Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Day 11... Apples, apples, everywhere...

Day 11…  You know, just when you think that things are getting better some ones gotta go and upset the apple cart! 
I woke this morning at 4:45.  For some reason I just couldn’t sleep so I decided that I would just get up because I didn’t want to lye there.  After getting ready for the day I did a few chores, worked on my Blog and checked the various forms of communication that keep me updated on the world! 
My morning started off pretty well!  I got the kids to help me clean house a bit, once they were up.  Maggie seemed better after her terrible experience the following evening (horrible reaction to dairy).  I put all my stuff together for running all my errands for the morning and got the kids loaded in the van 5 minutes before their first bell rung. 
After dropping the older 2 off at school I called my friend Athena to see if she was home so I could drop something off on my way past her street, but she didn’t answer so I continued on.  About a third of the way towards Target (I had planned to stop there first before I needed to meet my friend Cindy at the ‘Kid to Kid ‘), however I realized that I was missing the most important paper that I needed for my trip, so I had to double back.  On my way back home Athena called me back and I asked if I could stop by.  I gave her, her “Thank you!” card and she gave me back my bacon bits and a book that she had borrow before her daughter Paige was born.  We chatted for a bit, then I headed home to get the items that I had forgotten.
When I was done it was really too late to head to Target, so I just went to ‘Kid to Kid’ instead.  I arrived about ten minutes before 10 (when Cindy and I had planned to meet), unloaded Maggie into her stroller and grabbed the bin of stuff that I was taking in to get some store credit and headed into the store, John following along side.  Since we were only ten minutes early I hoped they wouldn’t stick to their 10 o’clock time for accepting items we wanted to sell and as we walked in there was already another lady there with a huge bag of stuff that they were going through so I got in line.
Cindy arrived a little after 10.  By then they had accepted my bin and I was already looking around the store.  I left John and Maggie in the little play cube that they have for the kids so the parents can shop and not have to have all the little ones tagging along.  I checked out the shoes and found 2 pair for Maggie.  One for now (a more girly pair than what she currently has) and another pair for later (in a size 7).  I also found a couple pair of dress-up gloves for Maggie and a few other things.
When they finally finished with my bin I had been ready to go for some time, we’d just been milling around waiting for them to finish up.  I ended up getting about $14.90 in store credit, which wasn’t what I had been hoping for, but since they hadn’t taken the dress that I had overheard them say they would only give me a dollar for (it was a really nice dress) I was happy with the price; until I left and realized that they had taken two jackets that I had in the bin that were practically brand new.  Then I was a bit ticked that I had accepted the price because just one of those jackets was worth at least $10 or more, maybe even $15 to $20 bucks and there were two of them!!!  SMH  …Next time I’m going to have to be a bit more careful and ask for an itemized list of what they are giving me for each item so I know I’m getting a fair amount for my items!
From KtK we went to Sally’s Beauty Salon, then Michael’s.  When we weren’t quite through with Michael’s I realized Maggie needed to be changed so we hurried through (not finding what we were looking for) and headed back to our vehicles because neither Cindy, nor I had brought our diaper bags with us. 
Back at the van I discovered that Maggie’s bum was still super raw.  Fortunately Cindy had some ointment for me to use and I was able to lube Mag up again to relieve the soreness. 
Cindy and I parted ways after that.  Chance had fallen asleep and I still needed to go to the Christian store to pick up some CD’s I’d been waiting to go on sale today! 
At the Family Christian Store, I stocked up on a bunch of new CD’s that I researched over the last week since I’d gotten their monthly ad booklet.  I got several for only $5 and a couple others for 25% off.  Maggie kept freaking out because of her bum and the fact that I had her strapped up to her child safety harness.  I tried to wrap things up in their as quickly as I could, but it wasn’t fast enough for her and we finally left.
From there I decided that I wanted to make a quick trip to Target to get this DVD, that I’d bought a little over a week ago, price adjusted.  I had originally bought it for $16.99 when if first came out then this week it went on sale for $10.  I used the money they gave me back to buy a bunch of my favorite chocolate that was on sale!!! :O)  …I did not however find the Blu Ray + DVD combo pack for the movie “Green Hornet” that I thought they carried.  Turns out I had seen the advertisement in a different stores ad.
I remembered that I’d seen the ad in the Best Buy advertisement, so from Target to we headed there.  I figured it would be a quick in an out, but when I tried to find the BluRay + DVD combo pack I couldn’t find it anywhere (and it has just come out today).  I checked the main display and even went back to the regular movie section, but couldn’t find it, so I went and asked the guy at the front door.  So after waiting probably a good 30+ minutes talking to various different sales associates and finally the manager, they found out that there had been a misprint in the ad and they didn’t actually have the BluRay + DVD combo pack, so I ended up buying the 3 pack instead.  I didn’t want to the 3D version, but it was the only way to get the BluRay and DVD together without paying for them separately.
The whole time we were at Best Buy, Maggie had been sleeping on me.  It was really hard to check out and I felt like everyone was looking at me impatiently since it was taking me a bit longer to go through the motions.  I finally paid and we went out the to van.
Ever since we had left the Family Christian Store I had been telling John that I would get him some food from McDonald’s because he had been so good, but kept putting it off to head to another store.  We didn’t end up getting lunch until about 12:30.  We were home by 12:45 and when I brought a sleeping Maggie in and tried to lay her on the couch, she woke very upset and I was only able to calm her by giving her, her Happy Meal (chicken nuggets and fries).  She was much happier munching on her food!
Once Maggie was settled I went and unloaded the van and then came in and dished myself up some of the yummy soup left over from dinner.  I had just heated it up and literally sat down to take my first bite (at about 1:30, because I’d been doing various other things before I was able to take a break) when my Skype phone rang.  I sat my soup own and answered the call.  Jacob and I chatted for a bit, but I asked to get off and call him back since I’d just sat down to relax and eat for the first time today.  We hung up and I chowed down; I was so hungry!
While eating I tried to watch a movie that I had rented for free from a Redbox the day before.  It took me from 1:30 till 3:30 to watch it; I don’t think it was actually that long!  I was really having a hard time with Maggie, she just wanted my undivided attention and wouldn’t let me get anything accomplished without causing lots of trouble along the way; she wouldn’t even let me watch the show in piece.  It was the first show I’d sat down to watch in over a week!
Anyway, she continued to be a challenge for most of the rest of the evening.  She just wouldn’t let any of us do anything without constantly being all over us or getting into mischief.  I finally had to ask Anna to take her because I couldn’t get a thing done!  Needless to say this whole afternoon, evening was very frustrating and I just didn’t have the patience to deal with little Maggie who just wouldn’t stop whining and pestering me, so I couldn’t get a single thing done!
She finally calmed down around 8ish.  Anna had taken her in her room and was reading with Maggie lying next to her in bed.  I went and got her at 8:30 and put her to bed, she didn’t fit me, she even said, “Good night!”.  That’s a new one!  :O)
So now that the kids were in bed I was finally able to completely focus on one of the things on my list to do and that was bake some banana muffins for the kids.  (I had contemplated waiting, but I can’t do it tomorrow, I have plans with Cindy to be out most of the day.  And I didn’t want to do it later, so I got to work on making the muffins (I had actually started earlier in the evening, but really got into full swing with the kids in bed).  I finished over 8 dozen muffins at about 10:45 pm.  Meanwhile between tins I’ve been working on updating my Blog.  I think I’ve finally done it!
Well, I need to go…  It’s 11:43 and I have a busy day ahead of me.  I have plans with Cindy to go to the Park Meadows Mall and have lunch and go do some window-shopping! 
It’s off to bed for me!  Good night!!!  :O)

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