Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Sooooo Tired...

I forgot just how tired one can get when you have a new little one! I thought I'd be fine because I occationally don't get the full 8 or more hours of sleep, sometimes only 5 and seem to function just fine, but after nights and nights of having to get up every three hours for anywhere from half hour to 1 hour incriments I'm am sooo tired! Naps during the day are out! Especially because a during the day nap usually just makes me crankier! And David doesn't always take naps so I can't just leave him running around the house unsupervised! Anna would be fine, oh well!

And along with being tired I think I have lost a little of my memory capacity. I have become a total space cadet, and can hardly remember what we did earlier in the day let alone the day before or earlier. The hours just seems to mess into eachother and all I can think about is what I can get done in the short times between baby feedings or that maybe I can get a little rest in before I need to get some other chore done. Hopefully once John starts sleeping through nigths I'll be albe to regain some energy and sanity. Right now I just want to go back to bed, but the kids are up and I need to get them some breakfast.

My Mom arrived yesterday! My sister, Jade, and Anna went and picked her up at the Airport. I think her plane got in earlier than they said it should because when I called about the time they should be finding her at bagage claim they were already half way home. We spent the evening pretty much just vegging, though Mom, Sara, Jade, and I went to blockbuster to rent some movies. We got "Pink Panther", "Auquamarine", and a suspense thriller w/ Demi Moore in it, not sure what it's called. Then Jacob and I went to Safeway and picked up some tomatoes, salad, and a banana creme pie. I got out some extra cash so that we could pick up the pizza that I had ordered at Cici's. There pizza is really good and inexpensive, the only drawback is they don't deliver. But at least they are only about a five min. drive away!!!

I'm not sure what our plans are for the next few days!? Friday Jacob might get out of work early and we'll all go to lunch at the Chinese Buffet, and Saturday I know for sure that we are going to the Renaissance Festival. Only I just realized in the last week that our van is at max capacity now that we have John so we are going to have to carivan. Not sure who will go in which vehicles yet...

I have started to list stuff at the Thrift Store again! I actually want to list stuff every Tuesday and Thursday this month. Though I'm afraid that they might get too many toys and I won't be able to list anymore. I could just stick w/ clothes, though I can only list 5 at a time and I have way more clothes than just 5. But at least I'll only have to come up w/ 7 more items to make the full 12 I can list.

I'm also thinking of listing some things on the Colorado Garage Sale site. Not exactly sure everything that I want to list yet, but I have two for sure that I'm gonna take pictures of. Sort of a pre-moving on-line garage sale. I don't have to list everything at once, but I would like to! I might just list the first two and after our Realtor comes on Tuesday to take a look at the house then we'll know what more we need to pair the house down to before we have our first open house. Not sure when we are going to list the house just yet. There are some repairs that we need to make before we list because we want the house to sell ASAP. Can't afford to get a new house with this mortage too!

Well, I need to go for the day, not really much more to talk about. Hope you are all doing well! Would love to hear from you! God Bless! :O)

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