Saturday, December 08, 2007

Let it Snow...Not!!!

Lol :O)

Okay, I know we need the snow, but I don't like it. It's always so cold and wet! I don't like to be too cold and I definitely don't like to be cold and wet! Fortunately since I can't really go anywhere anymore I don't have to deal with the snow all that much. Though when the snow stops falling I'm going to have to go out and shovel the sidewalks because apparently there is some ordinance about citizens having to remove the snow from their sidewalks within 24 hrs of when the snow stops falling. Crazy! But it looks like tomorrow is going to be too cold for the weather to remove it for me like the last time it snowed, so I'll be out taking care of business first thing in the morning. Probably before Church starts because tomorrow is a busy day...

Speaking of which...Tomorrow is Tayla's 14th Birthday. For those of you who don't know Tayla, she is Sara and Tim's ward. Before they moved here her mother signed over papers for them to take care of her. And she moved here with them. Anyway, I'm going to be doing a bit of grocery shopping to get some items to make a vegetarian dinner for her Birthday. Plus I was thinking of doing a little something special for the dessert. Not exactly sure what yet, but I have an idea. So Jake and the kids and I will probably be heading to the Commissary right after Church to get the items for dinner.

Not much else going on today besides the snow. It's been snowing most of the day, though it's a really fine powder and not much has accumulated. I think there might be 3 inches outside. But that's not really all the much for snowing all day. I think it just stopped about an hour ago. Nobody has been going outside either because it is so cold. I did go and get the mail in my flip-flops today. I know, I'm crazy, but I didn't want to run up to my room and put on sock and shoes, when it was only a little ways out to the mailbox. Too bad there wasn't anything good in there! Just bills.

Sara and Family came over for dinner this evening. I made two pizzas; a cheese pizza and a bacon pizza. I've found these really great bacon bits that work really great, really as any sort of garnish and extra flavoring for food. I've used them on pizza, in scrambled eggs, and in green beans. I even gave some to David to just eat (that was only one time). He liked that a lot! We watched a couple shows together too! They are coming over tomorrow for Tayla's Birthday meal. I don't think we discussed what time. I'll have to call about that tomorrow!

Well, I'm still not sleepy, but I should probably head to bed anyway. Jacob and the kids went to bed about half an hour to an hour ago. I'm just not tired, so I thought I'd write a little something in my journal. Good night everyone! :O)

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