Saturday, June 03, 2006

Not Quite There Yet...

Sorry it has been so long since I've written! But after I sent my last post a lot has happened!

First of all, May 26th at 6:24pm, John Wesley Lacock was born! He weighed 7 lb. 10 oz and was 19 1/4 in. long. My water had broke at about 3 in the morning, but I didn't realize it till I got up about 6:30. I walked around for a little while to make sure and then woke up Jacob. I called the Midwives and they said that if nothing happened on it's own by 9 that I could come in and discuss options of what to do. We were at the Hospital by 9 and once we got in we decided to induce since nothing was happening. They started the pitocine at 11:20, took them forever to get an IV started because I was so swollen, they poked me 6 times before finally decideing to put the IV in a central vein in my inner arm (where they usually draw blood). Once they got that in things started pretty slow. The midwife wanted to take it easy and Jake and I just sat around for like 4 hours watching TV and movies on his PSP. Things started to role about 3 or so and I was getting so uncomfortable that I decided to go w/ an epidural. After that I pretty much didn't feel anything until it was time for me to push. Even w/ the epidural the contractions were getting painful, so the midwife decided to check and decided I was really to push! Only took 20 min. this time. Unfortunately on the way out John's left clavical was broken, though it seems to be healing nicely now!

With the epidural I had I couldn't use my legs, took until the next morning for me to be able to stand w/out my right leg giving out. That's a weird experience! We planned to head home after John's last Biliruben test the next evening, but when they checked they found that his levels were a bit high so we ended up staying until Sunday night. John spent 18 hours under the blue lights to get his levels down and I spent every 2-3 hours feeding him to help him get things flushed from his system! Anyway, it all worked and we came home Sunday night, were in by 10. Got the first semi-peaceful nights rest in three nights! Was nice to be back in my own bed!

Monday we all seemed to get a slow start to the day. I was really hurting because I hadn't been able to get my pain meds filled and still didn't get them filled till about 3 in the afternoon. We had to take John in for one last Biliruben test Monday to make sure his levels were okay, which they were, so we came home.

This recovery for me is taking quite a lot longer than I remember w/ the other two. I remember being up and around and other than a little soreness w/ Anna, none w/ David pretty much bouncing right back into the swing of things. But this time around things are different and I'm not exactly sure why!? My back has been killing me since the epi. wore off! Not at the sight, but my upper and lower back radiating down into my hips. The pain meds don't seem to cut it every time, though Thursday after a horrible, horrible morning I seemed to perk up and felt 100%. Cleaned the upstairs bathroom, downstairs movie room, did a load of wash, and even organized the master bedroom a bit. Hopefully this is all temporary, which is what the anasthesiologist said when I talked to her about how much I was hurting. If things don't get better by next Friday I think I'm going to take the 2 week check-up for me to get this whole thing for me evaluated...

Jake went to work Tuesday to take his PT test. He was so excited, he did 50 push-ups, 67 sit-ups and ran the mile and a half in a little over 10 min. We all basically just hung around the house that day, though I made John's appointments for his 2 day Well Baby, and for his Echo-cardiograhm.

Jacob took from Wednesday-Tuesday the 6th off. So Wednesday, Jacob, David, and I took John to his Well Baby check-up. Everything looked great and we got a referral to go to John's Echo the next day. I think Sara and I went and got groceries that afternoon.

Jacob has been going to get Anna from school this last week. He takes her bicycle and has her ride it back home. I'm not sure how she likes it, Anna hasn't really made any comments about it.

Thursday I put Anna's sack lunch together for her Field Trip to the Zoo w/ her Kindergarten class. It was a really big lunch! I had picked up some treats for her to take in her lunch, watermelon, baby carrots w/ ranch, and some cookies. Jacob made her a bologna and cheese sandwhich w/ miricle whip. However, Anna doesn't like mw and only took like two bites of her sandwich. Almost everything else was gone. Aparently she had a good time, but we weren't sure that she was going to get picked up from school on time. The bus was suppose to get back around 2 and Sara was going to pick her up. However, the Boys and I had to go to John's Echo. We left at Noon and didn't get back till 4. Sara was having a crisis w/ Jade who had apparently caught something and was throwing up all over the place. Once things settled down a little and they both got cleaned up she was able to go and pick up Anna. Anyway, John's Echo-cardiograhm found that he no longer has the hole in his heart! He is a healthy baby boy! So we don't have to go in for any follow-ups or anything! Just regular baby check-ups!

Friday, yesterday, we didn't do much...though I found out that my friend Jeannie had her baby at about Noon on Thursday (she wasn't due till the 4th). She had a little boy, Marcus Anthony, via c-section because apparently in the last week or so he turned and was breech. She seemed to be recovering pretty well, or at least sounded so over the had been 24 hrs since the baby was born. She said that they might be able to come home on Sunday morning. All depending on recovery I guess. I also got an e-mail from my friend Christel whom I had been wondering about! She was also exspecting, due May 30th, but she wrote and said she had had a little girl, Emily Madison, on May 15th and were still trying to get into the swing of things w/ a new baby, this is her first, and Jeannie's first as well! Other than the news from my friends nothing much else went on...

Friends have brought us meals the last couple nights, which has been wonderful! This is such a blessing, espeically when you haven't quite gotten your feet back under you yet! And Jake has been in food heaven because the last two meals were two of his favorites, lasagna and chicken pot pie! I definitely haven't had the energy by the evening to really think of even eating, but it works out great cause everyone else needs to eat!

Anyway, today is Saturday and again I don't believe we have any plans...Jake stayed up late last night, 3:30 am, and finally came to bed. Unfortunately the kids have been super noisy this morning and woke him up...I apologized, but found out that the kids actually weren't the ones who woke him up, it was the neighbors using power tools next door! Though that was funny because the kids were much louder than the power tools! Guess he's just really good at tuning out the kids when he wants some sleep!

Well, I better go. I probably need to feed John here soon and Jacob and I need to talk about what we want to do the next couple days while he still has time off! Hope you are all doing well and I'll try and respond to your e-mails here in the next day or two if I haven't already!

God Bless!!! :O)

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