Wednesday, November 19, 2008

David Turns 5

Today is my son David's 5th Birthday! We were pretty busy running around at first trying to find Sonic movies because he met a goal he was trying to achieve. Plus I just had some other things I needed to do. We were back by 11. Then the boys watched the Sonic movies we picked up and ate some lunch downstairs.

David decided that he wanted Shepherd's Pie for dinner with Bubble Gum Ice Cream for dessert, so that's what we had! He ate it all up!!!

We all enjoyed watching "WALL*E" this evening while we ate dinner! We hadn't seen that one since the discount theater and it just came out yesterday on video. We picked it up at Walmart while we were there this morning!

We did the kids measurements today, well their height at least. They've all grown at least an inch since the 26th of May when we measured them last. Let's see...(I'm looking at the wall where we put the measurements)...Anna has grown a little over 2 inches, David exactly 1", John has grown a little over 2 1/2 inches.

All the kids are in bed now! I think David had a good Birthday. He got to spend most of it doing what he enjoys most, playing with legos and his toys, and watching a few movies! Overall I'd say it was a successful day! :O)

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