Thursday, October 09, 2008


A couple nights ago when it was time for Jacob to hit the hay, I headed upstairs to join him breifly before he went to sleep and John followed me. I climbed into bed and I motioned for John to climbed under the covers on Jacobs side. He did and I told John to go to sleep and he stuck his thumb in his mouth and closed his eyes, but then Jacob came over and John freaked out yelling, "Hide!", then threw the covers over himself hiding from Jacob. After waiting a little bit John threw the covers off and yelled, " "Duck-a-doo". He laughed and immediately hid himself again, then threw the covers back, "Duck-a-doo!" He kept doing it over and over, time varying between uncoverings. We tried to get him to change to say Peek-a-boo, but he didn't seem to get it and continued with his own version! It was so funny Jacob and I just laughed and laughed! John thought he was pretty funny too! :O)

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