Saturday, June 24, 2006

Getting Out

It has been awhile since I've actually gotten out...actually we all seem to be suffering from a bit of cabin fever as it's usually too hot to go outside and there isn't much space for the kids to play in their room (not that they don't have space, just not enough to run off all their energy). We didn't get out early today...actually we weren't out till almost Noon. Went to lunch at a couple different places and then went to Cold Stone so Jacob and Anna could get a treat (Jacob shared with David). I opted for Cinnabons Carmelatta Chill instead of ice cream which I got when we left the Cherry Creek Mall.

The Cherry Creek Mall is where we finally went to...we walked around a little at first and I got a couple tank tops at the Motherhood store (only maternity tops seem to be long enough to fit me properly). I was pleased to fit into a Lg. and have decided that I am going to start working out on Monday so hopefully I'll melt off even more pounds quicker!!! ~~~The kids finally got down to the play food after 2 and I brought John over to feed him because he was suppose to eat at 2. However once we sat down and John was still fast asleep I decided that I would just wait to feed him till he got up which was a good idea because at about 2:20 one of the security gaurds came around and asked everyone to leave so that the cleaning crew could come in...I was really ticked cause we had just sat down and the kids had been waiting to play and now they would have to wait another 15-20 to get back in. We walked around a bit and finally came back after they were done. The kids probably played for a good 45 min. to an hour. Then we left cause David didn't want to keep his socks on. (I had taken David to the Doctor on Monday to find out about his major blistering/peeling feet. The Dr. said that he probably has foot and mouth disease which is very common for this time of year in young kids and it should clear up soon. However, it only seems to be getting worse...especially on his feet. I'm thinking of takeing him back in again this next week because it really seems to bother him.)

After the Mall we went to the Wizard's Chest. Sara was very excited and we spend probably an hour there! Looked around at all the cool stuff! I went right to the stuffed animal section... They have really neat and unique things that you can't find at a regular store! I found a really cute 'Gotta Get a Gund' dragon in light boyish colors (blues, greens). I got it for John. Jacob found a really cool Batman utility belt for David. And Anna got two princess type figurines to match some of the others that we have already collected! Jacob wanted one of the levitron things that he looked at before, but they were all sold out. He was bummed! I got a really cool pen that was carved on top into a frog head and the cool thing about it is that I can just unscrew the cap on the bottom and insert new pen ink cartridges when the one in it runs out! It's really cute!!!

After there we stopped by Timbuk Toyz to look for a prince for Anna to use w/ her princesses, but they didn't have any. So we went home...

I sat down to eat a cinnamon roll really quick before I needed to feed John. Jacob turned on Oblivion, now He and Sara are playing 'Perfect Dark'. The kids are in bed and I was checking e-mail, eBay, and a few other things. Will be heading to bed after this entry...

Our realtor, Vicki, came over for dinner Thursday night. I told her what I had in mind for when we put the house on the market and she gave us a more tips on what we could do with the house. However, all that will become much more extensive once we actually decide to put the house on the market! I guess our grounds will really be an issue if we put the house on the market in the spring, but not so much if we do it in the winter since everything will already be dead and we won't have to keep it alive, which we are struggling to do this summer!

Jacob is still trying to figure out what to do with his Career! Still checking into Military and persueing the Government job outside of the Military...Hopefully we'll know more by the middle of next month. He has a meeting on July 12th that will maybe open a few more interesting door within the Military...We'll keep you posted! But either way we look at it we are definitely selling this place by next summer!!!

Well, I need to go, it's almost 10 and we have Church tomorrow, so I better hit the sack...Hope you are having a great summer! :O)

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