Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Super Thanksgiving!

We showed the kids Superman for the first time today. (The one with Christopher Reeves.) John decided that he wanted to dress up and brought Jacob his batman costume. In costume, he then proceeded to run around pretending like he was flying.

After a bit we took a little movie break to work on a few Thanksgiving meal things and I ran downstairs and grabbed the Superman costume that I was saving for John to wear next year (It's a good thing I got it, it fits him perfect now. I didn't realize just how much he has grown). When I brought it upstairs John was like, "I want to wear that!". I helped him don his new costume. The new cape, much larger than the last, flapped in the wind better so he had more fun running around the circle several of the rooms in the house make when all the doors are open. Of course since John was having so much fun Anna and David decided that they wanted to join in so they put on their favorite costumes too! We probably spent a good half hour taking pictures of the kids running around in their costumes and posing and jumping off the furniture to get good flying shots!

Hope you all had a "Happy Thanksgiving!". I'm so thankful for all of you!!! :O)

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