Thursday, May 25, 2006

39 wk OB visit and More


My OB visit wasn't as promising as I had hoped though I had the lady do something to hopefully help spur things on, but so far it doesn't feel like it has helped.

Jake wasn't sure about work today and turns out he isn't going, but still needs to head in for a PT taping. Which I thought was a video taping, but he actually just meant for measurements, silly me... :O) He should be taking off here pretty soon to get taped and then head back home so we can all take off for an early dinner at Olive Garden. That's where Anna decided she wanted to eat. And I got Anna's cake baked, just need to flip it over and frost it. It's actually turned out to be a strawberry (bunt) cake and we'll be putting white frosting w/ sprinkles mixed in to top! Anna was okay w/ it. They didn't have the strawberry frosting at the smaller Walmart so I had to get something different. Anna thinks the sprinkles are cool!

Sara and I watched the Season Finale of 'Lost'. These show really tick you off sometimes, they leave you w/ so many questions that you aren't going to get answered till probably Sept. I mean what's up w/ that. I mean if you like the show you're going to tune in next Season, so why do they have to leave you hanging all summer, that's just mean!

Jake just took off for the PT thing...if he gets in really quick he should get back home by 3:30 and we can probably make it to Olive Garden by 4ish.

No plans for this evening. Not sure what Anna is going to want to do. We don't have any shows taped or new movies rented. We might sit down and watch some more Rune Soldier. We started the Series the other night, but didn't watch more than two episodes.

Tomorrow X-Men III comes out! I am really looking forward to seeing it! I'm not sure if we are going to take Anna or not, but if we do we'll have to find a sitter for David and Jade because they probably won't sit through it...Not sure who to ask though...especially because Jade doesn't really know any of my friends well enough...Not sure how she would do...We'll see. Might just split up and watch them two to two. Not sure who would go w/ who though.

This weekend is looking pretty boring for us. We have no plans what-so-ever, so that will be four days of nada going on! I'm actually not looking forward to it, that is unless the baby comes and then we'll definitely have something to do!!! Anyway, I'm sure we'll come up w/ something...will let you know what we decide on!

That's all for now...hope you have a wonderful day! God Bless~

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