Monday, December 24, 2007

Bringing U Up2Date

~I know I haven't been very good at keeping my blog going. Things have been rather hectic here in the last month and until just the last couple days I've been too depressed to really even right about anything. I'm starting to get some of my motivation back though, so I thought I'd submit an entry, even though I don't really have a whole lot of anything exciting to write about. I will update my journal from the 8th till now and I think I'll work backwards and forwards and all over the place, so I hope y'all don't get too confused...

Let's see...Today I have decided that in between catching up on some shows I've recorded recently I am going to try and get the house cleaned up. I have already cleaned most of the kitchen. The downstairs bathroom. The entry way. And dusted the front room. Oh, and let's not forget I started a load of laundry. (Darks are about all we seem to do around here w/ maybe one load of whites and lots of bleach every two weeks.) I still need to vacuum the front room and family room, sweep the kitchen floor, and wash a few windows. I also refilled the cleaning solution bottles and have de-cluttered and organized the lots-of-useful-but-not-
always-needed-things drawer (no it's not the junk drawer, it has band aids, lighters, hair clips, static guard, tape, scissors, etc. you know...lots of useful stuff but not always needed things).

Yesterday I re-listed a bunch of stuff on Craigslist. I started using html about two months ago to make my ads stand out more and hopefully catch more attention. They were more organized and easy to read, but apparently that wasn't a good thing because after re-listing one of my items it immediately got flagged and deleted. After talking with one of the help desk people I found out that because of the html my ads looked too much like a business and businesses are not allowed on Craiglist. People want short and simple. So I went back in after taking some new, clearer pictures and deleted all the html. They are short and non-descriptive and very boring, but I've had more hits since yesterday than I've had in weeks w/ my html. Not sure why because w/ the html I had detailed descriptions and everything was a lot easier to read. It's rather frustrating, but now I can crank out more posts faster, so I guess that's a plus. Now if people will only follow through with their inquiries! ... Well I guess I spoke too soon. I have two people coming by today to purchase items. I am excited! I actually feel like I'm contributing a bit more when I sell stuff. Especially since we don't really have much money right now.

I can hardly believe that tomorrow is Christmas! Can you? Where did the year go? All of a sudden the days just passed and here we are...Christmas Eve. It's crazy. One day you feel like the year will last forever and then you blink and the year is gone. Wow!

On the 10th I went to the doctor because I was having chest pains. Actually I had been having pains for about two weeks before that, but I talked with Jacob and we agreed I should probably go in and get checked out. The doctor did a EKG and it was normal. They ran some blood test and they were normal. She sent me home with a heart monitor that I was suppose to wear 24/7, but since I'm such a light sleeper I took it off at night. I discovered after calling to activate the monitor that I had to have a land line to call the recording in. We don't have one, so I enlisted the help of my sister and my friend Athena (they have land lines). So because I had to go over to their houses to call the recordings in I tried to only have to call them in twice a day even though I was having check pain quite regularly and mostly non-stop. Anyway, I made it to Friday (14th) in the evening. I called Athena several times around 7:15 and wasn't able to get a hold of her so I called Sara to see if it was okay for me to go over there and call the monitor in for the evening. She said yes, so I got in the van and headed over there. I got down to Peoria and Parker (about 5 blocks from my house) and was in the right hand left turn lane stopped. When the light turned green I started around the corner and my back end kept going around to the right. I tapped my brakes and tried to correct, but only made it worse. I finally came to a stop horizontal in the middle of the 3 lane road. I was about to correct myself when I turned and looked out my window and BAM!!! I was hit on my drivers side door. I called 911, but because there were so many accidents going on the city was on Accident Alert. So since there were no injuries we were to just file the claim on-line and call our insurance companies. A security officer for one of the nearby shopping centers stopped traffic for us so we could move out of the way. We exchanged info and I headed home. As I was driving home though I realized that my front wheel didn't seem to be working correctly. And I already knew that my drivers door was toast. The bottom was caved in and top stuck out about 2", unable to close all the way. After filing the claims on-line with both the government and my insurance company that evening I went to bed. The next morning I woke and felt horrible. I think I caught the flu some how. I felt horribly sick to my stomach, weak, and dizzy and my left side had started to hurt. As the day progressed the pain in my left side got worse and by the evening I was calling my Mom to see how bad the pain should be before I went into the emergency room. She said that if my kids were feeling what I was feeling would I take them in? And I said yes, I talked to Jacob (whom was in the middle of a role playing game with his friends). He wanted me to just sit and relax. I went and sat, but I was having more and more trouble breathing. I called to Jacob and he came in I was starting to hyperventilate and he went in to tell the guys he needed to call it a night. My left side started going numb, then my right. Pretty soon I could move either of my arms. And it started heading down my legs and my face also started to go numb. Jacob called 911 and the Paramedics arrived not 10 min later. One of the half dozen people that arrived told me that I was hyperventilating. He started talking me down and getting my breathing back under control. It took awhile and I started to get some feeling back in my arms and legs, but I was still in a lot of pain, so they took me in the ambulance to the ER. There they did some more vitals, took my statement, and some blood work, and x-rays. And low and behold they were all normal. The doctor said that he didn't doubt my pains, but since none of the tests were coming up with anything he wasn't going to diagnose me with having an anxiety attack and give me a anti-anxiety med to take at night before I went to bed to help me sleep and w/ the idea that the med. would carry over to the next day and then he wanted me to follow up with my doctor on Monday.

Monday I got into the doctor. I was suppose to go back the to doctor on Thursday for a cholesterol test, but since I was in on Monday I just fasted before that appointment so I wouldn't have to go back Thursday. Anyway, she said that the med the ER doc gave me wouldn't carry to the next day and gave me another prescription for the anxiety med, plus a pain med for the pains I was still having. She wants me to come back in 4 wks for a follow up unless I don't get better and then she wants me back sooner. I stopped using the heart monitor. They pretty much ruled that out with all their tests. Plus since we only have one vehicle it's pretty much impossible for me to call it in every day. I did have the van last week because Jacob carpooled.

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