Wednesday, June 07, 2006



Sorry I haven't written much lately, but things have been rather busy around here...But by busy I mean spurts of business filled by half hour sessions of baby feedings! I have gotten John down to a schedule of eating about every 3 hours. And at night he'll go for about 4 or 5 hours once he's had his approx. 9pm feeding.

Monday I spent about 2 hours waiting to get into and 3 hours actually in the ER. Thought I had a more pressing matter than it actually turned out to be and got some medication for the actual problem. I will be doing a follow up w/ the Midwives on Friday just after John's 2 week appointment. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out why it's taking me so long to recover this time around! But the whole ER thing really sucked because Monday was Jacob and My 7th Anniversary. Spending 5 hours at the Hospital wasn't my idea of a good way to spend our Special Day together. But we did get to go out to dinner afterwards and Sara watched the kids, including John later that evening so that we could go and see X-Men III. We had wanted to go and test drive cars for the fun of it, but we didn't get to do that! Oh well, maybe some other day!

We've been running around doing errands. Got some hoses w/ holes to get some extra water to sections of the lawn that we just can't seem to keep green! Today I took the kids w/ me to Target and K-Mart. We were in and out pretty quick and got exactly what I went in for!

Tomorrow I need to take John in to get registered in DEERS. It's our insurance... I also decided that I wanted to list some items at the Thrift store on Base and have those all ready in the van to take in tomorrow as well. Might get a few groceries too, depending on the time. Might need to feed John again.

Anyway, I had better go. Need to get something to drink and go and feed John here in about 20 min. Jacob will be heading to bed soon, he went back to work today and has work tomorrow and Friday. I also need to get out the VVA donation bright and early tomorrow morning, so I will need to hit the sack right after putting John down for the night. Hope you are doing well! God Bless!

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