Thursday, November 04, 2010

E-mail Update 2 Oct 14th - Oct 31st

Hello Again,

Time is sure getting away from me, the last time I wrote was on the 14th (Oct).

Well, I wanted to write another letter to update everyone as to what we've been up to and our change of plans for Winter Break 2010.  Let's see...  School has been going good for the kids.  They were actually off this week for Fall Break and will go back tomorrow.  Hopefully the little rest that we made them do in their rooms this afternoon will be enough to help them get up early in the morning, Mondays they have to be to school at 7:45 because of Choir and Intermurals.

The 19th I hosted another Ladies Tea at my house, though this one was catered by my friend Carley.  It was a nice change and fun to get to try out a bunch of new foods.  We are thinking of having our Tea in January catered for my friend Athena and my Birthdays.  We'll see?  Right now I'm not really into sweets, prefer to stick to meat and carbs...

Wednesday the 20th I went to MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), which was actually a bit different than usual.  We got to drop our kids off and go to breakfast w/ the other ladies at our table instead of staying in for the speaker and brunch like we usually do.  I'll have MOPS again this coming Wednesday too, this one will be a regular event.  Anna had Yearbook Club after school.  Jacob and I had Bible Study in the evening.  The kids really enjoy going to their group when we go to Bible Study, they say they want it to last longer!  :O)

Thursday (21st) Jacob and I went to the Dentist for a regular check up after Jacob got off of work.  We scheduled it so that Jacob would leave first in his car, then I'd head there with the kids in the van, Jacob would get out and take the kids home in the van, then I'd go home in Jacob's car when I was done.  Next time though we are scheduled for different days so we don't have to worry about taking the kids at all.  There isn't anything for them to do there so it's very boring!

On Friday (22nd) I finally went to go and see an ankle/foot doctor.  My foot started getting a tingly/numb feeling where I'd injured it back in February (and has been hurting ever since) so I figured it was time to go in and get it checked out.  The doctor took x-rays and didn't find anything broken, but he thinks I may have torn some ligaments in my planter facia so he put me in an air cast for 2 weeks and told me to take anti-inflammatories 3 times a day.  I'll go back in this coming Friday and we'll reevaluate, though since he said it should feel better in a day or two and it doesn't feel better (the tingly/numbness has gone away), but different parts of my ankle/foot now hurt, along with my knee I'm thinking of calling in tomorrow morning and seeing if I can get in earlier cause this really sucks!  He said if it didn't get better that they'd probably do an MRI to get a better look at my foot/ankle.  Well see?

Nothing really interesting going on over the weekend or Monday.  Tuesday, the 26th, I scheduled a different doctors appointment for myself in the morning and asked Jacob to get off for that appointment and the rest of the day so that I could take the older 3 to a movie at the Cinema Grill.  He was able to get it off and was home about 9:30 am, he watched the kids for me for the appointment and then Maggie in the afternoon for the Movie.  The kids and I went and watched "Nanny McPhee Returns".  It was an okay show.

Thursday (28th) we went to the store and bought 3 pumpkins.  The kids picked out a pattern that they liked or created their own.  Jacob and I cleaned out the pumpkins, traced the designs and cut them out.  David and John picked faces and Anna did a bat from a pattern though she altered the design a bit.  The boys' pumpkins have held up till today (31st), but Anna's lost too much moisture over the last couple days, due the amount of pumpkin that was cut away to make her design that it crumpled up and we had to toss it.  We are currently using her plastic trick-or-treat pumpkin that we picked up yesterday as her lit outdoor lantern.  It works pretty well actually!  She'll use something else for trick-or-treating tonight.

Friday evening I went to a movie w/ my friend Cindy.  We went and watched "You Again".  It was another, 'just okay' movie.  We are trying to get a bunch of outings in before her baby comes at the end of November or beginning of December.  We talked for about an hour at our cars after the movie.  We decided that we should do at least one more Girls Day Out as well w/ our friend Carley before Cindy's baby come.  We're trying to figure out the day and time right now, just waiting to hear back from my friend Carley.

Today (31st) we let the kids dress up in costumes to go to Church.  Anna wore a medieval dress, David was a police officer, John a pirate, and Maggie wore a medieval dress too.  After Church we rushed over to Toys R Us and picked up several items that went on super sale today that were on our list of things that we want to get for each other.  Unfortunately this Toys R Us didn't have everything that we wanted so we rushed over to the TRS closer to us and found what we wanted, minus one sing-a-ma-jig doll (the yellow one is apparently very allusive).  After TRS we went over to Texas Road House for lunch.  Since the kids were wearing costumes we got two free kids meals w/ an adult entree purchase, so that was cool!  Afterward we came back home and put all the kids down for a nap, this was just after 1pm.  We got them up just before 3, though they weren't sleeping anyway, it's now almost 4.  We plan to head out w/ some friends to do trick-or-treating about 5, so I need to get off and start getting the kids stuff together so we can head out on time...

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