Saturday, June 24, 2006

Getting Out

It has been awhile since I've actually gotten out...actually we all seem to be suffering from a bit of cabin fever as it's usually too hot to go outside and there isn't much space for the kids to play in their room (not that they don't have space, just not enough to run off all their energy). We didn't get out early today...actually we weren't out till almost Noon. Went to lunch at a couple different places and then went to Cold Stone so Jacob and Anna could get a treat (Jacob shared with David). I opted for Cinnabons Carmelatta Chill instead of ice cream which I got when we left the Cherry Creek Mall.

The Cherry Creek Mall is where we finally went to...we walked around a little at first and I got a couple tank tops at the Motherhood store (only maternity tops seem to be long enough to fit me properly). I was pleased to fit into a Lg. and have decided that I am going to start working out on Monday so hopefully I'll melt off even more pounds quicker!!! ~~~The kids finally got down to the play food after 2 and I brought John over to feed him because he was suppose to eat at 2. However once we sat down and John was still fast asleep I decided that I would just wait to feed him till he got up which was a good idea because at about 2:20 one of the security gaurds came around and asked everyone to leave so that the cleaning crew could come in...I was really ticked cause we had just sat down and the kids had been waiting to play and now they would have to wait another 15-20 to get back in. We walked around a bit and finally came back after they were done. The kids probably played for a good 45 min. to an hour. Then we left cause David didn't want to keep his socks on. (I had taken David to the Doctor on Monday to find out about his major blistering/peeling feet. The Dr. said that he probably has foot and mouth disease which is very common for this time of year in young kids and it should clear up soon. However, it only seems to be getting worse...especially on his feet. I'm thinking of takeing him back in again this next week because it really seems to bother him.)

After the Mall we went to the Wizard's Chest. Sara was very excited and we spend probably an hour there! Looked around at all the cool stuff! I went right to the stuffed animal section... They have really neat and unique things that you can't find at a regular store! I found a really cute 'Gotta Get a Gund' dragon in light boyish colors (blues, greens). I got it for John. Jacob found a really cool Batman utility belt for David. And Anna got two princess type figurines to match some of the others that we have already collected! Jacob wanted one of the levitron things that he looked at before, but they were all sold out. He was bummed! I got a really cool pen that was carved on top into a frog head and the cool thing about it is that I can just unscrew the cap on the bottom and insert new pen ink cartridges when the one in it runs out! It's really cute!!!

After there we stopped by Timbuk Toyz to look for a prince for Anna to use w/ her princesses, but they didn't have any. So we went home...

I sat down to eat a cinnamon roll really quick before I needed to feed John. Jacob turned on Oblivion, now He and Sara are playing 'Perfect Dark'. The kids are in bed and I was checking e-mail, eBay, and a few other things. Will be heading to bed after this entry...

Our realtor, Vicki, came over for dinner Thursday night. I told her what I had in mind for when we put the house on the market and she gave us a more tips on what we could do with the house. However, all that will become much more extensive once we actually decide to put the house on the market! I guess our grounds will really be an issue if we put the house on the market in the spring, but not so much if we do it in the winter since everything will already be dead and we won't have to keep it alive, which we are struggling to do this summer!

Jacob is still trying to figure out what to do with his Career! Still checking into Military and persueing the Government job outside of the Military...Hopefully we'll know more by the middle of next month. He has a meeting on July 12th that will maybe open a few more interesting door within the Military...We'll keep you posted! But either way we look at it we are definitely selling this place by next summer!!!

Well, I need to go, it's almost 10 and we have Church tomorrow, so I better hit the sack...Hope you are having a great summer! :O)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Sooooo Tired...

I forgot just how tired one can get when you have a new little one! I thought I'd be fine because I occationally don't get the full 8 or more hours of sleep, sometimes only 5 and seem to function just fine, but after nights and nights of having to get up every three hours for anywhere from half hour to 1 hour incriments I'm am sooo tired! Naps during the day are out! Especially because a during the day nap usually just makes me crankier! And David doesn't always take naps so I can't just leave him running around the house unsupervised! Anna would be fine, oh well!

And along with being tired I think I have lost a little of my memory capacity. I have become a total space cadet, and can hardly remember what we did earlier in the day let alone the day before or earlier. The hours just seems to mess into eachother and all I can think about is what I can get done in the short times between baby feedings or that maybe I can get a little rest in before I need to get some other chore done. Hopefully once John starts sleeping through nigths I'll be albe to regain some energy and sanity. Right now I just want to go back to bed, but the kids are up and I need to get them some breakfast.

My Mom arrived yesterday! My sister, Jade, and Anna went and picked her up at the Airport. I think her plane got in earlier than they said it should because when I called about the time they should be finding her at bagage claim they were already half way home. We spent the evening pretty much just vegging, though Mom, Sara, Jade, and I went to blockbuster to rent some movies. We got "Pink Panther", "Auquamarine", and a suspense thriller w/ Demi Moore in it, not sure what it's called. Then Jacob and I went to Safeway and picked up some tomatoes, salad, and a banana creme pie. I got out some extra cash so that we could pick up the pizza that I had ordered at Cici's. There pizza is really good and inexpensive, the only drawback is they don't deliver. But at least they are only about a five min. drive away!!!

I'm not sure what our plans are for the next few days!? Friday Jacob might get out of work early and we'll all go to lunch at the Chinese Buffet, and Saturday I know for sure that we are going to the Renaissance Festival. Only I just realized in the last week that our van is at max capacity now that we have John so we are going to have to carivan. Not sure who will go in which vehicles yet...

I have started to list stuff at the Thrift Store again! I actually want to list stuff every Tuesday and Thursday this month. Though I'm afraid that they might get too many toys and I won't be able to list anymore. I could just stick w/ clothes, though I can only list 5 at a time and I have way more clothes than just 5. But at least I'll only have to come up w/ 7 more items to make the full 12 I can list.

I'm also thinking of listing some things on the Colorado Garage Sale site. Not exactly sure everything that I want to list yet, but I have two for sure that I'm gonna take pictures of. Sort of a pre-moving on-line garage sale. I don't have to list everything at once, but I would like to! I might just list the first two and after our Realtor comes on Tuesday to take a look at the house then we'll know what more we need to pair the house down to before we have our first open house. Not sure when we are going to list the house just yet. There are some repairs that we need to make before we list because we want the house to sell ASAP. Can't afford to get a new house with this mortage too!

Well, I need to go for the day, not really much more to talk about. Hope you are all doing well! Would love to hear from you! God Bless! :O)

Friday, June 09, 2006

Hard, Late Night

11:30 is about when we finally got home...

Yesterday evening after I fed John, about 6:30, I joined Jacob outside on to swing to watch the kids jump on the trampoline. But when I got out there I noticed that Toby wasn't acting like himself. He was walking around all drunk like, and could barely support himself on his back legs, his head hanging almost to the ground. I thought maybe one of his hips broke again, so I told Jacob to check him out, but when Jacob called him, it took him a really long time to respond because he could barely get up. I decided that we needed to get him into the vet ASAP. Anyway, it was 7pm and unfortunately they were closed, but they had a phone number for an Emergancy place, that I called and they said to bring him right in. We left the kids w/ Sara and headed in. After examination it looked as though something was seriously wrong w/ Toby, possibly a total system failure (w/ little to no chance of recovery), liver failure (wide margin of recovery depending on the extent of damage, but w/ major expense and long term mediation and medical treatment), or possibly a galbladder obstruction (w/ chance for recovery after surgery). Though most of the things we heard from then on out were all very limited and didn't really answer any questions that could really help us make a decision on what to do.
(The vet seemed to be leaning more towards advanced liver failure.) We ended up going w/ more bloodwork, which only confirmed that something was pretty wrong w/ him, but w/out more bloodwork, ultrasounds, and a belly tap (they found a large mass of fluid in Toby's belly), they couldn't really tell us anymore. And all of these just to find out what was possibly wrong w/ him would amount to over $500 and that didn't neccessarily mean that they would actually find out what was wrong w/ him. After much talk w/ the Vet, Jake's Mom Von, and together, we finally decided that we should just let Toby go. He seemed to be suffering so much and Jacob made a point that we didn't want him to suffer anymore by having them poke and prod him until they maybe found out what was wrong w/ him. Anyway, I couldn't really think anymore about what to do and just wanted to take Toby home, so we decided that after a fluid flush to try and make Toby more comfortable we would take him home so everyone could spend a little more time w/ him and say goodbye and we could take him back the next day. But while we were waiting on the fluids, Jake and I talked some more and decided that it would just be better go ahead w/ it right then because it wasn't right for us to make Toby suffer more just because we wanted to spend more time w/ him. I couldn't stay in the room, but Jacob did. It was hard enough for me to just stand outside the room and barely hear what was going on inside. I could hear a bunch of sniffling and nose blowing and wanted to go in because I could tell Jacob was hurting, but I didn't want to go in there w/ Toby still in the room. When Jacob finally came out we just held eachother for awhile. This whole thing was so sudden! We loved Toby so much, I couldn't even go to sleep last night w/out a massive dose of my pain meds. And then my heart hurt so much I thought I would't be able to sleep last night at all. But I finally did.

This morning for me was hard because I had to tell Anna that Toby had died (David didn't understand). She and I cried for awhile. But even though Anna seemed to have gotten over it quickly, I haven't. I keep seeing things of Toby's or thinking about what he looked like before he died and I keep breaking down crying. The afternoon has been better, but I still can't stop thinking about him and if we made the right decision...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006



Sorry I haven't written much lately, but things have been rather busy around here...But by busy I mean spurts of business filled by half hour sessions of baby feedings! I have gotten John down to a schedule of eating about every 3 hours. And at night he'll go for about 4 or 5 hours once he's had his approx. 9pm feeding.

Monday I spent about 2 hours waiting to get into and 3 hours actually in the ER. Thought I had a more pressing matter than it actually turned out to be and got some medication for the actual problem. I will be doing a follow up w/ the Midwives on Friday just after John's 2 week appointment. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out why it's taking me so long to recover this time around! But the whole ER thing really sucked because Monday was Jacob and My 7th Anniversary. Spending 5 hours at the Hospital wasn't my idea of a good way to spend our Special Day together. But we did get to go out to dinner afterwards and Sara watched the kids, including John later that evening so that we could go and see X-Men III. We had wanted to go and test drive cars for the fun of it, but we didn't get to do that! Oh well, maybe some other day!

We've been running around doing errands. Got some hoses w/ holes to get some extra water to sections of the lawn that we just can't seem to keep green! Today I took the kids w/ me to Target and K-Mart. We were in and out pretty quick and got exactly what I went in for!

Tomorrow I need to take John in to get registered in DEERS. It's our insurance... I also decided that I wanted to list some items at the Thrift store on Base and have those all ready in the van to take in tomorrow as well. Might get a few groceries too, depending on the time. Might need to feed John again.

Anyway, I had better go. Need to get something to drink and go and feed John here in about 20 min. Jacob will be heading to bed soon, he went back to work today and has work tomorrow and Friday. I also need to get out the VVA donation bright and early tomorrow morning, so I will need to hit the sack right after putting John down for the night. Hope you are doing well! God Bless!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Not Quite There Yet...

Sorry it has been so long since I've written! But after I sent my last post a lot has happened!

First of all, May 26th at 6:24pm, John Wesley Lacock was born! He weighed 7 lb. 10 oz and was 19 1/4 in. long. My water had broke at about 3 in the morning, but I didn't realize it till I got up about 6:30. I walked around for a little while to make sure and then woke up Jacob. I called the Midwives and they said that if nothing happened on it's own by 9 that I could come in and discuss options of what to do. We were at the Hospital by 9 and once we got in we decided to induce since nothing was happening. They started the pitocine at 11:20, took them forever to get an IV started because I was so swollen, they poked me 6 times before finally decideing to put the IV in a central vein in my inner arm (where they usually draw blood). Once they got that in things started pretty slow. The midwife wanted to take it easy and Jake and I just sat around for like 4 hours watching TV and movies on his PSP. Things started to role about 3 or so and I was getting so uncomfortable that I decided to go w/ an epidural. After that I pretty much didn't feel anything until it was time for me to push. Even w/ the epidural the contractions were getting painful, so the midwife decided to check and decided I was really to push! Only took 20 min. this time. Unfortunately on the way out John's left clavical was broken, though it seems to be healing nicely now!

With the epidural I had I couldn't use my legs, took until the next morning for me to be able to stand w/out my right leg giving out. That's a weird experience! We planned to head home after John's last Biliruben test the next evening, but when they checked they found that his levels were a bit high so we ended up staying until Sunday night. John spent 18 hours under the blue lights to get his levels down and I spent every 2-3 hours feeding him to help him get things flushed from his system! Anyway, it all worked and we came home Sunday night, were in by 10. Got the first semi-peaceful nights rest in three nights! Was nice to be back in my own bed!

Monday we all seemed to get a slow start to the day. I was really hurting because I hadn't been able to get my pain meds filled and still didn't get them filled till about 3 in the afternoon. We had to take John in for one last Biliruben test Monday to make sure his levels were okay, which they were, so we came home.

This recovery for me is taking quite a lot longer than I remember w/ the other two. I remember being up and around and other than a little soreness w/ Anna, none w/ David pretty much bouncing right back into the swing of things. But this time around things are different and I'm not exactly sure why!? My back has been killing me since the epi. wore off! Not at the sight, but my upper and lower back radiating down into my hips. The pain meds don't seem to cut it every time, though Thursday after a horrible, horrible morning I seemed to perk up and felt 100%. Cleaned the upstairs bathroom, downstairs movie room, did a load of wash, and even organized the master bedroom a bit. Hopefully this is all temporary, which is what the anasthesiologist said when I talked to her about how much I was hurting. If things don't get better by next Friday I think I'm going to take the 2 week check-up for me to get this whole thing for me evaluated...

Jake went to work Tuesday to take his PT test. He was so excited, he did 50 push-ups, 67 sit-ups and ran the mile and a half in a little over 10 min. We all basically just hung around the house that day, though I made John's appointments for his 2 day Well Baby, and for his Echo-cardiograhm.

Jacob took from Wednesday-Tuesday the 6th off. So Wednesday, Jacob, David, and I took John to his Well Baby check-up. Everything looked great and we got a referral to go to John's Echo the next day. I think Sara and I went and got groceries that afternoon.

Jacob has been going to get Anna from school this last week. He takes her bicycle and has her ride it back home. I'm not sure how she likes it, Anna hasn't really made any comments about it.

Thursday I put Anna's sack lunch together for her Field Trip to the Zoo w/ her Kindergarten class. It was a really big lunch! I had picked up some treats for her to take in her lunch, watermelon, baby carrots w/ ranch, and some cookies. Jacob made her a bologna and cheese sandwhich w/ miricle whip. However, Anna doesn't like mw and only took like two bites of her sandwich. Almost everything else was gone. Aparently she had a good time, but we weren't sure that she was going to get picked up from school on time. The bus was suppose to get back around 2 and Sara was going to pick her up. However, the Boys and I had to go to John's Echo. We left at Noon and didn't get back till 4. Sara was having a crisis w/ Jade who had apparently caught something and was throwing up all over the place. Once things settled down a little and they both got cleaned up she was able to go and pick up Anna. Anyway, John's Echo-cardiograhm found that he no longer has the hole in his heart! He is a healthy baby boy! So we don't have to go in for any follow-ups or anything! Just regular baby check-ups!

Friday, yesterday, we didn't do much...though I found out that my friend Jeannie had her baby at about Noon on Thursday (she wasn't due till the 4th). She had a little boy, Marcus Anthony, via c-section because apparently in the last week or so he turned and was breech. She seemed to be recovering pretty well, or at least sounded so over the had been 24 hrs since the baby was born. She said that they might be able to come home on Sunday morning. All depending on recovery I guess. I also got an e-mail from my friend Christel whom I had been wondering about! She was also exspecting, due May 30th, but she wrote and said she had had a little girl, Emily Madison, on May 15th and were still trying to get into the swing of things w/ a new baby, this is her first, and Jeannie's first as well! Other than the news from my friends nothing much else went on...

Friends have brought us meals the last couple nights, which has been wonderful! This is such a blessing, espeically when you haven't quite gotten your feet back under you yet! And Jake has been in food heaven because the last two meals were two of his favorites, lasagna and chicken pot pie! I definitely haven't had the energy by the evening to really think of even eating, but it works out great cause everyone else needs to eat!

Anyway, today is Saturday and again I don't believe we have any plans...Jake stayed up late last night, 3:30 am, and finally came to bed. Unfortunately the kids have been super noisy this morning and woke him up...I apologized, but found out that the kids actually weren't the ones who woke him up, it was the neighbors using power tools next door! Though that was funny because the kids were much louder than the power tools! Guess he's just really good at tuning out the kids when he wants some sleep!

Well, I better go. I probably need to feed John here soon and Jacob and I need to talk about what we want to do the next couple days while he still has time off! Hope you are all doing well and I'll try and respond to your e-mails here in the next day or two if I haven't already!

God Bless!!! :O)