Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Lifestyle Change Buddy


Sunday I read an e-mail from a friend who suggested that I join with her as buddies and change our life-style, to start eating better and working out more! So, my friend Belen and I started Monday on our new lifestyle change. I've been keeping track of my food intake, calories and fat grams, plus time I've been working out and taking my body measurements (Sundays). This has only been going on for two days consistently, so we'll have to see how things go here in a couple weeks.

Today I did something a bit different because though I did get all my meals written down Monday I went way over my goal calorie/fat intake for the day. So Monday night I wrote out my meals for Tuesday. I stuck to it all day, though I didn't get the snacks in inbetween means I ended up combining the two separately w/ lunch and dinner. I do realize that I didn't take in enough liquids. I only had two large mugs of tea. I don't feel thirsty though. You'd think I would after only having those two today, but nope.

I have noticed something that I am though is really cranky! I don't seem to have a very much patience and I keep skipping around from project to project getting really irritated when things aren't going the way I wished they would. Not sure where that is coming from?! Though I've been working on VBS art project planning and getting rather frustrated that it isn't coming along like I'd hoped either. I need to make a run to the Church tomorrow to pick up some of the original art papers to transfer to larger paper so I can paint it!

Good news though!!! Jacob called this evening shortly after arriving at work. Apparently his trip to Edwards AFB for next week was canceled. So he won't be taking off Sunday like previously planned. Yay!!!

It's time to hit the sack. I want to get up at 6:30 ish tomorrow to workout so I better go to bed. Good Night!

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