Thursday, May 25, 2006

Olive Garden and Home...

The Olive Garden was good (food, waiter, atmosphere) though after being there for about an hour I was really getting uncomfortable w/ lots of pressure. I had to roll my chair back and lounge back a bit, but I didn't feel better till we got back in the van and I could lounge even more and I'm even better now that I am home and can put my feet up as well...

As we drove back home we noticed the storm moving in... It wasn't quite here yet and we really needed to mow the front lawn, so Jake filled 'er up w/ gas and took care of that while I used the weed wacker and went around the edges. Looks so much nicer now!!! And now it's going to rain and water our nicely mowed lawn!!! It smells really nice too! I like the smell of rain!

Anna was going to jump on the tramopline before it rained, but her tummy hurt cause she ate so much. Filled up on paste, bread sticks, and salad. Though she is feeling better now and just had a slice of the cake that I made earlier...

I was quite upset after finishing the cake, Anna and I went in the bedroom to look over the activities that the Church is putting on for the kids this summer and Anna decided to go and check and see what David was doing. She starts yelling cause David is aparently into her cake...I rush in there and indeed he has pulled a couple chunks out of the side of the cake and has frosting in his hair. I was no happy! He was sent to his room to await his Dad's arrival from PT not to far in the future...

Now that we have all had our cake (except for David who doesn't get any today) I'm not sure what we are going to do. I think the kids and Jake are cleaning up the play dough mess that the kids made before we do anything. Might watch a show or play a game...we haven't really discussed it.

The storm is almost upon us...lightening and thunder. No rain yet...

Hope you have a good evening! Will write more soon!

39 wk OB visit and More


My OB visit wasn't as promising as I had hoped though I had the lady do something to hopefully help spur things on, but so far it doesn't feel like it has helped.

Jake wasn't sure about work today and turns out he isn't going, but still needs to head in for a PT taping. Which I thought was a video taping, but he actually just meant for measurements, silly me... :O) He should be taking off here pretty soon to get taped and then head back home so we can all take off for an early dinner at Olive Garden. That's where Anna decided she wanted to eat. And I got Anna's cake baked, just need to flip it over and frost it. It's actually turned out to be a strawberry (bunt) cake and we'll be putting white frosting w/ sprinkles mixed in to top! Anna was okay w/ it. They didn't have the strawberry frosting at the smaller Walmart so I had to get something different. Anna thinks the sprinkles are cool!

Sara and I watched the Season Finale of 'Lost'. These show really tick you off sometimes, they leave you w/ so many questions that you aren't going to get answered till probably Sept. I mean what's up w/ that. I mean if you like the show you're going to tune in next Season, so why do they have to leave you hanging all summer, that's just mean!

Jake just took off for the PT thing...if he gets in really quick he should get back home by 3:30 and we can probably make it to Olive Garden by 4ish.

No plans for this evening. Not sure what Anna is going to want to do. We don't have any shows taped or new movies rented. We might sit down and watch some more Rune Soldier. We started the Series the other night, but didn't watch more than two episodes.

Tomorrow X-Men III comes out! I am really looking forward to seeing it! I'm not sure if we are going to take Anna or not, but if we do we'll have to find a sitter for David and Jade because they probably won't sit through it...Not sure who to ask though...especially because Jade doesn't really know any of my friends well enough...Not sure how she would do...We'll see. Might just split up and watch them two to two. Not sure who would go w/ who though.

This weekend is looking pretty boring for us. We have no plans what-so-ever, so that will be four days of nada going on! I'm actually not looking forward to it, that is unless the baby comes and then we'll definitely have something to do!!! Anyway, I'm sure we'll come up w/ something...will let you know what we decide on!

That's all for now...hope you have a wonderful day! God Bless~

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Awana Awards Night


I can hardly believe that tonight is the last night of Awanas! This is the Awards night for the kids and Jake, Anna, and I will be attending for Anna to receive her Book Award (she completed her Skipper book). Hopefully it won't last too long, but I believe that they alotted the time to go about the length of a normal Awana night, so about 6-8.

This morning Jake left a little later for work since he has to attend a meeting that will make him be at work till probably 4:30 or later. He took Anna to school on his way to work and I need to go and pick her up in about 1 hr. Boy time is flying this morning!

Got the dishes going this morning and ate a bowl of cereal as a snack. Sara and Jade got up and ate breakfast, now we are sitting around discussing the events for tonight and tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Anna's 6th Birthday. She has school and I'm not sure if Jacob will be taking the full day off or not. He keeps changing his mind. Aparently they have started taping the people before PT for some reason and he said he needs to be there, but if he was taking the day off anyway he doesn't have to attend any work related functions! Back to Anna's Birthday...I plan to make a strawberry cake w/ strawberry frosting, but I forgot to pick up the stuff again when I went to Walmart yesterday...need to go and do that some time today!!!

I found some gifts for the girls at Awanas. I just need to wrap them now! I think these actually work better then all the other ideas that I went through...Hope they like them...

Should probably go...will write more soon!

Reason For Starting This Blog...


Due to the Potentially Harsh wording of this posting by wanting to let you know the exact reasons behind what I do and how I really feel... There is High Risk of your feelings being bruised or injured... Read At Your Own Risk...!!!

Lately I have been dealing with a lot of personal issues that I don't wish to discuss and my latest e-mails asking people not to ask me questions was an attempt to give myself a break from having to relay just how bad I feel every time I'm asked... "How are you, how are you feeling?". Having to answer this question stirs up emotions that I don't wish to feel all the time and unless I am not asked the question or just ignore the person (which is rude), I won't be released from the un-ending circle of emotional chaos on my part!!! I understand that people care and want to know how I am, and if I wish to tell you I will in my own time! I'm tired of being judged and or feeling like I'm being judged! This is a hard pregnancy for me and I'm not feeling like myself and I wish people could just understand that and just pray for any concerns they may have about Baby or me w/out constantly asking me, causing me to think on things that I'm trying to block from constant thought for my emotional sanity!!! I don't care if being emotional is fine with some people, but for me I don't wish to cry constantly and be an emotional wreck all day, it's hard enough to get things done each day without being a well spring of un-ending emotion! This is how I feel and it is my right to have these feelings because I am me and you aren't me! So don't judge me or think that being an emotional wreck is okay, because it may be for you, but it isn't for me!!! I need to have some control over my life and if emotions are the only area that I think I can get that control right now then so be if I ignore your "How are you?". You already know the answer "Not good!" Again,
this is how I feel and it is my right to have these feelings because I am me and YOU AREN'T ME!!!

I have also started this Blog because I am tired of people telling me that my e-mails are impersonal and inappropriate! I am not going to apologize for the way my e-mails are, I am just going to put all of that information for access into this Blog and if you wish to read about what I/we are up to you can log on here and read as much or little as you want! I like to write!!! I LOVE to write!!! I like to let everyone know what I am doing, every little detail... It makes me feel like I'm including you in my life! And if you know every little thing that is going on then you know me and my family! I shouldn't have to apologize for wanting you to be apart of my life, or sending the detailed group e-mails that I send. I send the group e-mails because if I wrote each and every person on my list (15+) individually to let you know all that I am doing, that is all that I would do all day long! Yes, I have time to get on and check my e-mail many times a day...I find the time to let you know what I am up to and how I am feeling because that is important to me! As for the impersonality of my e-mails, like I said I don't have the time to write everyone individually the e-mails that I send out. It's not that I don't send out personal e-mail, it's just that I have no idea what to ask you about because I rarely get e-mails about what you are up to, so with out asking the same questions over and over again (being rude in the process) those would be very boring, monontonous e-mails! Like I said, I don't ask you questions usually because you don't write me.
I rarely let an e-mail sent to me go unanswered/responded to! I respond to what you have said and ask more questions! This is how correspondance should be! I tell you something, you comment and ask more questions adding personal details about your life! I respond back to your e-mail making comments, asking/answering questions, and including more details about my life and so on and so forth! If you write me, I will write you back! If you ask me questions or make comments/ suggestions, I will respond back! I will write you, but you have to write me to make the whole correspondance thing work! I KNOW this doesn't apply to everyone, because some of you do write, but this whole e-mail thing is important to me, it's 1 of only 2 hobbies for me and all the criticism I've been getting lately prompted the "No E-mail, e-mail." So I'm sick of it!!! E-mail is important to me and I will continue to write..., but my e-mails will probably be fewer due to this new Blog! However, the frequency of e-mails depends too, on you and how often I get e-mails from you!!!

And too, I would like to add that e-mail isn't the only writing I do. I send cards to many of you and get few responses back to those as the whole 'communication is key' standard to live by, seems to not be as high a priority for some people. How are relationships suppose to survive if you don't communicate with one another?! I care about all of you, that's why I e-mail, that's why I send cards!!! I CARE ABOUT YOU!!! I want to know how you are and what you are doing! I want to be involved in your life, even if all I do is read about it! I know we are all busy, that sometimes events that happen through out the day take up all our precious time, but it is my priority to let you know all about me and my family! Plus I find writing out my days events quite relaxing!

I know this posting may be harsh, but if you don't know the reasons behind what I do, or the way I feel about all the crap I've been getting for what I do...then you don't know me at all!

I do hope that you continue to read my posting here so that I can include you in my life, but now you have the option to read or not without being bumbarded by all my daily's your choice...