Monday, February 05, 2007

Getting Caught Up

Well, today was suppose to be the day that the job for Jacob was suppose to be posted. However, for some reason the person who posted it screwed up and only posted it for people within the company again. So we are still waiting and hopefully it will be corrected tomorrow so Jacob can finally apply!

Let's see...I left off around the 20th of January...We spent about three days (not together) working on getting Jacob's new work wardrobe put together! I think he could probably use one or two more pair of pants, but then he'll be done. It will be a different look for him, ie. he'll be dressier than I'm used to, but he'll look very handsome! He always does anyway! :O)

We've done a couple runs to Walmart here and there. Haven't really gotten out all that much though we have made it to three movies in the last month or so..."Happily Never After", "Night at the Museum", and "Aurthur and the Invisibles". The second two were good, but I wouldn't really recommend the first one. We haven't really even done much grocery shopping lately. Mostly it's just been for staples and the rest is eating out. But that too is because I've been so out of energy with all these ailments it's just easier to get something out!

Speaking of which, to add to my previous ailment, I have caught a cold! It super sucks and has drained my energy even farther. I feel like a walking Momby! Still need to do all the Mom stuff, but in a big stuper/haze and I forget half of what I was doing in the first place! Jacob is of course a very big help and fortunately only suffered from the cold yesterday really. And then another addition is another physical pain that I woke up with this morning. So I have physical ailments x's 3 at this time! Not fun!!! Hopefully all will be healed very, very, very soon with the extreme amount of prayer that myself and many of my family and friends have been saying for me!!!

Jacob and I seemed to have undergone some type of role reversal here in the last week and a half or so. I have become the patient, understanding, careing one who doesn't eat much (the eating thing is probably due to the fact that I have been so ill) and Jacob has become easily aggitated and impatient and seems to really like the junk food! (Remember these roles are usually reversed!) Not sure what is going on, but as I have thought about it a bit I'm thinking that maybe this (most likely temporary) role reversal is to let us each see what the other is usually feeling on a daily basis! And to be honest I would much rather be Jacob all layed back and calm, with nary a care in the world other than what's important! Jacob's such a great man!!! It is really interesting to actually be like someone else for awhile! Really makes you re-evaluate your perspectives on life!!!

Anyway, now this is pretty much up to date! Though I'm not sure that I mentioned our puppy! Though I'm not sure how long this is going to last...of anything he is pretty much the only thing that has set my temper to overload, but it isn't his fault, he just wants attention (though he's not suppose to be my dog), it's mine and my damned selfishness that makes me get so angry! Buddy is a bloodhound, great dane/lab mix. He weighed in at a whopping 42 lbs a little over a week ago. He's an orangey rust color and quite adorable w/ his droopy sad puppy dog eyes!!! I'm amazed with how well he does with the kids even though he's only 4 months. He still likes to get his rough play in, but usually settles down shortly after starting! He's a very good boy!!!

Well, I better go. I can feel my eyes drooping as I type and type...Hope you are all having a great week!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jenny, you have a gift. Actually you have many gifts. Sometimes they seem to go unnoticed, but let me tell you....people notice! I notice. I am better off knowing you, than not. Your organization and understanding of certain situations helps me to remain calm during the storms. Thank you so much for being you!!