Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Awana Awards Night


I can hardly believe that tonight is the last night of Awanas! This is the Awards night for the kids and Jake, Anna, and I will be attending for Anna to receive her Book Award (she completed her Skipper book). Hopefully it won't last too long, but I believe that they alotted the time to go about the length of a normal Awana night, so about 6-8.

This morning Jake left a little later for work since he has to attend a meeting that will make him be at work till probably 4:30 or later. He took Anna to school on his way to work and I need to go and pick her up in about 1 hr. Boy time is flying this morning!

Got the dishes going this morning and ate a bowl of cereal as a snack. Sara and Jade got up and ate breakfast, now we are sitting around discussing the events for tonight and tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Anna's 6th Birthday. She has school and I'm not sure if Jacob will be taking the full day off or not. He keeps changing his mind. Aparently they have started taping the people before PT for some reason and he said he needs to be there, but if he was taking the day off anyway he doesn't have to attend any work related functions! Back to Anna's Birthday...I plan to make a strawberry cake w/ strawberry frosting, but I forgot to pick up the stuff again when I went to Walmart yesterday...need to go and do that some time today!!!

I found some gifts for the girls at Awanas. I just need to wrap them now! I think these actually work better then all the other ideas that I went through...Hope they like them...

Should probably go...will write more soon!

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