Monday, November 17, 2008

New Hobby

My new hobby...
watching squirrels and taken pictures! Aren't they cute?! The 1st 2 are of Mama Squirrel. The next 3 are of the largest squirrel, though I'm not sure if it's a boy or not, but I'd assume so. The little one with the hairy ears is one of the babies. This isn't all of them. I saw 7 in the backyard today. They were so happy to get another helping of the food I bought them. They stocked up!

It's so fun to watch them run around and stuff their little faces, climb the trees, and jump from limb to limb! Not to mention sneaking to the window, laying on my belly w/ my camera and stealthily opening the sliding glass door to take pictures! I like this hobby!!! :O)

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