Friday, October 17, 2008

Lifeless Squirrel

Yesterday I looked outside to find something unusual. You see I spend many moments a day looking outside and enjoy watching the squirrels run around and eat the food I've scattered for them. But yesterday I looked outside to find one that wasn't moving and realized it was one of the toys that we bought for Kermit to play with...
however we adopted Kermit out about two months ago (sorry I won't explain, it's complicated) and we thought we had retrieved all the toys from outside and around the house, but apparently I was mistaken. However the kids haven't been outside to play in weeks because it's been too cold and wet. I'm not sure where this toy squirrel came from, but I thought it rather funny that it all of a sudden appeared out there. My only guesses are that the squirrels brought it out or that maybe it had been thrown up in the tree and got blown out...Crazy hugh?!

Not sure what we are going to do with it since we don't need it anymore. Maybe I'll just leave it out there for the squirrels nest or something! It is rather cute though, don't you think?! :O)

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