Thursday, May 25, 2006

Olive Garden and Home...

The Olive Garden was good (food, waiter, atmosphere) though after being there for about an hour I was really getting uncomfortable w/ lots of pressure. I had to roll my chair back and lounge back a bit, but I didn't feel better till we got back in the van and I could lounge even more and I'm even better now that I am home and can put my feet up as well...

As we drove back home we noticed the storm moving in... It wasn't quite here yet and we really needed to mow the front lawn, so Jake filled 'er up w/ gas and took care of that while I used the weed wacker and went around the edges. Looks so much nicer now!!! And now it's going to rain and water our nicely mowed lawn!!! It smells really nice too! I like the smell of rain!

Anna was going to jump on the tramopline before it rained, but her tummy hurt cause she ate so much. Filled up on paste, bread sticks, and salad. Though she is feeling better now and just had a slice of the cake that I made earlier...

I was quite upset after finishing the cake, Anna and I went in the bedroom to look over the activities that the Church is putting on for the kids this summer and Anna decided to go and check and see what David was doing. She starts yelling cause David is aparently into her cake...I rush in there and indeed he has pulled a couple chunks out of the side of the cake and has frosting in his hair. I was no happy! He was sent to his room to await his Dad's arrival from PT not to far in the future...

Now that we have all had our cake (except for David who doesn't get any today) I'm not sure what we are going to do. I think the kids and Jake are cleaning up the play dough mess that the kids made before we do anything. Might watch a show or play a game...we haven't really discussed it.

The storm is almost upon us...lightening and thunder. No rain yet...

Hope you have a good evening! Will write more soon!

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