Thursday, November 04, 2010

Foot Troubles

My planter facia (inner foot on the left) has been bothering me for quite some time (end of Feb this year I injured it, then re-injured it 2 more times w/in 2 weeks time).  I saw my PCP two weeks after I initially injured it and she said it was probably just a bad sprain.  Told me to wrap it, elevate, ice/heat and take ibprophen for the inflammation, she even ordered an x-ray, which turned up nothing.

Now over 8 months later (after enduring ankle pain every since) I finally went into an actual ankle doctor because my foot had started going numb and tingly where I'd injured it (I figured that wasn't a good sign).  After x-rays and an examination, the doctor gave me an air cast to wear, told me to take ibprophen and come back in two weeks for a follow up.  However, since I started wearing the air cast other things have started hurting me:  my whole ankle, knee, hip, and back.  So Tuesday this week I quit wearing the air cast cause I just couldn't take the pain anymore and scheduled an earlier appointment for yesterday.  After I quit wearing the cast everything started feeling better, unfortunately my back is taking longer to mend and my foot though not numb and tingly anymore is hurting just as much as ever.

Well, yesterday at the doctor he rechecked my foot, even took more x-rays.  He is baffled as to what's going on with me and the only thing he can figure is that I've possibly torn a tendon, so he ordered me an MRI, which I'm getting today at 3:45.  He'll call me with the results when he gets them, probably next week, until then I have no instructions as for what to do with my foot/ankle.  Hopefully we can get this figured out cause the pain is REALLY bothersome!!!  :O(

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