did...I painted the candle stick cream, bought a new shade and hot glued the lace and ribbon on it!

Maggie's car seat!

Monday, July 20, 2009

To today...

Friday July 17th ~     Jacob found out that he had to go to Muster Duty at 9.  He didn't find out till that morning about 6:30 when he called.  None of the paperwork at home had the official time on it.  He was back home by 1.  Apparently it was a horrible 4 hours of standing in line to fill in some information that they could of very well taken via e-mail.  Jacob said it was like a 4 hr long recruiting session.  Very, very boring!
          Saturday we got up early to go to a garage sale that I was hoping would have some great stuff for Maggie this winter, but just like the last sale I went to the items were way too expensive for garage sale items.  Doesn't matter what brand they are!!!  We stopped by a doughnut shop first and picked up some doughnuts for the kids.  I bribed them to get up with the prospect of doughnuts.  After the garage sale we went by the Farmer's Market, but didn't end up getting anything.  Going at 8am isn't the best time like I thought.  They didn't have all the shops set up by 8:30 am and then none of the shops in the outdoor Mall were open.  We probably won't go for a couple weeks and definitely later than we went this time.  Well, actually I think we need to go this next Saturday to use up my coupons, they are only good till the 31st of the month.  There are several things I'd still really like to get!
On our way back towards home we stopped at a couple other garage sales, but we didn't get anything.  It was a very frustrating outing, especially since I printed out several maps of a couple of the garage sales we stopped at, but their description on Craigslist wasn't very accurate!  That's always so frustrating when people misrepresent their ads.
          We stopped by Walmart and picked up some hamburger and hotdog buns (I didn't realize that we didn't have many left when I went grocery shopping the week before).  We decided to go over to Home Depot after and get some paint samples to try out on the house.  I wanted to walk over and I asked Jacob to bring the van over so we wouldn't have to walk back, I brought the boys with me.  Anyway, as we got past the last set of Walmart doors we ran into Amy Livingston whom I haven't seen in years.  Her husband works with Jacob occasionally on Base. She had her kids with her,  Sydney is almost 3 and Ethan is 9 mo.  I knew that she had had a baby boy, but never got any more information that that.  We talked for a bit and before we parted our separate ways mentioned getting together some time here in the near future.  It really has been a long time since we've gotten together with them!
          When we got back home we painted around the back door with several different green colors to make sure that the cream color we picked for trim would work with them and the door color as well.
          Sunday we all went to Church.  Jacob and I attended first service then the kids stayed with me during second service and Jacob attended a class.  I had more kids this Sunday.  I think 7 or 8, not including my kids.  I'm thinking of revamping my teaching curriculum for the younger kids that can't seem to sit through a Veggie Tale movie.  There's just too much time to try and fill up for little kids.  I'm not sure what to do yet, but I need to figure out something for next Sunday...
          After Church we came home and had lunch, then watched a couple movies.  Jacob wanted to watch something else or play a video game, but I requested that we go to a couple shops first.  The first shop will remain a secret in case a certain someone decides to read this, the other was Home Depot.  We picked up a couple more paint colors for the house.  Jacob  got the paint mixed and I took the kids over to Sonic and got us all treats for Happy Hour, drinks half price!  We went back and picked up Jacob then went home and painted some more samples on the wall.  I'm not exactly sure that we've decided on a color yet or that the ACC will approve of the colors we like.  Will let you all know...
          Well, Jacob had to go to bed at 8 last night to get ready for work today.  The kids and I didn't come to bed till around 10.  I still wasn't even tired at that time, but I went to bed anyway.  This morning I woke at almost 8.  For some reason last night I woke at 3 this morning and didn't get back to a restful sleep till a little after 5 this morning.  
          Today I have no plans.  I'm thinking of getting some cleaning done today, but still haven't gotten motivated enough to really do anything...it's now 10:37.  The only thing I've really gotten done today was make breakfast and sweep the kitchen floor.  I'm going to try and get a few more things done today, not sure what yet...  I'll update this again soon!

More updates...

Thursday July 16th, 2009

                      Well, here’s the update for the last couple days!  Jacob is working nights this whole week (that’s 10pm to 6am).  On Monday and last night he was called in early and didn’t really get his evening nap, but he seems to be doing all right.  Last night he got a couple extra hours of overtime, so that will be nice (over time on nights)! 

            On Monday I took the kids to the Thrift Store and found some pretty cool stuff.  Got Anna a couple pair of pants.  She’s going to need a couple more pair for school.  We should probably go through all her clothes and see what else she needs before school starts.  I haven’t looked through her clothes in about 6 months so I’m sure she’s outgrown a few things.  She’s in a size 8 pant right now…

            In the afternoon when Jacob was up we took the kids and met my friend Cindy at the Cinema Grill and watched “Up”.  It’s such a good movie!  I would have been bawling out loud if I weren’t in a theater.  I cried twice and almost a third time!  Such a touching and funny movie!  The kids really enjoyed it too!  We’ll buy it when it comes out on DVD in the next couple months.

            On Tuesday I had my 32 wk OB visit.  It was a routine visit, everything on track.  We were supposed to have an RPG that day, but Jill’s son had an allergic reaction to something at school so she had to take him to the allergist.  He’s deathly allergic to many things so they get in right away!  Turned out it was just a reaction to the allergy med he’s taking and was a normal though rather unusual reaction, the school just didn’t want to take any chances!

            We did meet yesterday for our game though we didn’t get started till about 3:45.  Everyone left after our first mission was complete.  It was over a bit after 5.  Jacob wanted to get in more than one mission yesterday, but it’s a good thing we didn’t because he wouldn’t have gotten any nap at all.  We’ll have to meet 4 more times to complete everything that he wants to before we stop playing with these characters.

            Yesterday I got the laundry/storage room organized.  We picked up some large storage bins at Walmart and I got all the kids stuff and linens organized.  The room is very colorful with all the different colors of bins in there now and it’s much easier to find what we need.

            Today we have absolutely nothing going on.  No plans, nothing on the calendar to get done or do.  We’ll probably just hang out and relax today.  I’ll have to write more about today tomorrow since I have no idea what we’re going to do.

            Tomorrow Jacob has Muster Duty for a Military information update.  I think he’ll find out about what will happen to our ID’s next year when they expire, if we’ll get new ones or not.  It’s really going to suck if we don’t get new ID’s because we won’t be able to get groceries at the Commissary.  I’ll have to revamp my shopping style and cut down on groceries since they’re so expensive anywhere else.

            Saturday I discovered that there is a garage sale at 8am that is supposed to have lots of little girl stuff, name brand stuff, from ages 0-3T.  I’m hoping they don’t have things too expensive and can stock up on things for Maggie!  We’ll see…  We’re going to the Farmer’s Market afterwards and I’m not sure what else.  Jacob is off Friday through Sunday. 

            No plans Sunday either other than Church and teaching the 2’s/3’s at the 10:45 Service.  I’ll be doing that through the 30th of August.  We’ll have to see if I can make it that far because I think that I might be fighting with water retention the farther along I get!  I’m not going to want to go into public if I’m swollen up like a balloon.  One of my friends from Great Falls had that happen to her the last couple weeks of her pregnancy and there’s no way I’d want to go out in public blown up like that.  I’m just too big to start out with.  Fortunately for her she was a little cutie and it didn’t look too bad on her!

            This next week we have nothing going on at all.  I’m probably gonna go crazy from boredom.  The house is usually pretty clean so that won’t take much time at all.  I’m hoping to go to a movie with Cindy, but that will depend on her husbands’ schedule.  We might get another game in on Friday, but that will depend on Cindy’s husbands schedule too!

            There is a big sale at Kid to Kid on Friday the 24th.  You can stuff any $1 in your bag for $5.  I’m hoping they have a lot more $1 items cause last time I went they didn’t have hardly anything that I was interested in and nothing in sizes for Anna, David, or John.  Saturday the 25th the Aurora Public Library resale shop will be having a 50% off the whole store sale (excluding clearance items).  I’ll probably go and check it out, but I’m not looking for anything in particular!  Apparently Doug is looking for Robert Jordan and Tom Clancey books.  This was Mom’s suggestion for me to get him for Christmas.

              I’m still hoping to be able to make it to Idaho/Washington for Christmas during the break the kids have.  I’d like to stay up there for at least a week, depends on how much time Jacob ends up taking off when Maggie’s born.

            Well we pretty much hung out at home today.  Watched some TV and the kids played downstairs.  Jacob got up around 1 and I started organizing the craft room downstairs.  I stopped when Jacob got up.  Made spaghetti and salad for dinner.

            Jacob suggested that we go for a walk this evening.  The weather was rather cool so we started walking through the greenbelt.  Stopped at the School and the Pool playground for break.  At the Pool playground Jacob and I played a bit with the Frisbee he brought, haven’t done that in awhile.  When we got home David fell on the floor and declared, “I thought I was a gonner!”  It was pretty funny because we probably went less than half the distance of our normal walks with two play stops along the way so it was just a very leisurely walk.  :O)

            Anyway, I’ll wrap this up for today.  Hope you have a great weekend!

Monday, July 13, 2009

More things that kids say...

 ***On Facebook I have a virtual aquarium with several realms and one of those realms I let John pick out the castle style and color (green of course). Anyway, I was tending to John’s realm and he said, “Mom where is my castle?” and I was like, “It’s right there."  Then John said, “But it doesn’t have a door.” (It’s a very tiny door for a castle.)  I pointed to it, “It’s right there.” And he was like, “Oh, but where is the garage door?”

            Anna also said something pretty hilarious the other day.  I was sitting in my chair watching a squirrel eating from one of the bowls outside and Anna was sitting on the couch across from me when I said (out loud), “I just want to pick one of those squirrels up and squeeze it.  They look so cute and soft.”  And Anna chimed in, “You don’t want to do that, it will probably scratch your face off and it might have rabies.”  LOL  It was so funny because this is exactly what we’ve told the kids when they’ve mentioned something about petting the squirrels!  It’s amazing and rather funny at times what they remember you tell them!  :O)

July 8th to the 12th

Wednesday July 8th, 2009

            Well, I decided that I was tired of looking at my lawn looking all long and unkempt outback, so even though I mowed Sunday, I mowed again today only I put the mower on a lower setting so the lawn would be shorter and hopefully I won’t have to mow so often.  Not sure why it grew so much in the last three days, but it really didn’t even look like I mowed on Sunday, very frustrating!

            I also had Anna retrieve the shop vac from the basement and help me clean up all the sunflower shells that were all over the concrete outback, just looked really messy. 

Now John is up in his room with a movie.  I’m hoping that he will just fall asleep.  Yesterday he didn’t stay down and when I sent him to his room as a punishment around 3 or 4 he fell asleep and didn’t want to get up till several hours later.  That completely screws up his night schedule, so I wanted to get him down earlier today!

            Anna and David have been playing Legos almost all day.  They’ve only taken a couple breaks to eat really.  They’re playing in the dining room now!

            Thursday July 9th

            Well, yesterday when Jacob got home I had dinner ready.  I made stroganoff and green beans; Anna actually ate almost two plates full.  I had seconds as well, but I really need to stop doing that, though I did only have an apple and some almonds for lunch?!  We watched the last movie I rented “Street Fighter:  The Legend of Chun-Li”.  It was an okay plot, but the fighting was really cool!  Gave me some really awesome ideas for my character in the Rune Soldier game we’ll be playing tomorrow!

            Today I didn’t get up till after 7:30.  Had a lot of baby dreams last night.  Don’t remember very many details until one of the last dreams when we had baby girl on the floor in a basket and David accidentally stepped on her head.  I woke right up after that!  Not a good dream to have!  That’s exactly why I want to get a pack ‘n play to keep her in when we aren’t holding her so there’s no chance of her getting stepped on or sat on!  Still haven’t found the kind that I’m looking for, but I did post a want ad on Craigslist so I’m hoping someone will see it and write me back about it.  So far I’ve only gotten advice about how to find one, sights to join or check out.

            I think the kids are up in the boys room finishing up a movie that they were watching last night.  I didn’t put them to bed till after 10 last night.  I do need to get them going for the day though because I have decided that we are going to go to that 20% off Sale at Kid to Kid today.  They open at 10, but I plan to be there a bit early for better parking and will hopefully be one of the first ones in the door.  Their summer stuff is suppose to be up to 90% off and I plan to get baby girl stocked up for next summer!  I guess I could calculate out until age 2 or 3, but I really don’t want to store the stuff that long and they’ll have another sale like this next year, so I can do the same thing next year!  I’ll have to check out the stuff for the other kids too, but I think I find better deals for the older 3 at the Thrift Store.  I’ll look anyway though!

            Well, I better go for now, it’s 8:23 and I’m not sure if the kids are actually up.  I did hear Anna come out of her room and she never came downstairs, that’s why assumed that went into the boys room.  I need to get them all ready for the day and breakfasted!  Will write more later today!  :O)

            2:39 p.m.  ~The kids and I went to Kid to Kid this morning and found a few items for baby girl at 6/9 months.  I’m not sure where the 12 mo stuff was, oh well.  I was expecting more to be on sale, but I just didn’t like most of the items they had available today.  I mostly got onesies or items that I can pair with other things I already have.  I got John a Lightening McQueen baseball cap and Anna got an Eric doll w/ accessories.  Didn’t find anything for David.  I got 20% off my whole purchase, but some of the items were suppose to be 50% off first then 20% off and I didn’t get the first discount so I have to go back and get that fixed before we got and meet Jacob for dinner.  I also want to try and find a pair of socks that I bought, but didn’t make it in my bag for some reason.  Very frustrating cause they were super cute and I had found two other pair of socks to get them all at 3 for $1 instead of 40¢ ea.  So hopefully I can find them!  I called the store, but they didn’t see them anywhere.  I’m not sure why they didn’t make in the sack cause I saw them on the table before the lady loaded everything in there.  Maybe she accidentally pushed them on the floor when she scooped everything up.

            I’m gonna get the kids ready to leave here in a few minutes.  Don’t want to wait too long, I’ve just got the feeling that someone else found them and bought them, they were so darn cute!  I’ll let you know when we get back from dinner!

            Saturday July 11th

~The kids and I went back Thursday afternoon after John was up.  Didn’t find the socks even though we combed the whole store.  I did end up getting Anna a really cute pair of dress shoes in pink and three more pair of socks.  I don’t need anymore 0-3 mo socks!!!

            Friday was very busy!  In the morning we got up late, but had to get ready for a trip to the Hospital, where baby will be born, for a tour.  This is a new Hospital that we are going to.  John was born at a different Hospital with midwives and since the problems last year with the miscarriage and trying to get regulated were taking so long I decided that I wanted to go with OB’s this time around.  My PCP recommended the practice I’m seeing now.  The tour was at 11 and lasted an hour.  So very boring!  I already knew all the info, but just basically wanted to find out the layout of this Hospital versus the other one.  I also wanted to know what was available in the rooms; they don’t have fans in the bathroom so I will have to bring my own for white noise so I can sleep!  Other than that the info wasn’t much different than any other hospital that I’ve been to, so there really wasn’t any need to bring the whole family.  Oh well!

            After the tour we went and picked up lunch on our way home.  We needed to be home by 1 for our role-playing game.  We arrived 10 min before 1, but our guests didn’t show up till a quarter after and even later!  Not sure why it’s so hard to keep to a schedule.  It’s the same one we’ve been keeping for a couple weeks now, but it seems to be getting harder and harder for them!  We have another game on Tuesday and hopefully Wednesday then we are probably going to be taking a two week break before starting back up again?!  Cindy’s husband is coming back from his 5 wk training course in the Springs at the end of next week and she’s not sure of his schedule yet (neither is he).  Jacob will be leaving on the 27th for CA till that Friday (31st) so we can’t do anything that week.  The role-playing game lasted till almost 5 and then we had to call it quits because everyone needed to go.

            That evening we were expecting the delivery of our new washer and dryer.  They told us at Lowe’s that they’d be here after 4.  At 5:40 I finally got Jacob to call and find out where they were and when they’d arrive.  He got the answer between 6 and 8.  Fortunately by the time he got off the phone it was about 5:55 and they called shortly after 6 to say they’d be here in a few minutes.  Took ‘em quite awhile to get the washers hauled downstairs and the old one’s upstairs.  They didn’t leave till around 7:40ish, but now we have a brand new washer and dryer that are pretty cool!  Can’t wait to try them out and to not having to dry clothes for 2+ hours.

            Today I was hoping to get to the Farmer’s Market at the Southlands Mall and check things out there, plus a few other shops around there.  The Southlands Mall is an outdoor Mall, each of the shops is individual shop that you access from outside.  Kind of like an Old West Town of shops would look, but modern!  However Jacob didn’t get to bed this morning till 3:40 and he slept till a bit before 10 this morning.  It’s now 11:18 and he’s getting dressed and should be down shortly, but the Farmer’s Market ends at 1pm and I really didn’t want to get the leftovers from there.  Fresher is better!  Oh well maybe another weekend.  They only have the really large markets on Saturday there, which are when most of the vendors show up.

            I went to Hobby Lobby by myself once Jacob was up and also stopped at a Kids Furniture and Baby stuff shop that I had always thought was a Daycare Center.  Everything was way too expensive for me!

            When I got back home we ate lunch and then headed to Southlands and got a few things at Babies R Us, Walmart and Sams Club.  Jacob had to be back by 5:30 for his RPG and we got back a little after 4.  The kids and I didn’t do much in the evening, just watched some movies and they played a bit.

            Sunday July 12th

~Today was pretty typical:  Went to 1st Service, I taught the 2’s/3’s 2nd Service, though I only had two kids (Jacob came and took the boys home so they wouldn’t have to stay).  Then Anna and I went and got groceries at the Commissary.  Watched a couple movies. Jacob took a nap to get ready to start his night shift this evening (he just left about half an hour ago) and I just put the kids down for the night.  Jacob’s working night shifts all week 10pm to 6am.  I am trying out our new washer and dryer.  I’m hoping it finishes by the time I’m done with this and I can put everything in the dryer then it should be ready first thing in the morning!

Well I better go, it’s after 10 and I don’t want the kids to get up before me.  Anna’s suppose to stay in her room and get it cleaned up, but the boys will probably start running wild through the house and Jacob will be home by then sleeping so I need to try and keep them quite.  I’ll write more soon!

Thursday, July 09, 2009

And now for something totally different...

~I was brushing Anna’s hair yesterday afternoon because she wanted me to put a ponytail in her hair, as I was brushing it out I told her she had a lot of rats in her hair and when I was finished, John, who had been sitting next to me the whole time watching, came closer to her hair and ran his hand through her pony tail and said, “I don’t see a mouse in there!”  

He’s has some of the greatest comments sometimes and almost the best timing of the kids of coming up with hysterical comments, though I don’t know if he realizes that what he’s doing.

            Also yesterday evening, Jacob, John, and I were sitting around the dining room table.  John was playing with one of his Lego people and the Lego castle Jacob glued together and started doing the breathing like Darth Vader does in ‘Star Wars’, you know the raspy throaty breathing, usually before he says, “Luke, I am you’re father!”.  Anyway, he was doing a really great job, breathing and making his character do a dialogue when all of a sudden he started choking on his own saliva because he just had too much in his mouth.  

He was okay, recovered very quickly, but it was just so funny because that’s a very similar situation to what happened in the movie “Space Balls” when their version of a Darth Vader character couldn’t breath in his mask, sounded just like what happened with John!  LOL  :O)

            So that’s something a bit different to read about for once.  I’ll try and put more stuff like this in from the kids.  Stuff like this happens all the time I just forget to write it down.  Actually there was one other instance yesterday with John, but I can’t remember exactly what he said, but it was just perfect timing to something Jacob said and again, so very funny!  Maybe he’ll be our family comedian?!  :O)

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The last few days...in July (6-8)

Well, it’s the 6th already.  Yesterday we didn’t do anything too interesting.  None of us got up till after 8 because we stayed up late Saturday night watching fireworks.  (Didn’t get home till a little after 10.)  Jacob made pancakes for the kids and I had potatoes and ham.  Jacob installed the new ceiling fan, but discovered that one of the glass covers for the lights was broken.  We installed 2 of the 4 light covers and then used 2 covers from the light fixture that we didn’t use from the ceiling fan in our room.  It looked alright, but I wanted to see what they had at the Hardware Store and since we needed to go anyway to order the new washer and dryer we went and looked at Lowe’s.  I ended up getting a smaller cup with beaded glass tinted a very light amber/gold color.  It looks better with the gold details on the ceiling fan than the white frosted cups did.  Jacob also purchased a duct cleaning system and decided to clean out the dryer vents to make sure that wasn’t the reason behind our dryer not working (then he could go back and cancel our washer/dryer order), but turns out the vents weren’t hardly dirty at all, so we are getting a new washer and dryer Friday evening!  Yay!  :O)  This new set will really cut down on my washing/drying time and also save lots of energy due to the sensing technology that it has when you load the washer.  It can tell how heavy the load is and only provides enough water for their weight.  It’s pretty cool!  It’s a top load washer and front load dryer like we already have only maximum capacity.  It will make doing bedding and 6 persons worth of laundry so much easier!!!  I’m really excited!  :O)

I did a bit of work myself yesterday.  I just mowed the lawn outback and hooked up the new fanning sprinkler head to the hose for the kids to play in.  I also started working on the dragon part of the mural downstairs.  I mostly got the outer body part of the dragon done, but had to stop because I didn’t have the picture with me to tell what all I should paint.  This is just the first coat for the dragon body.  It’s a really large dragon.  She’s about as tall as me and 4 times as wide at least!  She’ll be super cute when I’m done with her.  I’ll take pictures and post them on my blog!

Today I’m doing a lot of cleaning.  Already washed two loads of laundry, put a load of dishes away, and made a large pot of sweet tea.  Stripped my bed and re-made it.  David’s been bathed and the kids are dressed and have eaten breakfast.  I cleaned all 3 of the bathrooms and washed down a portion of the kitchen counters and the garbage compactor.  Took out the trash too (though the main garage will need to be taken out this evening for trash collection tomorrow morning).  We will be leaving here in about 10 minutes to go and meet Jacob for lunch.  We’ll be arriving a bit early and ordering his food so he’ll be able to eat when he arrives.  We’re going to BJ’s, it’s  a really yummy restaurant here!

Tuesday July 7th, 2009

          ~Well, we met Jacob for lunch yesterday and the timing of everything arriving couldn’t have been better because he just sat down as they brought out his food.  He wanted a mini pizza and the lunch version comes with a salad so he ate that too!  He was stuffed afterwards.  Anna ordered chicken strips with wedge fries and the boys had a mini burger with wedge fries too, though between them all they only ate one meals worth (it was their snack later when they got home and realized they were still hungry).  I got the half sandwich with salad and fries.  I probably won’t get another sandwich combo because the sandwiches just aren’t as good as the burgers and open face meatloaf sandwich, that one is my favorite!  Used my last $5 off coupon so that brought the price down, which is always nice!  We might get out one more time Thursday w/ another printed off coupon if I can find it.  I think I printed off quite a few, but am not sure where they all went?!  Maybe Cindy will go with us this time, I’ll have to ask when she comes over for dinner and a movie tonight!

After lunch we basically just lounged at home till it was time to go to the movie I was going to see with Cindy.  We arrived at a little after 4 and waited in the lobby until Jacob arrived to take the kids back home.  Jacob is working a regular shift this week so he gets off at 4 every evening through Thursday.  Anyway, Cindy and I watched “Land of the Lost” at the Cinema Grill.  The food was good, but the movie was awful!  I wouldn’t recommend even renting it; it’s just a waste of time.  If you’ve seen the previews you’ve seen all the funny parts!  We talked out at my car for a bit before heading home.  Jacob had called about his possible Jury Duty today and he was excused so he went into work today like usual.  Though he got another Jury summons in the mail yesterday for August 5th I believe.  It’s a one day trial thing, so I’m not sure what’s going to be up with that?!  I guess we’ll have to wait and see?!

I put the kids to bed at 8 because I wanted everyone to be up early in the morning to go and rent the new movies for today.  I was actually able to reserve my top choice on-line.  I rented 3 movies, though we’ll only be able to watch 2 tonight probably.  Jacob has to go to bed about 8 every evening when he’s working days, so we’re gonna start the first movie as soon as he arrives home this evening.  I have Cindy coming about 4 so that she’ll be here when Jacob arrives.  I haven’t decided what I’m going to make for dinner yet, but I need to get some meat thawing or we’re just gonna have to eat cereal or something?!

Have been working more on getting the house clean today.  The family room where we spend most of our time is clean as is the kitchen pretty much.  There are only a few items that still need to be put away, but I need to make another pot of sweet tea so they’ll go away when I make that!  The front room has been straightened a bit and I dusted and wiped some wood protector on the nicer wood furniture in there.  I still need to do a bit more dusting, but at least I got the major items done already.  The kids helped a lot with running stuff to different parts of the house, that’s how I got the kitchen pretty much cleaned up!  There always seems to be items with no place around here and it’s very frustrating just having them lay around out in the open just cluttering up surfaces.  I also went through my coupon drawer and cut up the coupons I wanted to keep and threw away all the outdated ones, so that’s not such a mess!

I still need to go up and clean my room a bit.  Put away clothes and two baskets worth of laundry; one of which is all linens that I need to organize into our extra clothes closet behind our bathroom.  Anna will have to help me fold the sheets so they all fit!  The other basket is full of mostly the kids clothes and I think I decided that it will be easier to take it in their room and get it all put away!  I have one more load of laundry to do downstairs some time this week.  I kind of wanted to get it done before the new washer and dryer arrived so that it’s not so cluttered down there when they install it!

It’s currently 1:28 and John didn’t stay down for his nap so I’m going to go and finish the vacuuming upstairs and get my room cleaned, plus everything else I wanted to get done.  Was thinking about washing the windows on the sliding glass door to the backyard and front door so there aren’t hand prints all over them?!  We’ll see if I get to that today, it’s not a bit deal…

I might just need to send this letter off before the weekend since I’ve already written so much.  Not really a whole lot interesting going on, just routine stuff.  Though today I am 31 weeks pregnant, only about 9wish weeks to go.  I’m hoping that little lady decides to come earlier than later since I’m already over my total weight gain at the end with John and I’m pretty much expected to gain about a pound a week near the end.  Let’s hope that doesn’t happen cause baby girl will be over 9 lbs if that happens.  I’m hoping for more around a light 7.  :O)  We’ll see and I’ll keep ya’ll posted!

Wednesday July 8th, 2009

            ~Well, I got everything done yesterday that I wanted to get done, cleaning wise.  My friend Cindy showed up 20 minutes earlier than I expected, which was okay since I was just hanging up with Sara and getting ready to start on dinner.  Made chicken curry for dinner, Cindy had never had any before and said it was good.  Jacob got home at 4:15, which is a lot earlier than usual.  Dinner was almost ready so we went and ahead and started the movie.  We were able to watch the two movies that I had planned to watch.  Tonight we will watch the last one I rented and I’ll have to take them back to the Redbox. 

This morning I didn’t get up till about 7:30.  I stayed up till after 10 with the kids and watched a couple shows that I had recorded.  John watched “America’s Got Talent” with me.  He took a late nap so I didn’t think he would go to bed at 8:30 when his dad did so we all stayed up.  When we do that the kids sleep in till almost 8am or later.  It’s nice to be able to get a few things done in the morning, if I get up before them that is…

I’m not sure what we are going to do today other than the movie this evening with Jacob.  No plans really.  I got all my cleaning done yesterday so I don’t really need to do anything in that department.  I’m rather tired today.  I think we’ll all just take it easy cause tomorrow we are going to probably go and watch “Kung Fu Panda” at one of the Cinemas in town for free.  We’ll see though, I really wanted to make it to this sale at Kid to Kid, which starts tomorrow at 10, but the movie is at 10 on the other side of town.  I was hoping to stock up on summer stuff for baby girl for next year and possibly some stuff for Anna maybe.  They carry kids clothing sizes from 0-14 I think, so Anna’s in about size 9-10 right now.  Though their clothes tend to be on the pricier side than Unique Thrift where I usually shop.  However, they just had a 50% off sale for the 4th and I’m waiting a week or two for them to get restocked before I go back there.  I think Anna is going to need jeans for school this Fall.  I’ll have to do an inventory of the kids clothes and figure out what they will need for School and this winter.  We didn’t have much winter stuff last year, but they didn’t really go out much to play so it wasn’t that big of a deal if they were wearing jackets.  I think Anna needs a new winter coat though.  The one I bought her last year was really getting on my nerves with the whole poofy hood thing (only paid $10 for it at Walmart) so it wasn’t a big loss to donate it to the Thrift Store this summer after our garage sale.  Will update this more this evening after stuff happens...

Saturday, July 04, 2009

July 4th '09

Happy Independence Day!

This morning Jacob and I slept in till after 8 am.  (After Jacob's long day yesterday (a 16 hr shift) he was just completely beat when he got home at 10:20 last night!)  When we finally got up, so were the kids.  Anna had the boys all dressed up.  David was wearing his Easter suit with a black jacket and she was wearing this new dress I picked at the Church garage sale a couple weeks ago (red and sparkly), John was just wearing a dress shirt and jeans...they all looked very interesting in their varying decrees of dress-uppedness!  :O)

This morning we planned to head to the Farmer's Market at the Southlands Mall and let the kids play in the fountains.  When we all got loaded up in the van the Community Parade was going down the street so we had to wait.  We all went down to the end of our culdesac and watched what was left of the parade.  What was left didn't even last 5 minutes.  The kids retrieved some candy that had been thrown all around the ground along the parade route.  We all headed back home after and re-loaded the kids into van.  As Jacob was pulling out we realized that the van was on empty so we had to go over and fuel up and also stopped at an ATM to get some cash out for the Farmer's Market.

When we finally arrived at the Farmer's Market Jacob let Anna, David and I out at the curb at the beginning of the sale and he went and parked the van on the other side with John.  The kids and I walked around checking out the different booths heading in the direction I thought Jacob and John would be coming from.  When we finally met up we went straight over to the Honey booth and bought 2 ea. of 8 different flavors of honey sticks to try:  orange, raspberry, cherry, strawberry, cinnamon, clover, lemon, and grape.  Jacob got a coffee cake muffin, Anna picked out a loaf of bread, and I got 2 lbs of steak burger which Jacob BBQ'd up for lunch when we got home.  The boys just shared the honey sticks with all of us, which were really good!  When we were done walking around the Market we let the kids play in the ground fountain.  Anna got soaked, David would run through, but didn't get very wet, and John wouldn't go in at all (at least we found out his swimsuit fits)!  They had lots of fun, but we pulled them just after Noon when Anna's lips were starting to turn blue.  

It's been pretty cool and overcast most of the day, right now it's raining like crazy!  Not sure what kind of effect this is going to have on the fireworks show tonight?!  It is messing with our satellite system and I had to turn it off because it lost signal.  The kids weren't too happy cause they were in the middle of watching a show.  I just sent them downstairs to watch something there since I can't get the TV to work up here.

After our steak burger lunch I asked Jacob if he would try and get the new ceiling fan installed. I used the money my sister gave me for my Birthday to buy it.  It's something that I've been thinking about for awhile and I found a great deal on this particular one for $29.96.  (The shelf it was sitting on said $59.88 and it rang up that too, but a place on the box had $29.96 marked on it and another sticker that said the same thing, but I just found another sticker that says $49.88.  They need to get their pricing straight, but because they didn't I got the much better deal, $30 off!)  Anyway, as he was working on it he discovered that he needed some washers and even amidst our multitude of different odds and ends of nuts/bolts/etc. he couldn't find anything that would work.  We had to go the hardware store and pick some up.

We got back about 3:30 and unfortunately Jacob had to get ready to leave for work at 4.  He was told last night just before he got off he had to be ready for more work by 5 this evening. Neither he nor I are very happy about that!  He's at work now with no idea of when he'll be able to come home?!  Hopefully he'll be off in time to watch fireworks with us over by Bicentennial Park if they end up having them that is (still raining like crazy here!).  THIS WAS SUPPOSE TO BE HIS DAY OFF!!!

Jacob got home a little after 8 and we left to go and find a parking spot for the fireworks show at a quarter to 9.  It was already very crowded everywhere, but we ended up finding a parking spot on the other side of the Mall.  The perfect place for a quick get away after the fireworks show so we wouldn't end up spending two hours on the road home like years before.  The show started promptly at 9:30 pm and lasted for 25 minutes.  All the kids were awake and really enjoyed it!  It took us 11 minutes to get home due to our excellent parking strategy!  We were one of the first ones out of the lot when the show ended.  We all went to bed when we got home, we were all very tired!

July Already?!

Wednesday July 1st, 2009  ~Well, can you believe it’s July already? My Mom called this morning and I talked to her for awhile, then we went to a few stores that I needed or wanted to go to and because Jacob had the day off and we ended up going out and doing some price comparisons on washers and dryers.  We really need a new set and a new wall oven too.  We never seem to get a break with things around here; something always seems to keep breaking!

We also went to a late lunch at Olive Garden.  The kids have been asking to go for ages and we finally agreed.  They always eat so well there!  We did a late lunch because we took them over to my friend Jill’s house at a quarter to 5 and dropped them off so Jacob and I could go and watch “Transformers 2”.  It was a good show and it didn’t seem to last the 2 1/2 hrs that it did, which is good!!!  We didn’t get back to pick up the kids till after 8.  We had to get home quickly though afterwards because Jacob has to work the next day.  He’s on two days of 12 hr shifts and had to get up in the morning at 4:30 to be to work at 6am.

~Thursday July 2nd, 2009

This morning I didn’t get up till about 7:15 though I woke a little after 6am.  I just lay in bed and slept off and on for a bit.  My back is still really hurting me from the other night on the couch.  I’m not sure what I did to it, but it doesn’t seem to be getting better!  I’m gonna try and do some back stretches today and hopefully that will help to get my back all loosened up!

It’s now after 8:07 am and I need to get breakfast for everyone.  The kids are up, I’m not sure what time they got up, but they are in the boys room watching the rest of a movie they started last night.  I didn’t put them to bed till after 10 last night.  We will be leaving at 9 to go and do a little shopping, mostly just checking things out again, though I’m going to get registered at Babies R Us for baby stuff and to get a $5 off coupon for some items that I wanted to try and get stocked up on (onsies)!  They have this really cute set that I really liked, 5 onsies in a set and they are all in darker pinks and browns and flowers, very cute!  :O)

My friend Cindy is going to meet us at the Southlands Mall at Babies R Us at 9:30 when they open.  We’re also going to check out the other baby store over there that’s going out of business.  I wanted to check and see if their sales were any better, it’s been a couple weeks since we’ve been there, they may be all sold our already?!  I guess we’ll have to wait and see till what’s going on there till we get there today.  I’ll be bringing the kids with me since Jacob is working today.  After our little run around there we are going to go and pick something up for lunch and meet Jacob at the Base and eat together.  These lunches really break up the day and make it not seem to long in-between our times together!!!  He only gets 1 1/2 hrs with us in the evenings before he has to go to bed again.

I was thinking of having the kids bring their swimsuits and going to a Water Park over next to the Base. We’ve heard it’s really fun, but haven’t ever been.  We’ll see how the weather is this afternoon though; I have to be back home by 3:15 to baby-sit Jill’s kids so she and her husband can go and watch a different show today. 

This morning I took the kids to the Southlands Mall and we did a little shopping, though they weren’t very cooperative.  Cindy met us at Babies R Us and I got registered and zapped a bunch of stuff that I wouldn’t mind having.  We also made it to that baby store going out of business; they were 50% off or more of the entire store though they didn’t have much left.  I did get a full/queen comforter set w/ ladybugs on it marked down from over $200.  It’s really cute!  We also went to Walmart and I picked up a couple other things I forgot to get when I was there yesterday.  I found a ceiling fan for $29.96 there that goes really well with our household décor!  The shelf it was sitting on said $59.88, but there was a sticker on the box and a little section up on the corner that said $29.96 so they gave it to me for the cheaper price!  Yay!  I’m hoping Jacob can install it tonight, we’ll have to wait and see?!  I don’t know if he’ll want to do that when he gets home from work this evening…

After the Mall we met Jacob for lunch, he’s still doing those 12 hr shifts.  Then the kids and I came home.  I actually got a call from the Architectural Control Committee director shortly before we left the base.  They didn’t approve the house colors we picked for our house.  Well actually they approved the trim and accent colors, but not the main house color, they said it was too dark.  I actually think it would look very lovely back among all our trees and bushes.  We picked a foresty green color for the main house and a cream for the trim and the same dark orange color for the door that it already is!  It’s very frustrating; they want us to go several shades lighter than what we’ve picked out.  I’m not sure how we are going to resolve this?!   We can’t go to the paint store because they close at 5 during the week and Jacob doesn’t get off till 6.  I didn’t ask what time they are open on the weekends, but I probably should, Jacob’s next day off after this weekend is the 10th of July and we already have a lot going on that day!

It’s currently 5:12 pm.  I’m babysitting my friends’ kids so that she can go and watch a movie with her husband.  They arrived a bit later than expected and Jill let me know the movie starts at 3:50 at the Southlands Mall.  However, when I looked it up the next show started at 4:10 and the show is 2 hrs and 23 minutes.  That means they probably won’t be back till around 7 because the theater is so far away.  For some reason they only thought the show was only playing at one theater and actually it’s playing at all the theaters.  It opened yesterday nation wide!  I did check movie times earlier this week and the theaters only had new movie times listed at certain time, but they changed for the days after the movie came out…  It’s rather frustrating!  I was going to volunteer to go and watch the movie that Jill wanted to go and see with her, but her husband said he’d go so she wouldn’t have to go by herself before I did, too bad I didn’t pipe up about it!  It didn’t really sound like her husband even wanted to go.  He was actually still working at home when she dropped the kids off and had to go and pick him back up at home then go to the theater.  It takes about 15 to 20 min to get to their place from our house and another 10 to 15 to get to the theater.  I guess it’s a good thing that the movie wasn’t actually until 4:10pm.  SMH

I’m glad that Jacob is off here in about an hour!  This day doesn’t seem to be getting any better!

8:56 p.m.  ~Jacob got home about 6:30 this evening and we had a talk about the day!  Spent quite a bit of time talking to him about the kids and the painting situation.  We went outside and looked at the house then started looking through a bunch of paint colors that I already had from previous trips to the paint store. After Jill picked up her kids about 7, Jacob, the kids and I got in the van and went around the neighborhood and checked out different paint color combinations already in the neighborhood!  We found a few that we really liked (colors, not necessarily combinations) and started plugging them into a program on the computer that we found where you can take colors and actually apply them to a picture of a house, even a picture of your own house to see how the different colors look!  We didn’t have a picture of our house though.  We’ll take a picture tomorrow and start playing with color choices.  Hopefully we can find a couple different combinations that we like and that the ACC will approve of!

Jacob and John are in bed now.  John fell asleep on our trip around the neighborhood and just went and lay down on the floor when we got back home so Jacob took him up to bed when he took himself up to get ready for bed!  Jacob has his last 12 hr shift tomorrow then he’s off for the weekend.

Anna and David are upstairs playing on the computer in Anna’s room.  I’ll probably put them to bed here in about an hour or so.

I’m gonna try and get caught up on a couple of shows and my devotionals and Bible readings for the week. I’ve been pretty busy in the mornings and have gotten a little behind in my readings so I plan to get caught up tonight before I head to bed!  Right now I’m watching “So You Think You Can Dance” and finding out who gets eliminated tonight, then I’ll do my readings!  Good Night!  :O)

Friday July 3rd, 2009

~Well, this morning I actually slept in till a little after 7:30.  I didn’t go to bed till after 10 because I got caught up on my devotions, which was good, I really needed to do that!  Anna and David went to bed the same time I did and Anna didn’t get up this morning till after 8, neither did David or John.  That was nice!  I did my devotions for this morning and watched the rest of a show that I didn’t finish last night.  Then wrote a long letter to Sara on Facebook.  For breakfast I made ham and potatoes for the kids and myself.  I even cut up a cantaloupe, which the kids ate right up.  They love melons! 

This morning I’ve started another load of laundry and am trying out the new dryer balls that I bought at ROSS.  Hopefully this will help with drying time, as we haven’t been able to get a new washer and dryer yet.  We may be getting one though here in the next couple days.  Lowe’s is having a really great sale on washers and dryers right now with extra discounts if you buy a specific brand and 0 payments and interest for a year if we use their credit card and free delivery and haul away!  We just need to check out Home Depot’s sales and then we can make a decision.  We’ll probably figure that out this weekend while Jacob is off on Saturday and Sunday.

Anna’s working on getting her laundry put away this morning and her room cleaned up.  It took her about a month to finally get her room completely clean and there is only a bit of a mess in there this morning, won’t take her long.  She won’t be doing anything else until it is done though!  David is watching a movie downstairs and John just got some nuts from me as a snack.  He’s also playing with a green balloon that I just blew up for him.

We didn't meet Jacob for lunch since we had a late breakfast, though we should have because he got stuck at work till 10 (he was suppose to get off at 6).  He got home about 10:20 pm and was able to give the kids loves since I'd just put them to bed.  I had stayed up to wait for him, so I was really tired and we both went to bed when he finally got settled.  Turned out to be a really long day for Jacob, he did a 16 hr shift.