Monday, December 08, 2008

In the Dark of the Night

~I like to watch the snow come down, especially at night! There is a lamp post out on the street that I can see from where I sit in my favorite chair and I get a good view of what the weather really looks like illuminated in the street light! It's quite beautiful!

The snow is really coming down tonight! You wouldn't really know it too just look out at the yard. It looks snowy on the ground, but the air looks peaceful and calm in the darkness of the night! However, look to the right, towards the street light, and you'll see the true ferocity of the storm raging outside! The wind is blowing whipping the branches on the trees. The snow flies sideways, this way and that, at the mercy of the gusting wind!

I tried to take a few pictures, but my underpowered camera didn't do the the excitement outside justice!

I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring? It's suppose to snow all tonight and tomorrow...I guess we'll just have to wait and see? :O)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Super Thanksgiving!

We showed the kids Superman for the first time today. (The one with Christopher Reeves.) John decided that he wanted to dress up and brought Jacob his batman costume. In costume, he then proceeded to run around pretending like he was flying.

After a bit we took a little movie break to work on a few Thanksgiving meal things and I ran downstairs and grabbed the Superman costume that I was saving for John to wear next year (It's a good thing I got it, it fits him perfect now. I didn't realize just how much he has grown). When I brought it upstairs John was like, "I want to wear that!". I helped him don his new costume. The new cape, much larger than the last, flapped in the wind better so he had more fun running around the circle several of the rooms in the house make when all the doors are open. Of course since John was having so much fun Anna and David decided that they wanted to join in so they put on their favorite costumes too! We probably spent a good half hour taking pictures of the kids running around in their costumes and posing and jumping off the furniture to get good flying shots!

Hope you all had a "Happy Thanksgiving!". I'm so thankful for all of you!!! :O)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Picts from 11/19/08

My Honey and I.
David, John and Anna Below

I tried to get John in this picture to the left, but he didn't cooperate very much all day with anything! You can see his right arm poking out behind David...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

David Turns 5

Today is my son David's 5th Birthday! We were pretty busy running around at first trying to find Sonic movies because he met a goal he was trying to achieve. Plus I just had some other things I needed to do. We were back by 11. Then the boys watched the Sonic movies we picked up and ate some lunch downstairs.

David decided that he wanted Shepherd's Pie for dinner with Bubble Gum Ice Cream for dessert, so that's what we had! He ate it all up!!!

We all enjoyed watching "WALL*E" this evening while we ate dinner! We hadn't seen that one since the discount theater and it just came out yesterday on video. We picked it up at Walmart while we were there this morning!

We did the kids measurements today, well their height at least. They've all grown at least an inch since the 26th of May when we measured them last. Let's see...(I'm looking at the wall where we put the measurements)...Anna has grown a little over 2 inches, David exactly 1", John has grown a little over 2 1/2 inches.

All the kids are in bed now! I think David had a good Birthday. He got to spend most of it doing what he enjoys most, playing with legos and his toys, and watching a few movies! Overall I'd say it was a successful day! :O)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Beautiful Autumn Colors on a Snuggly Warm Fleece

Do you like my new blankie? I found this one at Kohl's...
I couldn't pass up the beautiful autumn colors and leaves on this super soft blanket. It's my new wrap for when I want to get nice and comfortable in my chair.

New Hobby

My new hobby...
watching squirrels and taken pictures! Aren't they cute?! The 1st 2 are of Mama Squirrel. The next 3 are of the largest squirrel, though I'm not sure if it's a boy or not, but I'd assume so. The little one with the hairy ears is one of the babies. This isn't all of them. I saw 7 in the backyard today. They were so happy to get another helping of the food I bought them. They stocked up!

It's so fun to watch them run around and stuff their little faces, climb the trees, and jump from limb to limb! Not to mention sneaking to the window, laying on my belly w/ my camera and stealthily opening the sliding glass door to take pictures! I like this hobby!!! :O)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Totally Awesome Bed!!!

I found this totally awesome bed in Kacey's Fine Furniture ad today!
"Florentine Queen Ring Bed"
Unfortunately it costs $4999... Yikes!
Isn't it beautiful though?!
Drool, drool, drool!

First Snow of 2008

***The first snow of 2008. The forecast has predicted snow many times since October, but it hasn't actually happened until today.

We have about 1/2" and it's still coming down, just barely.

The first 4 pictures are of the backyard and the last 4 are of the front yard panning left to right.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Batman Sighted in Aurora

October 31st, 2008. ~Batman was sighted in Aurora after the Batsignal was activated due to an huge spider infestation! After wrestling with the creatures for what seemed like the better portion of the evening the spiders were finally defeated when Batman crushed their leader (pictured below). The remainder of the Spiders minions fled, hopefully to never be seen again! Thank you Batman for coming to our rescue! ~Ladybug Chronicles

Sherlock Attends Wedding!

Halloween '08, ~Jacob did something a little out the ordinary. He investigated a Wedding. After the ceremony he mingled stealthily with party goers to try and get a little information, however nobody slipped up. He didn't uncover any suspicious activity, but he sure did look good while he did it!

Princess Anna

Halloween '08, Princess Anna visits the Lacock Residence.
Here are a few pictures of the Princess from her first trip out Halloween eve. She was so excited to make an appearance in her new gown! I didn't get a picture of the back of her hair, but it's all done up in tiny little curls, so cute and it took forever...about 45 min.
Everyone thought her dress was awesome, however her feet were killing her when she got back, she was wearing some little gold pumps...She had lots of fun!!! And truly was a beautiful princess!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Surgery, On What?

What us mothers do for our kids! I mean we have to do some awesome things in our lives, but today I performed the unimaginable.
Okay maybe you can imagine it (I did include pictures)!
I performed leg surgery on a spider. Yes, you read that right, leg surgery on a spider! Not just any spider, an enormous eight legged, huge fanged spider! You see he's the kids pet and they got a little too rough with him and accidentally ripped one of his legs. He's been in isolation for so long I just felt so bad I thought I finally better fix him. So this morning after getting all my supplies together I started sewing the spiders leg back together. It was a lot harder than I thought, his skin is pretty tough, but I finally managed to repair the tear and then sealed it with some superglue. Hopefully this will hold through more rough housing with the kids! They really like him! I don't think he has a name yet...any suggestions?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Lifeless Squirrel

Yesterday I looked outside to find something unusual. You see I spend many moments a day looking outside and enjoy watching the squirrels run around and eat the food I've scattered for them. But yesterday I looked outside to find one that wasn't moving and realized it was one of the toys that we bought for Kermit to play with...
however we adopted Kermit out about two months ago (sorry I won't explain, it's complicated) and we thought we had retrieved all the toys from outside and around the house, but apparently I was mistaken. However the kids haven't been outside to play in weeks because it's been too cold and wet. I'm not sure where this toy squirrel came from, but I thought it rather funny that it all of a sudden appeared out there. My only guesses are that the squirrels brought it out or that maybe it had been thrown up in the tree and got blown out...Crazy hugh?!

Not sure what we are going to do with it since we don't need it anymore. Maybe I'll just leave it out there for the squirrels nest or something! It is rather cute though, don't you think?! :O)

Thursday, October 09, 2008


A couple nights ago when it was time for Jacob to hit the hay, I headed upstairs to join him breifly before he went to sleep and John followed me. I climbed into bed and I motioned for John to climbed under the covers on Jacobs side. He did and I told John to go to sleep and he stuck his thumb in his mouth and closed his eyes, but then Jacob came over and John freaked out yelling, "Hide!", then threw the covers over himself hiding from Jacob. After waiting a little bit John threw the covers off and yelled, " "Duck-a-doo". He laughed and immediately hid himself again, then threw the covers back, "Duck-a-doo!" He kept doing it over and over, time varying between uncoverings. We tried to get him to change to say Peek-a-boo, but he didn't seem to get it and continued with his own version! It was so funny Jacob and I just laughed and laughed! John thought he was pretty funny too! :O)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Renaissance Festival ~ June 14th 2008

Hail One and All~

Yesterday we spent the day at the Colorado Renaissance Festival near Larkspur! It was a pretty fun trip, though by the end we were all ready for a nap. We arrived about 9:15 am to get good parking (they don't open till 10). We were only a couple rows from the main gate so we did't have to walk far! We all got lathered up with 45 to 50 proof suntan lotion, then Jacob and Anna took off to go and get tickets for us all! They came back shortly after leaving because the ticket booths weren't open yet. They waited another 15 minutes or so then headed over again. The boys and I stayed at the van and I started packing up the stroller. We brought sandwiches, fruit, veggies, and all sorts of other snacks, plus lots of water (I had frozen several water bottles the night before and refrigerated another 4 or 5)! By the time I got everything all situated in the stroller Jacob and Anna were back with the tickets and we headed to the front gates. Our timing was impeccable because just as we arrived the King started addressing the crowd, the canon fired and everyone started entering the gates to the Festival beyond!

We didn't waist any time as we entered and headed strait for our favorite clothing shop. You see when we first arrived in Colorado 4 years ago we attended the Festival and bought costumes for everyone. David has however outgrown his little green shirt which was passed down to John, so he needed a new shirt. It took us about ten minutes to get to the shop, with little stops here and there, but we were able to find a nice navy blue shirt for David of a slightly thicker gauze material than some of out other garments. He also got a sash and I got another chemise, this one in brown. It will look lovely with the over dress I already have!

After the shop, since it was so close to 11, we headed over the the Jousting Arena. I thought the show started at 11, but after consulting the map we found out it didn't actually start till 11:30, however 'Casting in Bronze' did start at 11, so we sat in the shade under a tree and ate lunch. The show at 11 turned out to be the playing of a large display of different sizes of bells to music. It was very lovely! We didn't have to wait very long after that performance for the Jousting Tournament to start! The show was really good, though Jacob commented they needed to get some new jokes (we had heard the same ones two years ago when we went). Some of them were still pretty funny!

When the Jousting tourney was over we started walking the shops. We had decided ahead of time that we would only get a few garment items from the Taylors, so basically we just did a little sight seeing! We walked for quite awhile then on one turn in particular John and I got separated from Jake, Anna, and David. It took me at least a good twenty minutes to finally get Jacob on the phone and find them at the Elephants. That was a bit frustrating. That wasn't the only time we got separated...Just before the second show (around 2) we stopped to get some frozen treats from a vendor and Jacob and the boys went to go and get us some seats in the shade. Well, Anna and went to go find them, but couldn't see them anywhere. We looked and looked and this time unfortunately I didn't have the phone or the bell (Jacob packed this really neat little bell I found at a garage sale the other day so that we could ring it so the kids could find us if they got separated from us). We finally found them way down front by the Jousting Arena completely out of line of sight from where we had been standing for 15 minutes or so looking around for them...

Anyway, before the second show we sat for awhile and ate a few snacks. I didn't realize at first that David wasn't with us, but Jacob informed me he was on the other side of the Arena fighting with some of the other kids (David brought his play sword). We all got a good show watching David fight with the other kids. He's a very cautious fighter and usually waits to attack from behind while the person is occupied with other opponents. It was pretty funny to watch! :OP

After the second show we decided to head home. It was right around 4. Everyone was very tired and hot! My eyes were killing me from allergies and dust. Of course the only item I forgot to pack was contact solution and I forgot to take the Benydril I packed, whoops! Jacob drove home and shortly after leaving all the kids fell asleep. I dozed a little too, but didn't actually conk out.

When we got home everyone just relaxed. It's amazing how tiring it is walking around in the sun pushing a stroller up and down hills! We are always so exhausted after attending the Festival, but it's really fun while we're there! We'll definitely go again next year! I can't wait to try my over dress with my new chemise!