Thursday, November 04, 2010


Whoo...  Last night was a long night! 

Well, I'll tell you what the kids decided to be...  Anna chose to be an Alchemist, glowing potion and all.  David was a vampire.  John a werewolf for the first half and Flash for the second half (since his werewolf mask wasn't very comfortable, it was too hot and made it hard to breath).  Maggie was a little ladybug (different costume than last year). 

We had originally planned to take the kids out at 5pm so they wouldn't be out so late since they have school the next day.  I called my friend Athena shortly before we headed out the door since they were going to be joining us, but they weren't ready and said they would join us later, so we headed out by ourselves.  It all worked out though because as we started down our street we noticed that hardly anybody had their lights on, so we went back home.  We ended up changing Maggie into some different pants and shoes since the pants that came w/ her costume are like 12 mo. too big and her shoes kept slipping off.  We put a pair of red fleece, ruffle butt pants on her and some brown soft soled shoes that don't come off very easily.  The kids took their outer layer off and we just hung out till shortly before 6pm, when everyone got all suited up again.  Athena called as we were about to head out the door and said they'd head towards us and we'd meet along the way.  Though by the time we got out the door and headed down and around our culdesac they were already at our house (they must have booked it from their place cause they are about a 10 min walk from our place).  We did one house in our culdesac together then headed out towards the left half of the neighborhood.  The kids didn't really stay together.  Athena had her kids (4), her sisters daughter, and another boy from Church w/ them, plus her husband, her sister and her sisters boyfriend, so a really big party.  Since John was having trouble w/ his werewolf mask we were a lot slower than everyone else, they waited for us for about 6 houses or so, but then Athena's party left us in the dust and we never saw them again.  Oh well, I think that worked out better cause our party was just too big w/ everyone.  We walked around the left side of the neighborhood from 6 till almost 8 hitting every house with a light.  The first house in the next culdesac we came to, the kids were given a bag of goodies and Maggie came away with a huge plush kitty cat (Athena's daughter and her sisters daughter got plush ponies and goody bags).  The second house they went to, the kids ea. got a giant size candy bar (you can see those at the bottom of the picture w/ their candy hoard).  After that I'm not sure what all they got from where, but they got a bunch more goody bags, a few more full size candy bars, and lots and lots of snack size candies! 

After we finished off the left side of the neighborhood we came back home, dropped off our goodies, and John changed into a Flash costume.  I went through the candy and toys that we had gotten and pulled out everything that we don't like or didn't want the kids to keep and put it in the plush spider bowl (you can see it at the back of the table), those candies and toys Jacob handed back out while Anna, David, John and I went back out again and went another culdesac and a huge round-a-bout section of our neighborhood.  The kids were just too worn out by the time we finished the round-a-bout, so instead of heading down to see the scary house that our neighborhood usually has down past the pool, we just hit one last culdesac on the way home and that was it.  The kids were pooped when we got home a little before 8:30.  We had them get their pj's on and get in bed.  Anna and David needed to leave for school at 7:45 this morning so they were all in bed by 9.

Maggie the little ladybug.

John the Werewolf

David the Vampire & Anna the Alchemist
John's 2nd Costume of the night...  FLASH

The kids haul...
I'm hoping everyone had fun despite my cranky, irritated, Drill Sergent attitude!  I mean we do trick-or-treating for the kids, right?  But somehow it becomes this whole competition thing with me...  I wanted to make it around the whole neighborhood, but we only made it about half way.  I'm not sure why I get so worked up about these type of things, I'm not even interested in the candy (not into sweets right now for some reason)!  I guess it's just my competitive side coming out and unfortunately it gets the better of me.  I'm going to have to try and curb it in the future cause it turns me into real Bitch!  SORRY EVERYONE!!!  :O( 

Anyway, Anna got up with her alarm at 6 this morning (11/1).  I didn't get up w/ mine, which went off at 6 too.  I didn't get up till a little after 6:30.  David got up about 7 and I didn't think he'd be ready to go to school this morning with Anna, but he got dressed and breakfasted, we even washed his hair (it was sticking straight up from the goop we used to slick his hair back last night).  John didn't get up till about 7:20 and Maggie wasn't up till after 8, though she was up 3 or 4 times last night.  I've cleaned up a bit this morning and bagged all the candy that was on the table, Maggie kept trying to pull everything off the table.  I wanted to go after Halloween shopping this morning, but I'm not sure what everyone will be interested in, so I'm going to take the whole family after the kids get out of school. There are at least two different Halloween stores that we should go to for specific items that we were interested in there before.  I don't know though, I might just head out here in a few minutes, just so we don't miss out on a couple of the things that we really wanted, everything should be 50% off at least! 

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