Sunday, June 15, 2008

Renaissance Festival ~ June 14th 2008

Hail One and All~

Yesterday we spent the day at the Colorado Renaissance Festival near Larkspur! It was a pretty fun trip, though by the end we were all ready for a nap. We arrived about 9:15 am to get good parking (they don't open till 10). We were only a couple rows from the main gate so we did't have to walk far! We all got lathered up with 45 to 50 proof suntan lotion, then Jacob and Anna took off to go and get tickets for us all! They came back shortly after leaving because the ticket booths weren't open yet. They waited another 15 minutes or so then headed over again. The boys and I stayed at the van and I started packing up the stroller. We brought sandwiches, fruit, veggies, and all sorts of other snacks, plus lots of water (I had frozen several water bottles the night before and refrigerated another 4 or 5)! By the time I got everything all situated in the stroller Jacob and Anna were back with the tickets and we headed to the front gates. Our timing was impeccable because just as we arrived the King started addressing the crowd, the canon fired and everyone started entering the gates to the Festival beyond!

We didn't waist any time as we entered and headed strait for our favorite clothing shop. You see when we first arrived in Colorado 4 years ago we attended the Festival and bought costumes for everyone. David has however outgrown his little green shirt which was passed down to John, so he needed a new shirt. It took us about ten minutes to get to the shop, with little stops here and there, but we were able to find a nice navy blue shirt for David of a slightly thicker gauze material than some of out other garments. He also got a sash and I got another chemise, this one in brown. It will look lovely with the over dress I already have!

After the shop, since it was so close to 11, we headed over the the Jousting Arena. I thought the show started at 11, but after consulting the map we found out it didn't actually start till 11:30, however 'Casting in Bronze' did start at 11, so we sat in the shade under a tree and ate lunch. The show at 11 turned out to be the playing of a large display of different sizes of bells to music. It was very lovely! We didn't have to wait very long after that performance for the Jousting Tournament to start! The show was really good, though Jacob commented they needed to get some new jokes (we had heard the same ones two years ago when we went). Some of them were still pretty funny!

When the Jousting tourney was over we started walking the shops. We had decided ahead of time that we would only get a few garment items from the Taylors, so basically we just did a little sight seeing! We walked for quite awhile then on one turn in particular John and I got separated from Jake, Anna, and David. It took me at least a good twenty minutes to finally get Jacob on the phone and find them at the Elephants. That was a bit frustrating. That wasn't the only time we got separated...Just before the second show (around 2) we stopped to get some frozen treats from a vendor and Jacob and the boys went to go and get us some seats in the shade. Well, Anna and went to go find them, but couldn't see them anywhere. We looked and looked and this time unfortunately I didn't have the phone or the bell (Jacob packed this really neat little bell I found at a garage sale the other day so that we could ring it so the kids could find us if they got separated from us). We finally found them way down front by the Jousting Arena completely out of line of sight from where we had been standing for 15 minutes or so looking around for them...

Anyway, before the second show we sat for awhile and ate a few snacks. I didn't realize at first that David wasn't with us, but Jacob informed me he was on the other side of the Arena fighting with some of the other kids (David brought his play sword). We all got a good show watching David fight with the other kids. He's a very cautious fighter and usually waits to attack from behind while the person is occupied with other opponents. It was pretty funny to watch! :OP

After the second show we decided to head home. It was right around 4. Everyone was very tired and hot! My eyes were killing me from allergies and dust. Of course the only item I forgot to pack was contact solution and I forgot to take the Benydril I packed, whoops! Jacob drove home and shortly after leaving all the kids fell asleep. I dozed a little too, but didn't actually conk out.

When we got home everyone just relaxed. It's amazing how tiring it is walking around in the sun pushing a stroller up and down hills! We are always so exhausted after attending the Festival, but it's really fun while we're there! We'll definitely go again next year! I can't wait to try my over dress with my new chemise!

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