Saturday, December 08, 2007

Gift Cards are Grrreeeaattt!!!

~ I'm not sure why all the tabloids keep posting..."Gift Cards are Lame Gifts" or saying "Gift Cards a No, No for the Holidays". I recently read this article on

"Gift Cards Are Not Gifts"

I do agree with most of what the lady has to say, actually researching what your friends and family are interested in is a wonderful idea. But what if you really have no idea what a person likes, or what if you do know a persons tastes, but they are extremely hard to please even if you get something you think they would like...Why not give them a gift card to their favorite restaurant or to a Movie Theater they enjoy going to? It doesn't just have to be a Target or Walmart card, but even if it is what's wrong with that? There are hundreds and hundreds of items at those stores that you may not have even thought that your recipient might like or have been eyeing, but not bought just yet because they didn't have the extra cash to splurge on. Why can't you just include a card or note with your gift card that say's " I know you like to shop at ______(fill in the blank), and I thought you might use this card to splurge on yourself for a little something extra." OR "I know this is your favorite restaurant, Enjoy!" I mean what's wrong with that? Isn't it better to give your friend or family a little extra Cash that they can spend on something themselves, than to get them some cheap gift or trinket that will break within the week or they'll never use? I don't know how many times we've had to throw away cheap gifts the day it's been received or shortly after. That's even more heartbreaking to a child than them going out and picking out their own gift with the money they received from a caring relative or friend. It's actually quite fun to watch their little faces light up when they get to pick out something special all on their own. I'm not saying don't give gifts, I'm just saying don't give gifts if you don't know what someone likes. And don't give someone a gift that you wouldn't want to receive yourself!!!

That is my thought on Gift Cards and Gift Giving! Unfortunately we've run into a snag with financing this year and I was not able to get in the bulk of my Holiday Shopping this year. This will probably continue on through most of next year until we can sell the Pitkin House and get some bills paid off! I apologize to all my friends and family that I won't be able to give to until this financial set back is taken care of!!!

P.S. This Posting was not written for any one person inparticular, it is just a compiling of thoughts and observations that I've made over the years through my Family and some of my Friends! It is not meant to hurt anyone's feelings! I apologize if I offended anyone because that was not my intention. This was only written to let people know some of my views on the whole Gift and Gift Card giving idea...