Thursday, February 01, 2007

Awesome Faiths and Bleak Circumstances

(Christel, Thank you for sending me your blog, I wish that I have the faith that you and many of your fellow bloggers seem to possess.)

Life for us recently has been pretty bleak. I have been dealing with a frustrating and tiring health issue for over a month now, which has currently gotten me pretty much bed ridden to try and combat the effects it has on me. I spent over 12 hours in the ER on Monday (didn't get home till Midnight) hoping to get some light shed on the issue, but all the tests came back normal, so they sent me home and told me to double my meds. and do a follow up with my doctor which I am doing tomorrow morning. Unfortunately now that Jacob is now out of the Military our insurance isn't anywhere what it used to be and I'm expecting with all these trips that I keep having to make to Doctors that we'll have a couple thousand dollars in medical bills here in the next few weeks...So hopefully tomorrow the doctor that I'm going to see will either be able to diagnose something no one else has thought of, or give me some meds. that will help clear the problem up!

Since my last blog a lot has happened. So much so that I don't think that I can write it all now. I'll just give you the highlights and more details of recent events...

Let's see...Our house went on the market in August, the 19th. We had a couple open houses and only 5 showings all together. There was a period in there for over 3 months that we didn't even have one showing. Then a couple days before we decided to take the house of the market (will give you more details about that in a later paragraph) we got a call 20 minutes before they wanted to show our house, from 3-5, for a showing time. We agreed and commenced cleaning house. After cleaning till about 4:40, and no one showing up, we decided to leave to get out of everyone way and took off for an errand till just after 5. When we got back home there were no cards left and I contacted our relater who later told us that the people never showed...

Anna and I have been doing Awanas Wednesday nights. It is fun and I am always glad that I go, after working with the kids!!!

My sister had her baby on the 7th of October, Ezekiel Josiah. My mother came over to help out and be with her. They had planned to head back to Idaho for my brother's Wedding which was on the 5th of October, but a week before the Wedding, the baby started pinching Sara's syatic nerve and she was put on heavy meds and told to pretty much be bed ridden. So we all missed the Wedding. (I missed the Wedding for at least a half a dozen reasons, that I won't go into detail about, though none had anything to do with my brother and his fiance' at all.) The Tuesday after he was born, my Mom, sister, her daughter and new son all headed to Idaho for a visit.

During this time my Mom got a job in Kremmling, CO and when Sara came back to us Mom moved over here! She now has a job at the Hospital in Kremmling. She has been trying to visit every other week (like today), but has been having more and more trouble with car issued than you could shake a stick at...So she won't be visiting us till she gets her car figured out!

While my sister was gone she got back together with Z's (Ezekiel) father, engaged. They planned the Wedding for January 4th. The next couple months were a whir of activities, too many to mention, but mostly getting things ready for the Wedding. With the help of my mother, she and I, pretty much planned and executed all the events (with Sara's Wedding input ideas) that took place at Sara's Wedding. The description of those events in itself was a seven page e-mail that I sent out to most of my family!!! So Sara Miller, became, Sara Eberly on January 4th, 2007! And then on the 9th of Januaray, she and her family moved back to Idaho.

The house became solely ours again shortly before noon on Januray the 9th. Rooms were cleaned and Anna was moved into Sara's room and David took over the larger of the two rooms, which would serve as the play/movie room for all the kids and David's bedroom.

Jacob's last day in the Air Force was January 13th. For many reasons, we embarked on this out of Service journey, thus felt it the right time for him to get out! He was promised a job back in September (the job would be available around the 18th of December), which also helped with our decision, and then found out that it wasn't available the 18th December (maybe the 1st of January), not available the 1st of January (maybe in two weeks), not available in two it's February 1st, and he just heard today that it should be available to apply for on Monday the 5th. We'll see how that goes...So we are trusting in God to take care of our needs as we are living off of Jacob's separation pay. It should last us about 6 mo. if we are really frugal (That too is after paying off all our debts, Praise the Lord!)! So we are just waiting and watching to see what miracles and blessings will unfold in near future as far a job for Jacob is concerned...we did toy around with the idea, for a bit, of me maybe getting a job, but now with my health issue, it isn't going to work!

My 28th birthday came and went...and as always was one of the most uneventful days of my year! A few of my family members remembered and gave me a Birthday phone call (they were the highlight of my day) and none of my friends remembered! I spend most of the day crying in my room, feeling sorry for myself, so it wasn't very fun! I got no special Birthday dinner, no cake, no presents! So I think in future years I'm just going to not have a Birthday and then I won't have to worry about all the hullabaloo that I would have liked to of had! We'll see, maybe one of these years someone will actually give me the Birthday of my dreams!!! :O)

To back track a bit...the 20th of January we took our house off the market. We talked with our relater and after discussing our current situation we all decided that taking the house off the market was probably the best thing for us right now. Since Jacob doesn't currently have a job, if the house were to sell, we would have the finances to back up a loan to get our next house. So we will wait till Jacob's new job is secured before putting our house back on the market. Though we are actually hoping to find the new house that we want first, then we will put our house on the market at hopefully a much more buyer appealing price and sell the house really quickly to get into our new house ASAP. This all within the next 5 1/2 months so that the Military will move us one last time free of charge!

Anyway, I have a little more to talk about to update you all, but now that I've actually gotten myself back into this I'll try and be a better writer!

God Bless you all! Will write more soon (hopefully)! ~Jenny

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