Monday, December 31, 2007

On the Verge of a New Year

I don't know even where to begin...

I am so emotionally drained I have little emotion left other than self pity...

This New Year is almost here...only 2 hrs. and 45 min. to go. I hope the new year brings us more blessings than the heart aches this year has thrust upon us! At this moment I do not really hold out that much optimism for the New Year...though there are some things that I do wish would happen!

We are stuck in a seemingly never ending void of light in our lives. Each day brings us closer and closer to the edge of a disaster and threatens to break us. And I'm not sure if we are broken that we will be able to recover!

All I want to do is cry! Cry because I see no relief in sight, only heartache growing stronger and stronger every day that we endure these trials!

My mind is lost in a sea of questions. So many questions without any answers, is almost unbearable.

We don't know where to turn, we don't know who to talk to! I feel my
self spiraling down and down into the depths of despair. My patience is shot! My temper is flaring! I don't like myself very much right now because I don't have any patience and become agitated very easily and then my temper flares!!! I don't know what to do with the many, many situations that we are constantly being bombarded with! There go the tears again...

What do we do? What can we do? We've told so many people what we are going through, even our Church...We've cried to God for help and nothing has happened!!! What more can we do? Waiting is only making things worse for us! We have no security to fall back on! Why, why, why are these things be allowed to happen? We can't help ourselves, let alone anyone else!!!

What can we do when there is no helping hand in sight? And no one who actually seems to give a dam, other than to tell you that everything will be alright.....and then you feel their gaze slowing shift away as if they are uncomfortable about even being around this kind of situation let alone try to help out?!

I'm so lost...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

What's Going On

As the millions of people are out stocking their carts this after Christmas morning I am at home, just woken up about 55 minutes ago. Usually this is one of my favorite days of the year. Waking at 4 am to make it in front of Walmart a quarter to 5. But alas, this year is different and next year will be too! My present supply is pretty much depleted and until our Pitkin house sells we are on a very tight leash for fundage, and I mean very tight, choking leash!!! I never realized just how hard things were going to get because we decided to go along with something that we believed was a divine revelation! I'm not sure what we are suppose to be learning from these trials that we are being allowed to go through. But I have decided that no matter what I am going to trust that God will take care of us! No we are not starving and yes we have a roof over our heads, our bodies are warm. But our hearts are breaking from all the constant bombardments that we are being put through. I just want to be able to give. I want to be able to help other people. But because of our current situation we are almost the ones in need of help! And if we don't stick to the sufficating budget that Jacob says we need to for the next, who knows how long we will probably go bankrupt.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Bringing U Up2Date

~I know I haven't been very good at keeping my blog going. Things have been rather hectic here in the last month and until just the last couple days I've been too depressed to really even right about anything. I'm starting to get some of my motivation back though, so I thought I'd submit an entry, even though I don't really have a whole lot of anything exciting to write about. I will update my journal from the 8th till now and I think I'll work backwards and forwards and all over the place, so I hope y'all don't get too confused...

Let's see...Today I have decided that in between catching up on some shows I've recorded recently I am going to try and get the house cleaned up. I have already cleaned most of the kitchen. The downstairs bathroom. The entry way. And dusted the front room. Oh, and let's not forget I started a load of laundry. (Darks are about all we seem to do around here w/ maybe one load of whites and lots of bleach every two weeks.) I still need to vacuum the front room and family room, sweep the kitchen floor, and wash a few windows. I also refilled the cleaning solution bottles and have de-cluttered and organized the lots-of-useful-but-not-
always-needed-things drawer (no it's not the junk drawer, it has band aids, lighters, hair clips, static guard, tape, scissors, etc. you know...lots of useful stuff but not always needed things).

Yesterday I re-listed a bunch of stuff on Craigslist. I started using html about two months ago to make my ads stand out more and hopefully catch more attention. They were more organized and easy to read, but apparently that wasn't a good thing because after re-listing one of my items it immediately got flagged and deleted. After talking with one of the help desk people I found out that because of the html my ads looked too much like a business and businesses are not allowed on Craiglist. People want short and simple. So I went back in after taking some new, clearer pictures and deleted all the html. They are short and non-descriptive and very boring, but I've had more hits since yesterday than I've had in weeks w/ my html. Not sure why because w/ the html I had detailed descriptions and everything was a lot easier to read. It's rather frustrating, but now I can crank out more posts faster, so I guess that's a plus. Now if people will only follow through with their inquiries! ... Well I guess I spoke too soon. I have two people coming by today to purchase items. I am excited! I actually feel like I'm contributing a bit more when I sell stuff. Especially since we don't really have much money right now.

I can hardly believe that tomorrow is Christmas! Can you? Where did the year go? All of a sudden the days just passed and here we are...Christmas Eve. It's crazy. One day you feel like the year will last forever and then you blink and the year is gone. Wow!

On the 10th I went to the doctor because I was having chest pains. Actually I had been having pains for about two weeks before that, but I talked with Jacob and we agreed I should probably go in and get checked out. The doctor did a EKG and it was normal. They ran some blood test and they were normal. She sent me home with a heart monitor that I was suppose to wear 24/7, but since I'm such a light sleeper I took it off at night. I discovered after calling to activate the monitor that I had to have a land line to call the recording in. We don't have one, so I enlisted the help of my sister and my friend Athena (they have land lines). So because I had to go over to their houses to call the recordings in I tried to only have to call them in twice a day even though I was having check pain quite regularly and mostly non-stop. Anyway, I made it to Friday (14th) in the evening. I called Athena several times around 7:15 and wasn't able to get a hold of her so I called Sara to see if it was okay for me to go over there and call the monitor in for the evening. She said yes, so I got in the van and headed over there. I got down to Peoria and Parker (about 5 blocks from my house) and was in the right hand left turn lane stopped. When the light turned green I started around the corner and my back end kept going around to the right. I tapped my brakes and tried to correct, but only made it worse. I finally came to a stop horizontal in the middle of the 3 lane road. I was about to correct myself when I turned and looked out my window and BAM!!! I was hit on my drivers side door. I called 911, but because there were so many accidents going on the city was on Accident Alert. So since there were no injuries we were to just file the claim on-line and call our insurance companies. A security officer for one of the nearby shopping centers stopped traffic for us so we could move out of the way. We exchanged info and I headed home. As I was driving home though I realized that my front wheel didn't seem to be working correctly. And I already knew that my drivers door was toast. The bottom was caved in and top stuck out about 2", unable to close all the way. After filing the claims on-line with both the government and my insurance company that evening I went to bed. The next morning I woke and felt horrible. I think I caught the flu some how. I felt horribly sick to my stomach, weak, and dizzy and my left side had started to hurt. As the day progressed the pain in my left side got worse and by the evening I was calling my Mom to see how bad the pain should be before I went into the emergency room. She said that if my kids were feeling what I was feeling would I take them in? And I said yes, I talked to Jacob (whom was in the middle of a role playing game with his friends). He wanted me to just sit and relax. I went and sat, but I was having more and more trouble breathing. I called to Jacob and he came in I was starting to hyperventilate and he went in to tell the guys he needed to call it a night. My left side started going numb, then my right. Pretty soon I could move either of my arms. And it started heading down my legs and my face also started to go numb. Jacob called 911 and the Paramedics arrived not 10 min later. One of the half dozen people that arrived told me that I was hyperventilating. He started talking me down and getting my breathing back under control. It took awhile and I started to get some feeling back in my arms and legs, but I was still in a lot of pain, so they took me in the ambulance to the ER. There they did some more vitals, took my statement, and some blood work, and x-rays. And low and behold they were all normal. The doctor said that he didn't doubt my pains, but since none of the tests were coming up with anything he wasn't going to diagnose me with having an anxiety attack and give me a anti-anxiety med to take at night before I went to bed to help me sleep and w/ the idea that the med. would carry over to the next day and then he wanted me to follow up with my doctor on Monday.

Monday I got into the doctor. I was suppose to go back the to doctor on Thursday for a cholesterol test, but since I was in on Monday I just fasted before that appointment so I wouldn't have to go back Thursday. Anyway, she said that the med the ER doc gave me wouldn't carry to the next day and gave me another prescription for the anxiety med, plus a pain med for the pains I was still having. She wants me to come back in 4 wks for a follow up unless I don't get better and then she wants me back sooner. I stopped using the heart monitor. They pretty much ruled that out with all their tests. Plus since we only have one vehicle it's pretty much impossible for me to call it in every day. I did have the van last week because Jacob carpooled.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Let it Snow...Not!!!

Lol :O)

Okay, I know we need the snow, but I don't like it. It's always so cold and wet! I don't like to be too cold and I definitely don't like to be cold and wet! Fortunately since I can't really go anywhere anymore I don't have to deal with the snow all that much. Though when the snow stops falling I'm going to have to go out and shovel the sidewalks because apparently there is some ordinance about citizens having to remove the snow from their sidewalks within 24 hrs of when the snow stops falling. Crazy! But it looks like tomorrow is going to be too cold for the weather to remove it for me like the last time it snowed, so I'll be out taking care of business first thing in the morning. Probably before Church starts because tomorrow is a busy day...

Speaking of which...Tomorrow is Tayla's 14th Birthday. For those of you who don't know Tayla, she is Sara and Tim's ward. Before they moved here her mother signed over papers for them to take care of her. And she moved here with them. Anyway, I'm going to be doing a bit of grocery shopping to get some items to make a vegetarian dinner for her Birthday. Plus I was thinking of doing a little something special for the dessert. Not exactly sure what yet, but I have an idea. So Jake and the kids and I will probably be heading to the Commissary right after Church to get the items for dinner.

Not much else going on today besides the snow. It's been snowing most of the day, though it's a really fine powder and not much has accumulated. I think there might be 3 inches outside. But that's not really all the much for snowing all day. I think it just stopped about an hour ago. Nobody has been going outside either because it is so cold. I did go and get the mail in my flip-flops today. I know, I'm crazy, but I didn't want to run up to my room and put on sock and shoes, when it was only a little ways out to the mailbox. Too bad there wasn't anything good in there! Just bills.

Sara and Family came over for dinner this evening. I made two pizzas; a cheese pizza and a bacon pizza. I've found these really great bacon bits that work really great, really as any sort of garnish and extra flavoring for food. I've used them on pizza, in scrambled eggs, and in green beans. I even gave some to David to just eat (that was only one time). He liked that a lot! We watched a couple shows together too! They are coming over tomorrow for Tayla's Birthday meal. I don't think we discussed what time. I'll have to call about that tomorrow!

Well, I'm still not sleepy, but I should probably head to bed anyway. Jacob and the kids went to bed about half an hour to an hour ago. I'm just not tired, so I thought I'd write a little something in my journal. Good night everyone! :O)

Gift Cards are Grrreeeaattt!!!

~ I'm not sure why all the tabloids keep posting..."Gift Cards are Lame Gifts" or saying "Gift Cards a No, No for the Holidays". I recently read this article on

"Gift Cards Are Not Gifts"

I do agree with most of what the lady has to say, actually researching what your friends and family are interested in is a wonderful idea. But what if you really have no idea what a person likes, or what if you do know a persons tastes, but they are extremely hard to please even if you get something you think they would like...Why not give them a gift card to their favorite restaurant or to a Movie Theater they enjoy going to? It doesn't just have to be a Target or Walmart card, but even if it is what's wrong with that? There are hundreds and hundreds of items at those stores that you may not have even thought that your recipient might like or have been eyeing, but not bought just yet because they didn't have the extra cash to splurge on. Why can't you just include a card or note with your gift card that say's " I know you like to shop at ______(fill in the blank), and I thought you might use this card to splurge on yourself for a little something extra." OR "I know this is your favorite restaurant, Enjoy!" I mean what's wrong with that? Isn't it better to give your friend or family a little extra Cash that they can spend on something themselves, than to get them some cheap gift or trinket that will break within the week or they'll never use? I don't know how many times we've had to throw away cheap gifts the day it's been received or shortly after. That's even more heartbreaking to a child than them going out and picking out their own gift with the money they received from a caring relative or friend. It's actually quite fun to watch their little faces light up when they get to pick out something special all on their own. I'm not saying don't give gifts, I'm just saying don't give gifts if you don't know what someone likes. And don't give someone a gift that you wouldn't want to receive yourself!!!

That is my thought on Gift Cards and Gift Giving! Unfortunately we've run into a snag with financing this year and I was not able to get in the bulk of my Holiday Shopping this year. This will probably continue on through most of next year until we can sell the Pitkin House and get some bills paid off! I apologize to all my friends and family that I won't be able to give to until this financial set back is taken care of!!!

P.S. This Posting was not written for any one person inparticular, it is just a compiling of thoughts and observations that I've made over the years through my Family and some of my Friends! It is not meant to hurt anyone's feelings! I apologize if I offended anyone because that was not my intention. This was only written to let people know some of my views on the whole Gift and Gift Card giving idea...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Time Sure Flies

I can hardly believe the month is half over. It seems like I was just writing at the first of the month saying that the month would fly by and see...I was right! :O)

John went down for an early nap today. For some reason he has caught another cold and has his nasty cough back. I also gave him a dose of his neb. medicine. We were actually approved for a new machine that, turns out, is wholly covered by our insurance. So we have a new nebulizer machine for John and a little over 3 boxes of medicine for him whenever his breathing acts up.

Tonight the kid and I have Awana. This is the last night of the Can Can race to collect food for needy families. Next week there is no Awana for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Anna has Wed-Sunday off. Jacob is taking Friday and Saturday off (23/24) for his Birthday. He'll have a 5 day weekend.

We are going to be celebrating Thanksgiving on Jacob's Birthday the 24th (Saturday), plus I think he might be having the guys over for a gaming night. If he doesn't I might just run a mission for him so he can get a game in without having to run it himself. He's always running the games (he's just really good at it, Jake has a great imagination and is really good at improvisation).

Speaking of Birthdays. David's 4th Birthday is Monday the 19th. We are having a party for him at 3:30. Gives those friends who are in school time to get over to our house after school. We are having a Spiderman party for David. I didn't really set a time frame for the party. But I'm guessing probably about an hour and half or so. The kids always have so much fun playing. I don't have any actual games thought up for them, but I'm hoping the whether is nice so the kids can go outside and play for awhile. Plus I was hoping to have the Pinata hung from a tree outback. I was also thinking of contacting friends that have said they are coming to see if they would let their kids wear a super hero type costume. David has a Spiderman costume and we have many others that Anna could wear. Will just give kids another opportunity to wear their costumes out for fun, other than Halloween. We'll see. I think I'm going to ask my sister about it.

I'm hoping to go out after Thanksgiving shopping on Friday. I am getting rather anxious. There isn't really anything that I am looking for, but they have such great deals that day, I will probably end up being up at 4 again this year.

The boys and I heading out after John gets up from his nap. I think we'll be heading to the Mall for a few, then to Walmart to look for a Pinata and maybe the Party store. I haven't found everything that I want for David's Party yet. Hopefully we'll be able to find the stuff in the next couple days. I want to have everything ready by this Saturday if possible.

I better go though. There are a few chores that I would like to get done today and hopefully most done before John gets up. I'll try and write more soon!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Never a Dull Day

Well, just when you think the day is going to be a regular day something unexpected happens. Let me explain. Yesterday was going pretty well. I went and did some running around with the boys and took some stuff back to Target. Then I checked out the after Halloween items again and score 90% off. We got a few items and then I decided that we would head to the other Target over on Havana to check them out (for some reason they don't seem to get as much business as the other Target's, but they carry as much stuff as the larger 24/7 stores). We found all sorts of great deals there and the boys got some costumes for next year and the year after! (Anna already has a bunch of dress-up stuff. She's set for the next couple years too!) Anyway, we got back home around 11 and David had to go and use the restroom. I put John down for a nap and David comes to me to say that he needed some help in the bathroom. Sometimes he tends to use too much toilet paper and this was one of those times. I tried to flush the toilet, but big mistake. The toilet starts overflowing, and flowing, and flowing. Big huge mess. It finally stopped and I had to use a whole roll of paper towels to get it cleaned up. Then I employed the use of this little fan I had to dry the floor, then after it dried I sprayed and washed the floor again, then when that dried, I sprayed it w/ sanitizer pray. So overall probably an hours worth of cleaning. Cleaning bathrooms is one of my least favorite house cleaning issues.
Today we got out again. We never seems to have all the groceries that we need, plus this last shopping trip we didn't get everything. I wanted to make Philly cheese steak, but didn't have all the ingredients. After dropping Anna off as school we had to come back home to address a couple eBay issues. Then the boys and I took off for Walmart. We went and got everything on my list and even found a really great deal on diapers (you can never have too many diapers). We actually almost ran out the other day, now we have plenty of backups.
When we got back home I got everything put away and was about to start cutting up some peppers (for the quick making of philly cheese steak later) when the door bell rang and the front door opened. And who should be at the door, but Jacob. Yeah, Jacob came home for lunch and was being silly by ringing the door bell. Anyway, I was sort of bumming because I wanted to make cheese steaks for dinner, but I have a girls night out tonight. However since Jacob came home for lunch we made cheese steaks for lunch! Yay! It actually wasn't too bad for my first time making it. Jacob said he wanted a bit more cheese. I wanted a thinner cut of meat and the veggies cooked a bit longer, but over all not too bad!
Jacob started his Wed-Sat work schedule yesterday (of course), but he informed me last night that he now has to be at work at 5am. He isn't too happy about it. He already has a hard enough time waking up at 5, but now he is getting up at 4. The good thing about it is that he gets to come home at 3:30, so he gets home at 4. He gets off at 3:30 because he has to take a mandatory 30 min lunch. Getting off earlier is cool though!
I have to go and get Anna from school in about an hour. David is very bored for some reason. He just got finished watching Diego and Dora. We are now watching Iron Chef America. He was looking at a book earlier, but for some reason it fell apart. I need to put it back together.
Hope you are all well! Will try and write more often. I haven't written since February. Can you believe it? Crazy!!! :O)

Monday, February 05, 2007

Getting Caught Up

Well, today was suppose to be the day that the job for Jacob was suppose to be posted. However, for some reason the person who posted it screwed up and only posted it for people within the company again. So we are still waiting and hopefully it will be corrected tomorrow so Jacob can finally apply!

Let's see...I left off around the 20th of January...We spent about three days (not together) working on getting Jacob's new work wardrobe put together! I think he could probably use one or two more pair of pants, but then he'll be done. It will be a different look for him, ie. he'll be dressier than I'm used to, but he'll look very handsome! He always does anyway! :O)

We've done a couple runs to Walmart here and there. Haven't really gotten out all that much though we have made it to three movies in the last month or so..."Happily Never After", "Night at the Museum", and "Aurthur and the Invisibles". The second two were good, but I wouldn't really recommend the first one. We haven't really even done much grocery shopping lately. Mostly it's just been for staples and the rest is eating out. But that too is because I've been so out of energy with all these ailments it's just easier to get something out!

Speaking of which, to add to my previous ailment, I have caught a cold! It super sucks and has drained my energy even farther. I feel like a walking Momby! Still need to do all the Mom stuff, but in a big stuper/haze and I forget half of what I was doing in the first place! Jacob is of course a very big help and fortunately only suffered from the cold yesterday really. And then another addition is another physical pain that I woke up with this morning. So I have physical ailments x's 3 at this time! Not fun!!! Hopefully all will be healed very, very, very soon with the extreme amount of prayer that myself and many of my family and friends have been saying for me!!!

Jacob and I seemed to have undergone some type of role reversal here in the last week and a half or so. I have become the patient, understanding, careing one who doesn't eat much (the eating thing is probably due to the fact that I have been so ill) and Jacob has become easily aggitated and impatient and seems to really like the junk food! (Remember these roles are usually reversed!) Not sure what is going on, but as I have thought about it a bit I'm thinking that maybe this (most likely temporary) role reversal is to let us each see what the other is usually feeling on a daily basis! And to be honest I would much rather be Jacob all layed back and calm, with nary a care in the world other than what's important! Jacob's such a great man!!! It is really interesting to actually be like someone else for awhile! Really makes you re-evaluate your perspectives on life!!!

Anyway, now this is pretty much up to date! Though I'm not sure that I mentioned our puppy! Though I'm not sure how long this is going to last...of anything he is pretty much the only thing that has set my temper to overload, but it isn't his fault, he just wants attention (though he's not suppose to be my dog), it's mine and my damned selfishness that makes me get so angry! Buddy is a bloodhound, great dane/lab mix. He weighed in at a whopping 42 lbs a little over a week ago. He's an orangey rust color and quite adorable w/ his droopy sad puppy dog eyes!!! I'm amazed with how well he does with the kids even though he's only 4 months. He still likes to get his rough play in, but usually settles down shortly after starting! He's a very good boy!!!

Well, I better go. I can feel my eyes drooping as I type and type...Hope you are all having a great week!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Awesome Faiths and Bleak Circumstances

(Christel, Thank you for sending me your blog, I wish that I have the faith that you and many of your fellow bloggers seem to possess.)

Life for us recently has been pretty bleak. I have been dealing with a frustrating and tiring health issue for over a month now, which has currently gotten me pretty much bed ridden to try and combat the effects it has on me. I spent over 12 hours in the ER on Monday (didn't get home till Midnight) hoping to get some light shed on the issue, but all the tests came back normal, so they sent me home and told me to double my meds. and do a follow up with my doctor which I am doing tomorrow morning. Unfortunately now that Jacob is now out of the Military our insurance isn't anywhere what it used to be and I'm expecting with all these trips that I keep having to make to Doctors that we'll have a couple thousand dollars in medical bills here in the next few weeks...So hopefully tomorrow the doctor that I'm going to see will either be able to diagnose something no one else has thought of, or give me some meds. that will help clear the problem up!

Since my last blog a lot has happened. So much so that I don't think that I can write it all now. I'll just give you the highlights and more details of recent events...

Let's see...Our house went on the market in August, the 19th. We had a couple open houses and only 5 showings all together. There was a period in there for over 3 months that we didn't even have one showing. Then a couple days before we decided to take the house of the market (will give you more details about that in a later paragraph) we got a call 20 minutes before they wanted to show our house, from 3-5, for a showing time. We agreed and commenced cleaning house. After cleaning till about 4:40, and no one showing up, we decided to leave to get out of everyone way and took off for an errand till just after 5. When we got back home there were no cards left and I contacted our relater who later told us that the people never showed...

Anna and I have been doing Awanas Wednesday nights. It is fun and I am always glad that I go, after working with the kids!!!

My sister had her baby on the 7th of October, Ezekiel Josiah. My mother came over to help out and be with her. They had planned to head back to Idaho for my brother's Wedding which was on the 5th of October, but a week before the Wedding, the baby started pinching Sara's syatic nerve and she was put on heavy meds and told to pretty much be bed ridden. So we all missed the Wedding. (I missed the Wedding for at least a half a dozen reasons, that I won't go into detail about, though none had anything to do with my brother and his fiance' at all.) The Tuesday after he was born, my Mom, sister, her daughter and new son all headed to Idaho for a visit.

During this time my Mom got a job in Kremmling, CO and when Sara came back to us Mom moved over here! She now has a job at the Hospital in Kremmling. She has been trying to visit every other week (like today), but has been having more and more trouble with car issued than you could shake a stick at...So she won't be visiting us till she gets her car figured out!

While my sister was gone she got back together with Z's (Ezekiel) father, engaged. They planned the Wedding for January 4th. The next couple months were a whir of activities, too many to mention, but mostly getting things ready for the Wedding. With the help of my mother, she and I, pretty much planned and executed all the events (with Sara's Wedding input ideas) that took place at Sara's Wedding. The description of those events in itself was a seven page e-mail that I sent out to most of my family!!! So Sara Miller, became, Sara Eberly on January 4th, 2007! And then on the 9th of Januaray, she and her family moved back to Idaho.

The house became solely ours again shortly before noon on Januray the 9th. Rooms were cleaned and Anna was moved into Sara's room and David took over the larger of the two rooms, which would serve as the play/movie room for all the kids and David's bedroom.

Jacob's last day in the Air Force was January 13th. For many reasons, we embarked on this out of Service journey, thus felt it the right time for him to get out! He was promised a job back in September (the job would be available around the 18th of December), which also helped with our decision, and then found out that it wasn't available the 18th December (maybe the 1st of January), not available the 1st of January (maybe in two weeks), not available in two it's February 1st, and he just heard today that it should be available to apply for on Monday the 5th. We'll see how that goes...So we are trusting in God to take care of our needs as we are living off of Jacob's separation pay. It should last us about 6 mo. if we are really frugal (That too is after paying off all our debts, Praise the Lord!)! So we are just waiting and watching to see what miracles and blessings will unfold in near future as far a job for Jacob is concerned...we did toy around with the idea, for a bit, of me maybe getting a job, but now with my health issue, it isn't going to work!

My 28th birthday came and went...and as always was one of the most uneventful days of my year! A few of my family members remembered and gave me a Birthday phone call (they were the highlight of my day) and none of my friends remembered! I spend most of the day crying in my room, feeling sorry for myself, so it wasn't very fun! I got no special Birthday dinner, no cake, no presents! So I think in future years I'm just going to not have a Birthday and then I won't have to worry about all the hullabaloo that I would have liked to of had! We'll see, maybe one of these years someone will actually give me the Birthday of my dreams!!! :O)

To back track a bit...the 20th of January we took our house off the market. We talked with our relater and after discussing our current situation we all decided that taking the house off the market was probably the best thing for us right now. Since Jacob doesn't currently have a job, if the house were to sell, we would have the finances to back up a loan to get our next house. So we will wait till Jacob's new job is secured before putting our house back on the market. Though we are actually hoping to find the new house that we want first, then we will put our house on the market at hopefully a much more buyer appealing price and sell the house really quickly to get into our new house ASAP. This all within the next 5 1/2 months so that the Military will move us one last time free of charge!

Anyway, I have a little more to talk about to update you all, but now that I've actually gotten myself back into this I'll try and be a better writer!

God Bless you all! Will write more soon (hopefully)! ~Jenny